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November 28, 2019
Did we choose student life?

September 2019 marked the first of possibly many registration periods in which students could opt-out of student union fees deemed non-essential. This change, instituted by the Government of Ontario in January 2019, is part of the widely criticised Student Choice Initiative. In the past, McMaster’s student union fees for all clubs and services have been […]

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November 14, 2019
OPINION: Having Chinese diplomats on our campus is alarming

Photo C/O Tamas Munkacsi By J., Contributor   If you need any additional proof that the McMaster Students Union made the correct decision to revoke MSU club status for the McMaster Chinese Students and Scholars Association, then look no further than Mac CSSA’s own lawyer. On Nov. 3, Mac CSSA made an appeal to reverse […]

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November 14, 2019
OPINION: An open letter from a faculty member to the MSU: sense and “censure-bility”

Photo C/O Kyle West By Anonymous, Contributor As a non-Chinese faculty member, I have been following events unraveling around the Student Representative Assembly’s decision to de-ratify the McMaster Chinese Students and Scholars Association. As an associate chair of my department, I interact with undergraduate students on a daily basis, which is why I was troubled […]

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November 7, 2019
MAC CSSA was originally ratified under a false pretext of being on probation

Photo C/O Catherine Goce On Sept. 22, the Student Representative Assembly voted to de-ratify the McMaster Chinese Students and Scholars Association due to concerns that the club’s actions had endangered members of the community. An investigation by the Silhouette has found that there had been several instances of miscommunication in the months leading up to […]

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November 7, 2019
OPINION: CSSA-gate at McMaster: The scars of exclusion

By Anonymous Recently, the McMaster Students Union de-ratified the McMaster Chinese Students and Scholars Association due to its “alleged links to the Chinese government” according to the CBC News. The report from the news article was unprecedented for the MSU and alarming for me and other members of the McMaster community. Based on the online […]

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November 7, 2019
Two Weeks Later

Photo by Cindy Cui/ Photo Editor * Names and identifying details have been altered to protect the privacy of individuals* The Oct. 22 Lennon Wall demonstration at McMaster was intended to raise awareness for the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill protests happening in Hong Kong and to express solidarity with  Hong Kong protestors. An individual interrupted […]

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October 10, 2019
The Silhouette must improve reporting on student politics

Photo by Cindy Cui / Photo Editor  By Anonymous The Silhouette needs to do a better job of scrutinizing student politics, especially pertaining to the McMaster Students Union. A free press is essential to holding governing bodies  accountable, but unfortunately, the Silhouette is letting the McMaster Students Union get away with a lot more than […]

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October 3, 2019
Chinese Students and Scholars Association de-ratified

Photo c/o Kyle West By Nicholas Marshall, Contributor This article has been edited as of Oct. 5, 2019 In February 2019, the McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice and the Muslim Students Association hosted an event called “The Genocide of Uyghur Muslims — Talk by Uyghur Survivor”. During this event, activist Rukiye Turdush spoke about […]

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September 26, 2019
A big McMess: McMaster’s mental health failings

Photo by Matty Flader / Photo Reporter By Mads Clement, Contributor cw: mental health, suicide In 2018, the Student Representative Assembly voted to rescind the Peer Support Line (PSL), an anonymous hotline that existed to support students and their mental health.  PSL offered students a place to chat with another student trained in peer support […]

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September 19, 2019
Where’s the student choice?

Students invest a great deal of time and money into the university. The power of how and where students money is spent should lie in the hands of students, and while the Student Choice Initiative (SCI) may give students the illusion that they have the power to choose, a critical look at this government mandated […]

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