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April 1, 2021
Redefining the incandescent mind

 How Virginia Woolf taught me to embrace adversity Graphic by Esra Rakab I began my hopeless love affair with Virginia Woolf’s feminist writing in the twelfth grade, when I first read A Room of One’s Own. In her extended essay, Woolf wrote on feminism and the state of women, specifically when it came to women […]

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April 1, 2021
Safe spaces on campus are a necessity

 Having safe spaces around the university allow marginalized students to feel less alienated Graphic by Esra Rakab cw: mentions of racism, hateful political rhetoric, child sexual abuse If you’re on any part of political YouTube where the titles appear to be “Feminists REKT!!! Compilation”, or “Man Speaks FACTS, DESTROYS Emotional Liberal,” then you have likely […]

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March 25, 2021
Learning to be okay with uncertainty

I don’t know what I want to do after undergrad, but I’ve come to learn a few things from it Graphic By Esra Rakab / Production Coordinator Back in Grade 12, when I was applying to university, I applied to 11 different programs — all in science or engineering. I was uncertain about what exactly […]

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March 25, 2021
Student-athletes adjust their training regimen in a pandemic

In a year of COVID-19 restrictions, student-athletes have found new ways to improve their game during the pandemic C/O Esra Rakab In a year where McMaster University sports seasons had to be cancelled and training has become increasingly difficult due to social-distancing restrictions, teams and athletes have had to find new ways to keep improving. […]

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March 25, 2021
Let’s reconsider that gap year

Online school is beneficial during a time of uncertainty Graphic by Esra Rakab / Production Coordinator By: Ardena Bašić, Contributor With the COVID-19 crisis, most schools worldwide have had to revert to online learning for sustained periods of time. For postsecondary institutions specifically, this means lectures have been conducted via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Webex. […]

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March 18, 2021
Switching clinical care between a bench and the screen

David Bradley Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Centre transition to provide a hybrid model of patient care under the current government restrictions Graphic by Esra Rakab We have reached the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario. In March 2020, the Ontario provincial government issued a state of emergency, ordering several businesses to close down. […]

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March 11, 2021
Verte Beauty brings hair smoothies to Hamilton

Hair smoothie business provides an at-home hair spa experience C/O @verte_beauty By: Michelle Li, Contributor When Yousra Yousif was young, her hair was damaged by its exposure to chemical straightening treatments. She searched for a product that would make her hair healthy once again without product build-up, but her efforts were to no avail. As […]

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March 9, 2021
Students raise concerns about proctoring software

Following a CHEM 1AA3 midterm, students have expressed privacy and security-related concerns use of Respondus Lockdown Browser C/O Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash Due to restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, many universities have had to adapt to online learning for the 2020-2021 school year. As a result, professors have faced unique challenges with respect to teaching […]

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March 4, 2021
What influencers tell you about your quarantine body is bulls**t

How your so-called “quarantine weight” is really a damaging idea Graphic by Esra Rakab/Production Coordinator cw: discussions of eating disorders, food and body image As spring and summer roll around, the rhetoric we grew up hearing about the “perfect summer body” also comes around. Despite the dialogues about body positivity and eating disorders that are […]

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February 4, 2021
Meet the MSU President-Elect of 2021-2022

Get to know the newly acclaimed MSU president-elect Denver Della-Vedova The nomination period for the 2021 McMaster Students Union presidential election ended on Jan. 21. As the only nominee received by the elections department, Denver Della-Vedova has officially been acclaimed as MSU president-elect. Della-Vedova’s presidential term will begin on May 1, 2021. Della-Vedova is currently […]

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