MSU Elections 2018: Kirstin Webb's Platform Overview

Emily ORourke
January 15, 2018
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kirstin Webb is a Level IV Social Work student and currently a Student Representative Assembly member for the faculty of Social Sciences. Her platform focuses on improving life on campus and within the community.

As an SRA member, Webb has contributed to MSU policy papers, been a delegate to the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance and currently sits on the McMaster Students Union’s Municipal Affairs committee. Webb has also worked with the Social and Planning Research Council of Hamilton.

Webb’s platform is centred around three pillars that include on-campus issues, community development and a collective relationship between the MSU and the student body.

Her first pillar surrounds pertinent issues on campus, addressing accessibility, representation and educational opportunities for students. This pillar includes platform points such as retracting the new Smoking Ban policy and creating designated smoking areas on campus, increasing incentives for student note takers while providing access to notes through McMaster Student Absence Form submissions in addition to providing free menstrual products in all single-user washrooms per building on campus.

Within this pillar, Webb also supports current plans for Indigenous sovereign confederacy on campus while working collaboratively to promote authentic representation within the MSU and undergraduate student population. She further aims to continue to advocate for students for an increase in the number of experiential education opportunities for all students.

The second pillar aims to build relationships between McMaster and the city of Hamilton. This pillar is particularly focused on student safety off campus. The points within this pillar include exploring the addition of security poles within the community, increasing the role of civic engagement around Hamilton City Councillor elections, integrating SoBi to McMaster’s U-Pass in order to promote the exploration of Hamilton in a sustainable way and finally adding a fourth pillar to Welcome Week’s strategic priorities so that first year students can explore their new home.

Webb’s final pillar sees a collective effort between the MSU and the undergraduate student body. This pillar sees an increased provision of bystander intervention training for MSU members in addition to creating a response protocol. She also aims to politicize the role of the MSU president which would entail the president calling for action on student issues while being involved within political processes of the university and increasing student representation and engagement outside of the MSU by creating opportunities and space for students.

Further, Webb’s platform sees the opportunity for undergraduate students to create a campaign point that will be introduced within her year plan if elected. Until Jan. 24, students can submit ideas, either online or at Webb’s campaign table, surrounding what they would like to see within the following year.

If you'd like to learn more about Webb's platform, visit her website:

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