Five things to do on your winter break inspired by holiday movie characters

Samantha McBride
December 10, 2020
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Advice from holiday movie characters on how to spend this winter break

With COVID-19 restrictions heightening around Ontario and beyond, this holiday break will be like no other. Thankfully, some of our favourite holiday movie characters are prepared with tips on how to manage this winter break.

The Grinch: Create a daily routine

To manage the long days spent in his cave, the Grinch follows a daily routine (though he always stays flexible for special events).

4:00 – Wallow in self-pity

4:30 – Stare into the abyss

5:00 – Solve world hunger (tell no one)

5:30 – Jazzercise

6:00 – Dinner with me (can’t cancel that again!)

7:00 – Wrestle with my self-loathing

Creating a daily routine is helpful while staying home and will benefit your physical and mental health. Though parts of the Grinch’s schedule are not ideal, he definitely has the right idea in scheduling time for exercise and eating. Making your own daily routine may help to ease some uncertainty while staying at home this winter.

Buddy the Elf: Find some at-home entertainment

From snowball fights in the park to covering the house in a ridiculously large number of paper snowflakes, Buddy from Elf has some great ideas on how to stay entertained at home this holiday break. Why not try some elf-inspired recipes while you’re at it (spaghetti and maple syrup, anyone?).

Some Buddy-inspired activities include: building a snowman, having a snowball fight, making winter-themed decorations to hang them up in your room, trying a new recipe (or inventing one) and building a gingerbread house. 

Kevin McCallister: Have a movie marathon

Kevin McCallister from Home Alone infamously uses old movies as ammunition in his fight against the burglars trying to break into his home. Why not kick back (with a tall ice cream sundae) and have a classic movie marathon for yourself? You could also invite a few friends to watch with services such as Zoom, Skype and Teleparty.

The Miser Brothers: Call a friend or relative

The title characters of The Year Without a Santa Claus are brothers in conflict who use video chat to reconnect from inside their caves. Though this winter may not be conducive to gathering with friends and family, setting up video chats and phone calls is a great way to connect and catch up with family and friends.

Cindy Lou Who: Support your community

Cindy Lou Who is a young girl who bravely refuses to leave the Grinch out of the Whoville holiday celebrations. It is easy to feel disconnected while isolating at home but as Cindy Lou shows, it can be mutually rewarding to support your community. Whether you check-in on your neighbours or support local small businesses, reaching out to your community is a great way to feel connected and spread positivity.

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