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April 6, 2017
Peter George: champion of the McMaster experience

By: David Moore Much has been written about Peter George’s 45-year career at McMaster that culminated in an unprecedented three terms as president and vice-chancellor. I am one of many who think of him first in terms of contributions he made to benefit of students. He was Dean of Social Sciences when I came to […]

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March 31, 2017
General Assembly falls flat

Another General Assembly has come and gone, with one of the lowest attendances in recent years. Only 16 voters were registered, meaning only 0.00065 per cent of the McMaster Students Union attended the event. The annual General Assembly is meant to be a place where students who are not directly involved with student governance may […]

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March 24, 2017
Student politics and you: where do other universities stand?

As of March 10, the McMaster Students Union has elected their new Student Representative Assembly for the 2017-2018 term. Although the SRA serves as the main legislative body within the MSU, 10 of the 31 seats available were acclaimed. This contrasts last year’s SRA race, where nearly all caucuses saw a race, save for nursing. […]

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March 24, 2017
Pulse expansion/student activity building passes

Riding a larger campaign team and a cheaper price tag, the Pulse expansion/student activity building referendum has passed. The final tally was 59.2 per cent votes for the project and 40.8 per cent against. 3.6 per cent people abstained. 30.1% per cent of the student population voted. In January, a similar referendum question was posed […]

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March 2, 2017
Biased frustrations from the MSU may alter student feedback on referendums

On Jan. 25, the McMaster Students Union added a new survey to their website as part of a recommendation by the Student Representative Assembly Standing Committee on Bylaws & Procedures. While there are a few different parts to this, including the minimum per cent of population needed to launch a referendum and to reach quorum […]

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March 2, 2017
Sifting through the spin

Students will be heading back to the polls for Student Representative Assembly elections, and for the third time this year, they will be met with a referendum question. The Pulse expansion and Student Activity Building are back on the ballot because the university has committed to spend $10 million on the project. Via email, dean […]

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January 21, 2017
Platform critique: Matt Vukovic

By: Ruchika Gothoskar To say that presidential candidate Matt Vukovic has some lofty goals might be bit of an understatement. As previously mentioned, Vukovic’s initial platform was centered on three main points: food, abolishing the Student Representative Assembly and campus washrooms. But since campaign season began on Jan. 15, Vukovic has created a ‘Suggestions’ tab […]

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January 20, 2017
The bus stops here

Shaarujaa Nadarajah has proposed a pilot project, which would run during exam periods and rely on funding from the Student Life Enhancement Fund, with the possibility of faculties contributing as well. Nadarajah hopes to make use of the Lot M shuttle bus and the school buses used to transport students to and from Fortinos on […]

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January 19, 2017
Shaarujaa Nadarajah overview

Shaarujaa Nadarajah - Life Sciences III Shaarujaa Nadarajah had completed her third year of Life Sciences when she was elected vice president (Administration) by the Student Representative Assembly. As vice president (Administration), she has worked alongside the current president Justin Monaco-Barnes and with student managers across campus. Nadarajah was also involved with Relay for Life […]

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January 19, 2017
Leanne Winkels overview

Leanne Winkels - Political Science IV Leanne Winkels is a Level IV Honours Political Science student. Her decision to run for MSU president stems from noticing a disconnect between the McMaster Students Union and the student body and her passion for the sense of community here at McMaster University. Throughout her time at Mac, Winkels […]

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