C/O Markus Winkler, Unsplash

How social media has tampered with our perceptions of love and relationships

By: Ana Mamula, Contributor

Rom-coms are my favorite, especially The Notebook. I couldn’t even fathom a man writing me a letter every single day until we meet again, a man who would wait his whole life for me. Today, love is if he likes your Instagram picture, slides into your DMs and is your number one friend on Snapchat.

It’s matching on Tinder with strangers hoping for that Notebook kind of love. However, in actuality, love this way is superficial and impossible.. Love is non-existent today. Love is transactional; it's a like, a comment or a FaceTime. It’s getting jealous over your significant other liking another person’s picture, it’s cheating coming in so many different forms and becoming so accessible

I hate it.

Love has turned into lust. Today, we are just focused on physical attraction rather than having a genuine relationship. Hookup culture is the norm and seeing someone just for their appearance is the norm due to social media. As a result of the media uprise, men and women have lost the acceptance of themselves today and feel they must live up to society’s expectations. 

And maybe that's why I love rom-coms so much, and why girls love rom-coms so much. Rom-coms liberate us from regular concerns and dump us straight into that beautiful space, a fantasy featuring no real responsibility or risk. 

Rom-coms liberate us from regular concerns and dump us straight into that beautiful space, a fantasy featuring no real responsibility or risk. 


Then we have social media that dumps us into a space full of anxiety, jealousy, low self-esteem and so much more. It is so rare to actually meet someone out and about and just click and then start dating. Nowadays, a swipe right is all it takes. Individuals do not even look for relationships anymore. It starts and ends with a hookup and if it escalates into a relationship, well you’re in luck!

Social media has created such a toxic space for relationships that bring out the worst in us. Jealousy and self-esteem issues are on the rise and the accessibility to cheat is so much more pronounced. With Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, webcams and other such social media platforms, partners can carry on affairs from the comfort of their couch, illuminated by the light of their computer or smartphone screen.

Social media is meant to highlight the best parts of one’s life, including the positive aspects of their relationships. This restrictive positivity does not allow for a person’s negative aspects to be brought to the light until we get to know someone. We never truly know how someone is or what someone’s relationship is like until we see it in person.

We never truly know how someone is or what someone’s relationship is like until we see it in person.


All of these false representations of love, from rom-coms to modern dating on social media, make it difficult to understand what a relationship should look like due to our clouded judgments. The media has shown us such an unrealistic standard of love that we do not even know what to believe anymore — and that is scary to me. 

What even is love anymore?

Yoohyun Park/Production Coordinator

The social awkwardness many have gained over the pandemic is affecting our conversations in person

By: Ardena Bašić, Contributor

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in more ways than we could have ever imagined, one of the most potent impacts have been on our social lives. While the most obvious changes have been with regards to the way we interact with those around us regularly, either by a physical or virtual distance, our more casual, everyday interactions have also been significantly affected. 

Before the world was forced to respond to a global health crisis, it was seemingly easy to start general, unprompted conversation. Walking through a library, hallway or even classroom meant endless opportunities for communication. However, as we changed to a virtual platform of school and work operations, this was almost impossible. One would have to deliberately present themselves online in a way that would advance the proposition of small talk. In other words, turning on one’s camera and microphone on zoom, despite how uninviting it may be for some. Being deprived of such interactions for a prolonged period means that we do so now with less confidence and find it increasingly unnatural

This notion likely sounds all too familiar to students who are slowly acclimating to being on campus again. Seeing classmates and friends around campus and town was exciting at first, but the social engagement was ultimately quite draining considering the lack of such meetings for the past year and a half. Furthermore, initiating casual interactions with strangers around campus is much less enticing. As appealing as it may sound to say “hi” or find solidarity in the endless amount of schoolwork university seems to entail, it is daunting after a long period without such practice. 

As appealing as it may sound to say “hi” or find solidarity in the endless amount of schoolwork university seems to entail, it is daunting after a long period without such practice. 

Ardena Bašić, Contributor

The other negative implication of this lies in the idea of mentorship. Having an upper year student, regardless of whether they are in your program or not, is invaluable in terms of guidance and advice. Knowing what a professor may prefer for assignments, what study methods to use for a particular class or what lectures to never miss is especially helpful for first- and second-year students, many of whom are still adjusting to the expectations of university. Through our newfound discomfort in casual interactions, we are missing out on the opportunity to build these relationships while out on campus. Whilst virtual mentorship programs are providing one solution, the solidarity that arises from meeting someone in public who you can relate to is unobtainable through online platforms. 

Whilst virtual mentorship programs are providing one solution, the solidarity that arises from meeting someone in public who you can relate to is unobtainable through online platforms.

Ardena Bašić, Contributor

Lastly, after being at home for so long, many of us are excited about the opportunity to make new friends on campus. Yet, given our trepidation to approach new faces, this is made even more difficult. As a result, we are still relying on social media and virtual platforms to interact with one another, increasingly diminishing our tangible sense of friendship. As eager as we are to return to a semblance of normality, the habits and routines we have developed over the past year must be conquered — or at the very least revised — first.

 COVID-19 has given us yet another obstacle that we must overcome in order to live regular lives once again. There is so much benefit in being able to spontaneously interact with those around us. A slow, gradual approach to such encounters will likely be most comfortable for some, but don’t forget that we are all experiencing this same effect to some extent. As a society, we can find solidarity in the fact that we are going through this ordeal now, just like we will find solidarity in experiencing a re-introduction to a more social society together in the future.

C/O Visual Stories on Unsplash

A&C editor shares a recipe for red pepper, cherry tomato and mushroom gnocchi

When I moved back to Hamilton earlier this year, I was really looking forward to cooking for myself again. This gnocchi recipe is one of my favourite things to make, because it’s full of vegetables, comes together quickly and also often makes more than enough leftovers for a busy week. It’s also the perfect recipe for students who have come back from reading week and are now busy with assignment deadlines and midterms to study for. 

Like store-bought gnocchi, the recipe is also versatile and it’s easy to make adjustments depending on what other ingredients you have on hand or how much time you have. For example, if I’m in a rush or when they’re not in season, I substitute some tomato sauce for cherry tomatoes, adding it after the red pepper and gnocchi. Or if you want to add some leafy greens, you can omit the cherry tomatoes and add some chopped baby spinach after the mushrooms.

As it is, provided you can find vegan gnocchi, the recipe is also vegan, though if you like you’re welcome to add cheese or some chicken to it as well to suit your tastes. My sister loves this recipe and she’ll often add heaps of Parmesan to her servings, though, to be fair, she does that with just about every food she can. Feel free to make as many substitutions as you wish and to make the recipe aligned with your tastes. 

The Chef: Arts & Culture Editor, Nisha Gill


Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes

Yield: 3 - 4 servings


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Chop a large red onion, mushrooms and a red pepper. Set aside, each in a separate bowl.
  3. Put cherry tomatoes in a baking dish or on a pan, drizzle with one to two Tbsp olive oil, sprinkle three to four cloves of garlic and salt and pepper. Mix and spread evenly across the pan.
  4. Roast cherry tomatoes in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, checking periodically because they might sizzle a bit.
  5. Meanwhile, cook store-bought gnocchi according to package directions.
  6. Then, heat one Tbsp of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. When hot add red onion and cook for about four to five minutes. Add mushrooms, cooking for another two to three or until they've browned a bit. Add red pepper, tomatoes and gnocchi and cook for another four to six minutes. 
  7. Serve warm and enjoy!

It’s important to take breaks from studying and engage in activities you enjoy and find fulfilling. For seasoned chefs as well as those looking to improve their culinary skills, this quick recipe is the perfect way to get busy in the kitchen in between studying and enjoy a great meal! 

Please comment down below with your twists on the recipe or let us know what recipes you would like us to see featured next in our next issue of In the Kitchen with Arts & Culture.

C/O @unshelteredthezine

“UNSHELTERED”: the zine shares the experiences of unhoused women and gender diverse folks

Homelessness across Canada became more widespread and visible during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, visible homelessness mostly describes homeless men. For unhoused women and gender-diverse folks, homelessness remains a largely hidden issue. With a lack of safe, adequate and appropriate shelters dedicated to these folks, they are more likely to avoid shelters, couch surf and remain in unsafe and/or abusive situations to access shelter. 

Witnessing this unfortunate reality has inspired Samm Floren, a student in McMaster University’s post-degree bachelor of social work program, to bring to the limelight the experiences of homeless women and gender-diverse folks through the launch of her community project, “UNSHELTERED”: the zine. UNSHELTERED is a community art project aimed to sharing the stories of chronically unhoused women and gender-diverse folks who don’t access the shelter system in Hamilton for reasons including, but not limited to, restrictive service and shelter rules, being labelled as Do Not Admit or fear of discharge due to their mental health crisis, substance use or possession of harm reduction gear. 

The zine’s goals are to instill creativity, provide a safe space for unhoused folks to voice experiences and raise public and institutional awareness of what it is like to live outside of the Hamilton shelter system. The first issue of the zine can be accessed through a Google Drive link and a physical printed copy can be found at Centre[3], Girl on the Wing, Handknit Yarn Studio and Partizanka Press, or requested via UNSHELTERED’s Instagram page on a pay-as-you-can basis.

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To gather contributors, Floren, along with two other social work students, Stephanie Milliken and Alannah Maye, would reach out to those sleeping on the streets or living in encampments who were accessing drop-in spaces and programs at the YMCA and Mission Services in Hamilton. Mission Services has been especially helpful in providing her with contacts to folks with a history of being denied or unable to access shelters.

Those who agreed to contribute their artwork to the zine were provided a consent form and asked to express their experiences of being unhoused in Hamilton. After finishing their pieces, they were interviewed to describe what their pieces are about and to share their story. Their descriptions and experiences were included in the zine along with their artwork. All participating folks were remunerated with an honorarium consisting of a $30 gift card to Dollarama or Tim Hortons, art supplies and harm reduction kits. 

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The idea for the zine came about while Floren was working as a frontline shelter worker at a low-barrier program during January and February of this year. Seeing folks who were constantly being denied access to adequate housing, reading about homeless encampments, working the shelter system and not seeing any changes made to better support unhoused women and gender diverse folks motivated her to create a platform through which they could tell their stories to the larger community.

“[Folks] would become so frustrated and a lot of the time what they would say is, ‘I’m going to die out here on the streets.’ So that’s where the inspiration came from. But I think it’s important to note that folks have been telling their stories this entire time and UNSHELTERED is just a tool to do that,” explained Floren.

“[Folks] would become so frustrated and a lot of the time what they would say is, ‘I’m going to die out here on the streets.’ So that’s where the inspiration came from. But I think it’s important to note that folks have been telling their stories this entire time and UNSHELTERED is just a tool to do that."

Samm Floren, founder of UNSHELTERED

UNSHELTERED was also inspired by Floren’s love for art and her belief in the capacity of art to act as an outlet for self-expression. She had run an arts session a few years ago as part of the Transitional Living Program at the YMCA for unhoused folks and seeing first-hand the fulfillment art could bring to them was one of her favourite moments in the program. 

“Just being there, being with folks and doing art, was just fun and I’ve carried that with me. The joy that people get from being able to just create is huge and I think that’s where a lot of [folk’s engagement with art] came from. We don’t have a lot of art supplies, it’s not something that people think of, but it’s something people love and cherish and use,” said Floren.

“Just being there, being with folks and doing art, was just fun and I’ve carried that with me. The joy that people get from being able to just create is huge and I think that’s where a lot of [folk’s engagement with art] came from. We don’t have a lot of art supplies, it’s not something that people think of, but it’s something people love and cherish and use.”

Samm Floren, founder of UNSHELTERED

The first issue of the zine included works from over 20 contributors, but it would not have been possible without strong community support. UNSHELTERED received monetary and supply donations from the community and organizations and lots of help from volunteers and partnerships. McMaster faculty and teaching assistants who were involved include Laurie Sherry-Kirk, Mary Vaccaro, Jennie Vengris and Jennifer Crowson. It was featured on the McMaster Social Work website and professors have been reacting positively to the zine by helping to spread the word and donating gift cards for honoraria. 

Supporting organizations of the zine include Keeping Six, Mission Services, YMCA Transitional Living Program and Carole Anne’s Place and CUPE3906. Keeping Six in particular has been a major supporter of the initiative through inviting UNSHELTERED to the Unity Jam concert, which occurred in September. There, Floren was able to promote the zine and host harm reduction information sessions and naloxone training. 

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So far, Floren’s favourite responses have been from folks who contributed their artworks to the zine. She says it was exciting to see them receive a physical copy of the issue and react with so much positivity.

“I’m still tracking down a few people to give a hard copy of the zine and they were really excited — that was the biggest impact and that’s the goal. We want people to be excited and see other folks read it. So the feedback’s been pretty positive,” said Floren. 

Floren wishes for UNSHELTERED to become a long-term initiative while staying true to sharing the stories and artwork of folks who are living outside the Hamilton shelter system. Additionally, she hopes she can organize more art drop-in sessions.

“The goal of UNSHELTERED is the artists and the people who are sharing their story. It’s amazing that it has support, but that’s where the focus needs to stay. What’s important is that UNSHELTERED is just a tool. It’s another way to get things out there and what people need to realize when they read it is that these stories have been there this entire time. Hopefully now they’ll be more willing to open their ears to it and listen if they weren’t before and make an effort to continue to do that,” said Floren.

Here’s hoping that UNSHELTERED is able to not only support those living outside the Hamilton shelter system, but also effect larger, more permanent change in the city and in relation to people’s perceptions of unhoused individuals.

C/O Stepan Unar, Unsplash

Man arrested following an attack on Caleb’s Walk

CW: assault 

Hamilton is home to a number of hiking trails and waterfalls, providing community members with the opportunity to head outdoors and enjoy nature views. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, outdoor activities have also garnered rising popularity as people search for activities and recreation to entertain themselves with. 

However, heavily wooded areas in Hamilton have also been susceptible to dangerous activity in the last several years. Given the popularity of hiking among the student body, students at McMaster University should remain aware of the potential dangers associated with visiting trails. 

Most recently on Sept. 30, 2021, an individual was assaulted while walking alone on Caleb’s Walk trail. Caleb’s Walk is one of the many trails of the Cootes Paradise sanctuary and is located next to the Westdale neighbourhood, off of Dalewood Crescent and Oak Knoll Drive. 

Hamilton Police Service released a request for assistance in identifying the assault suspect the next day, detailing suspect descriptions and asking residents to review their video surveillance footage. 

On Oct. 5, 28-year-old Tony Robert Gordon was arrested for the assault. Gordon is facing charges of assault causing bodily harm, four counts of failing to comply with probation and drug possession. 

According to HPS, the assault was a random attack of violence. 

Gordon is facing charges of assault causing bodily harm, four counts of failing to comply with probation and drug possession. According to HPS, the assault was a random attack of violence.

Unfortunately, this assault was not the only one that has taken place in Hamilton trails. In April of 2019, a woman was struck with an object and sexually assaulted on another Hamilton trail, Bruce Trail. 

Bruce Trail is Canada’s oldest and longest trail, running 900 km from Niagara to Tobermory, passing Hamilton in-between. 

The victim was assaulted while walking from the Dundurn stairs down the Bruce Trail when she stopped after hearing someone call out to her. 

The HPS did not release any further updates to this investigation nor was an arrest announced. 

Also on Bruce Trail, an arrest was made in 2017 after an individual walking alone was approached by a man with a knife and forced into a quiet area. 

The suspect was arrested in this case and HPS charged 28-year-old Shane Stevens with sexual assault with a weapon and two times of breach of probation. 

With the Cootes Paradise area in close proximity to McMaster University, hiking on trails has been a popular outdoor activity for many students. However, the danger associated with walking alone on Hamilton trails has not been foreign to students. 

A number of recreational trails are also available within the McMaster Forest. McMaster has noted that such trails, however, are mainly unmaintained. 

Random assaults, such as the ones mentioned above, are unfortunate occurrences that most do not expect when visiting trails. It is important that students remain vigilant as they visit trails and take the necessary precautions to keep themselves safe.

C/O David Menidrey, Unsplash

As fall holidays approach, the Ontario government releases guidelines for Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day and Halloween events

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, last year’s Halloween looked very different than a regular year’s, as was the case for other fall holidays such as Thanksgiving. 

In 2020, traditional door-to-door trick or treating was not recommended for York, Peel, Toronto and Ottawa public health regions. Although some other regions were allowed to celebrate Halloween trick or treating, the Ontario government asked that extra precautions be taken. 

This #Halloween, traditional door-to-door trick or treating is not recommended for @YorkRegionGovt, @cityoftoronto, @regionofpeel & @ottawacity #PublicHealth regions due to high transmission of #COVID19. Stay safe & follow public health advice. https://t.co/eXAwIUuTz6 pic.twitter.com/rzXCHffTBc

— Ontario Ministry of Health (@ONThealth) October 19, 2020

This year, due to vaccinations and lower case counts, individuals of all age groups should find themselves able to celebrate Halloween this year. These precautions are important for McMaster University students to consider, whether they go trick or treating alone or with friends and family. 

For children in Ontario, this means that trick or treating will be able to go ahead, but with some precautions

These precautions include remaining outdoors as much as possible, wearing masks, avoiding crowds, maintaining physical distancing when possible, interacting with others for only brief periods of time and using hand sanitizer.

“Be creative; fashion a face covering into your costume design, but remember a costume mask is no substitute for a proper face covering,” said Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, in his address to the province. 

“Be creative; fashion a face covering into your costume design, but remember a costume mask is no substitute for a proper face covering.”

Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer

Disinfecting pre-packaged candies is not among the precautions necessary for those going trick or treating this year.

Along with Halloween-related guidelines, the province also released similar sets of guidelines for Thanksgiving and Remembrance day. These guidelines emphasize minimizing the number of people attending events, using outdoor spaces and sanitizing regularly.

Hosting #Thanksgiving dinner at your house this year?

Remember that knowing someone does not reduce the risk of transmitting #COVID19. Keep following good #PublicHealth practices: https://t.co/391DaQMi5I
#CelebrateSafely pic.twitter.com/3w2GkrpJN1

— Ontario Ministry of Health (@ONThealth) October 9, 2021

People should also adhere to the current provincial gathering limits set at 100 people outdoors and 25 people indoors. 

If a gathering includes vaccinated and unvaccinated people, Moore advises that masks stay on even indoors. This is especially important for older people and those with chronic medical conditions. 

For all three holidays, the province emphasized the importance of staying home and engaging in a virtual celebration for individuals showing any symptoms of COVID-19.

Moore noted that this applies to all individuals, regardless of the severity of symptoms. 

“If you are sick, even with mild symptoms, you should not be participating in social events like Halloween,” said Moore. 

“If you are sick, even with mild symptoms, you should not be participating in social events like Halloween."

Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer

As well, the province emphasized that, especially for those individuals who are unvaccinated or at an elevated risk for COVID-19, the safest way to gather continues to be on virtual platforms. 

“We know from experience [that] it is exactly these kinds of events that can lead to spikes in transmission. But, provided we do our best to follow the guidelines in place, we can enjoy some well-deserved time with friends and family while also keeping our community transmission low,” explained Moore. 

“We know from experience [that] it is exactly these kinds of events that can lead to spikes in transmission. But, provided we do our best to follow the guidelines in place, we can enjoy some well-deserved time with friends and family while also keeping our community transmission low.”

Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer

As of Oct. 8, the Ontario government has now administered 22 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Those who are not vaccinated can book their vaccination on the Ontario website at: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/covid-19-vaccines-ontario

It is important for McMaster students to consider all necessary precautions as they plan their fall festivities. By remaining aware of government recommendations and regulations, students can ensure that they are protecting themselves and those around them.

C/O Austin Distel, Unsplash

McMaster’s new podcast, Bounce, releases its first episode to share community stories of overcoming struggles

Post-secondary education is often accompanied by many stressors and the ongoing pandemic has only added to the struggles that university students face. 

As a new mental health initiative, Bounce is a McMaster-based podcast that was announced at the beginning of September. The podcast aims to help students combat their stress by making them feel less alone. 

According to Catherine Munn, the project lead, the idea for Bounce originated from a similar project at the University of Victoria wherein faculty and alumni feature in videos about overcoming difficult experiences that they have had.

After hearing about this project from McMaster professor David Clarke, Munn reached out to Rebecca Gagan, the professor who developed Bounce at the University of Victoria. With Gagan’s permission, Munn developed McMaster’s version of Bounce; the name Bounce signifies the importance of bouncing back from difficult situations. 

The name Bounce signifies the importance of bouncing back from difficult situations

While Bounce at McMaster was originally intended to exist in a video format, COVID-19 challenges led to its creation as a podcast instead. Munn remarked that, although Bounce was originally intended to be a series of videos, the podcast format has unique advantages. 

“[There are] lots of great things about the podcast, just having a longer period of time to talk to people and, in a way, a more intimate, more personal kind of chance to connect,” said Munn. 

“[There are] lots of great things about the podcast, just having a longer period of time to talk to people and, in a way, a more intimate, more personal kind of chance to connect.”

Catherine Munn, Bounce Podcast Project Lead

Munn emphasized the importance of sharing stories to create community and help people through their individual struggles. 

“[Sharing stories] can offer hope to people that are in a bad place and also connect us to one another as a community of people that sometimes can seem pretty far apart,” explained Munn. 

Munn noted that students can often feel disconnected from faculty and even from each other; however, she hopes that with Bounce, students can feel a greater connection to others in the McMaster community. 

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“Our committee believes that we can help people to become more resilient by sharing stories. [W]hen we share our experiences and our stories with one another, we actually help give each other ideas about how [to] get through [difficult situations]. It helps [people] understand that [they] may not be alone in struggling with what [they are] struggling with,” explained Munn. “I think we're hoping that this helps people feel a little less alone.”

“I think we're hoping that this helps people feel a little less alone.”

Catherine Munn, Bounce Podcast Project Lead

On Oct. 1, Bounce released its first episode with Zeinab Khawaja as the special guest. Khawaja is a McMaster alum from the class of 2017 and currently a health promoter at the Student Wellness Centre. In this episode, Khawaja talks about her previous experiences as an undergraduate student and how she navigated that along with being a wife in an arranged marriage. 

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Students can listen to Bounce on the McMaster Okanagan website or on any major podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple and Google. 

C/O Travis Nguyen

A closer look at the elected first-year representatives for the MES and their hopes for the future

By: Kirsten Espe, Contributor

On Sept. 27, 2021, the results for the 2021-2022 McMaster Engineering Society elections were announced. After a year and a half of online learning, all candidates, especially the first-year representatives, were excited and optimistic about an in-person university experience.

Following a week-long campaign, six first-year Engineering students were elected by their peers to represent the biotechnology, computer science, engineering 1 and integrated biomedical engineering and health sciences programs.

Halima Banuso, one of the three level one engineering representatives, spoke about her early interest in becoming involved at McMaster. 

“[The] MES were basically the ones who ran the Red Suits for Welcome Week . . . I just really loved all the activities and the Red Suits are super cool. I remember me and my friend asked ‘Oh, how do you become a Red Suit because I wanna do that [in my] second year too’,” said Banuso. 

Aside from the excitement of returning to a somewhat in-person experience, Banuso was also enthusiastic to get back to doing something that she loved.

“I was that person who just really liked going to every event and planning every event and I was on my high school student council . . . Obviously school’s important, but that’s not necessarily what you’re going to remember and in a few years you’re going to remember the memories, the friends you made, the cool events you got to go to, so I really like being a part of that stuff,” said Banuso.

The first-year integrated biomedical engineering and health sciences representative, Dhanya Koshti, said that one of his main motivators in applying to the position was his desire for community. 

“Everyone knows what they’re doing but they are way more for working towards collaboration over competition,” said Koshti. 

Koshti made an astute connection between the distinctiveness of his program and the McMaster “Fireball Family” by comparing the bridge of engineering and health sciences. 

“We’re sort of that hybrid in-between . . . We have this really unique relationship dynamic with each other and I really wanted to build on that connection,” explained Koshti.

Hetanshu Pandya, the first-year computer science representative, also spoke about the importance of his position in relation to the community at McMaster.

“[Students] can share their thoughts, their experiences, their opinions, whether it be negative or positive . . . and you can share it [with] me and I can communicate that with the council,” said Pandya.

“[Students] can share their thoughts, their experiences, their opinions, whether it be negative or positive . . . and you can share it [with] me and I can communicate that with the council.”

Hetanshu Pandya, first-year computer science representative

Pandya said his main goal is to represent first-year computer science students fairly and effectively, with hopes of exceeding both his and his fellow peers’ expectations for the year. 

Due to the partial online environment currently established at McMaster University, candidates found themselves honing their technological skills to campaign, particularly through social media. 

Matthew Arias, the biotechnology first-year representative, commented on his campaign that was done on Instagram. 

“[The] first thing I did was make an Instagram account because everybody’s on Instagram and it’s kind of the easiest way to reach out. I’d make Instagram posts on another website with graphic designing and I posted on there,” explained Arias.

Arias also highlighted that some of his fellow students would repost his posts without him ever asking, further driving home the sense of community the other representatives spoke about. 

All four engineering representatives echoed similar sentiments to their fellow first-year students of the MES prior to the start of their official term. 

“To the same extent that you all supported me, I really want to be there to help you guys. That is what this position, really, is all about,” said Koshti. 

“To the same extent that you all supported me, I really want to be there to help you guys. That is what this position, really, is all about.”


“Whether things are virtual, or in-person, someone’s on-residence, or off-residence, [I hope that] we can all come together and really feel a part of the McMaster engineering community,” said Banuso. 

“Whether things are virtual, or in-person, someone’s on-residence, or off-residence, [I hope that] we can all come together and really feel a part of the McMaster engineering community.”

Halima Banuso, first-year engineering 1 reps

Despite the different circumstances students may be in due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these four representatives look forward to building a strong community for first-year engineering students.

McMaster sports are back, but does the student body care?

Varsity sports have been around for a long time. At McMaster University, sports have been around since 1889, when the university used to be located in Toronto. Mac’s first varsity game was played between a group of alumni from the Toronto Baptist College and Woodstock college, competing in a match of soccer. Over time, the university developed its variety of sports offered and by 1897, McMaster made all athletics and other sport related activities a duty of the central executive committee

McMaster University athletes’ names — Marauders — came from a former student, Bill Cline, who suggested the nickname for the men's basketball team and had his suggestion published by the Silhouette afterward. 

Where do the Marauders stand now, after a whole year of inactivity? How popular are they with the general student population within McMaster? This is a question that can be posed as the new season slowly starts and fans return to the stands. Already, the tickets for the homecoming weekend football game against the Waterloo Warriors are sold out, but this does not necessarily represent the attitudes towards the Marauders and all sports teams of the student body. 

In the days leading up to this publication, a survey was taken around campus and on Reddit to determine what the general student population think of the Marauders and whether they keep up with the games in general. 

The following results were collected on campus, based on 50 answers from students selected at random. 

Do you keep up with any varsity sports?

When asked about this question, it was evident that most of the students seemed uninterested. After 50 people were interviewed regarding this matter, 84% expressed their disinterest, while 16% mentioned that they do occasionally or commonly keep up with the varsity teams at McMaster. 

Evidently, the popularity of varsity sports within the student population is not of great magnitude and the campus poll was not the only one to prove this consensus. 

McMaster Reddit Poll

Although Reddit does not represent the student population as a whole, the McMaster Sub-Reddit is an internet page that has over 25,000 students, alumni and professors. Recently, a poll was conducted to get an even clearer picture of how popular McMaster varsity sports are among the students. 

An identical question was posed to the Sub-Reddit: Do you keep up with McMaster varsity sports?

Although the campus poll did not show a significant popularity in terms of varsity sports, the Reddit poll showed a greater level of disinterest in varsity sports than the previous poll. Out of 277 votes recorded, only five stated that they follow the competitive leagues while a whopping 245 said no. 

These polls clearly show that there is not a large interest in varsity sports among Mac students. After a long break without any university sports, it may have been expected. However, these are also a prompt for change. They signify a lack of students' knowledge about the sporting events going on around them and it would be beneficial for the Marauders to instead believe that Mac students are interested in varsity games and cheering them on.

When speaking to Catherine Zheng, a second-year computer engineering student regarding sports, she mentioned that her love for sports and willingness to follow the varsity scene is largely affected by her school workload and sometimes lack of information. 

“I feel like there are many people out there that would really like to keep up or even spectate varsity sports, but the amount of university workload generally prevents people like me from having the time to do so,” said Zheng. 

When asked about the effect COVID-19 had on her interest in varsity sports, Zheng mentioned that it didn't particularly diminish its appeal to her, but felt like many of her friends completely forgot about the sporting events associated at McMaster. 

“I think that COVID-19 didn't really have an effect on my interest in varsity sports. I have always been a fan of school teams, especially football. Obviously, last year there were no activities to follow but even now I feel like a year of inactivity made many people forget that such things are back to normal now,” explained Zheng. 

She also described how there is sometimes a lack of information about McMaster sports. 

“I do feel like that at times there is not much to know about varsity sports. For example, the McMaster Instagram page barely posts anything regarding these activities, which I think doesn't inform students enough,” said Zheng. 

It is evident that the Marauders are not of major interest among the student population. Although information about varsity games may not be readily available on social media, students have the opportunity to keep up with all the varsity sports through the Marauders website.

C/O Ainsley Thurgood

McMaster’s potentially surprising welcome to the return of in-person learning this winter

By: Bianca Perreault, Contributor

Despite the excitement of a movement back to in-person functions, the return to pre-pandemic life could be a hindrance for many people. We’ve just been through over 15 months of change, with people developing new habits and experiencing a time of instability. At McMaster University, the school is looking forward to a Back-to-Mac plan for the upcoming semester. Through scares, stress and excitement, what should we expect for January 2022? Will it be welcomed? A disaster or a debate? McMaster might have to prepare for a variety of perspectives on the return of in-person learning this winter.

There’s such a diverse set of perspectives and those determine how the movement back to in-person classes will be received. Let’s look at the parents as an example, for whom it is essential that their students get a high-quality education. Many parents believe in-personal learning is highly valuable, the method by which the majority of the post-secondary studies have been delivered before March 2019. 

But what about teachers? Since the pandemic affected our academics, we must always consider the opposite party and their perspectives. It would be a lie to say that I have never heard a teacher saying that they would rather work from home for their safety. Post-secondary education hasn't stopped through this global experience, so people like professors have learned to work with it throughout eLearning and found comfort in this way of teaching. For teachers who may not want the vaccine, made mandatory at McMaster, would either have to work from home or not at all. 

We must also consider the perspective of students who feel that they work better and learn more efficiently in-person. Prior to the pandemic, very few educational institutions were offering online or hybrid options. However, online learning was always there through programs such as Cégep à distance and even online programs through McMaster Continuing Education. Countless people may have assumed that online learning would be straightforward as they would have less effort to do "physically." However, it has proven to be challenging for so many others mentally. Despite considerable rise in student enrolment in entirely online courses over the last two years, given the circumstances of the pandemic, most students have still said they would prefer continuing with in-person classes if they had the option.

Despite considerable rise in student enrolment in entirely online courses over the last two years, given the circumstances of the pandemic, most students have still said they would prefer continuing with in-person classes if they had the option.

As an out-of-province student coming from Quebec, it was less trouble for me to move to Hamilton, take a COVID-19 test and show my proof of vaccination while living in the same country where McMaster is located. However, numerous online students, including one of my roommates, haven’t been able to arrive in time for the start of the school year due to the rules and restrictions for international students. How are these students handling the challenge of being in a completely different country while only wishing to be in Hamilton? Is it naive of us to assume such restrictions won’t hinder the success of international students before the winter semester? 

With all these questions and perspectives in mind, it’s difficult to fully understand the impact that the move to in-person learning may have. 

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