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January 19, 2017
Matthew Vukovic overview

By: Ruchika Gothoskar Matthew Vukovic - Engineering V Matt Vukovic is excited to run for president, not because he’s been planning on doing it for months or years like other candidates, but simply because he’s taking a rather unconventional approach to the presidential race. Vukovic has been an active member of the McMaster Engineering Society […]

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December 1, 2016
The Board of Directors report card: VP Finance Ryan MacDonald

Ryan MacDonald’s role as vice president (Finance) comprises the standard duties of overseeing the MSU’s budget, providing financial insight and some advocacy work. Clarity and transparency have been points of focus over the course of his term thus far; MacDonald has made efforts to break down dense financial jargon into understandable monthly statements that may […]

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December 1, 2016
The Board of Directors report card: VP Administration Shaarujaa Nadarajah

As the union’s Chief Administrative Officer, Shaarujaa Nadarajah’s role is mainly focused on maintaining and supporting the day-to-day operations of each MSU service. Currently, Nadarajah only holds check-ins with part-time managers once a term and during the each service’s peak usage, meaning each PTM meets with Nadarajah a few times throughout the year for half-hour […]

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December 1, 2016
The Board of Directors report card: VP Education Blake Oliver

Blake Oliver’s first semester was successful, having either completed or begun every point of her platform promises. Highlights of the semester include the first Policy Con, held on Nov. 12, which Oliver began as a means of creating more discussion around the more than 20 policies passed by the Student Representative Assembly. Oliver found that […]

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December 1, 2016
Summarizing the section

It might not be fair to say that all of Opinions this term has been leading up to this, but there would be a good case for it. We have had articles about how better engagement and scheduling should be a priority when it comes to advertising resources, one about keeping the university accountable, another […]

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November 11, 2016
Women in the MSU

FEMALE FALLOUT In 2014, the Silhouette gathered the facts for female representation in student politics. The statistics were grim. McMaster ranked eighth out of nine major research universities in Ontario for equal gender representation on student government, a gap which was most apparent in the highest-ranking positions for president and vice-president. This trend is particularly concerning […]

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November 10, 2016
9 Most Instagram-able Places On Campus

It’s that time of year when your Instagram feed is covered in warm colours landscapes, sweaters, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. For McMaster students, Fall brings out the best in our campus as yellow, and maroon leaves compliment our stone buildings and our Marauder spirit. With over 377 acres of campus to explore, we’ve sought out […]

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November 10, 2016
Lack of accessibility for first generation students at McMaster University

By: Sophie Gettros In August, I received the following Facebook message from a high school classmate: “My little sister is starting at Mac in September. She’s terrified, and none of us have any advice to give her.” The new McMaster student was disabled, so I helped her figure out how to access academic accommodations. She […]

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November 8, 2016
Student day of action

The Student Day of Action took place across 50 Canadian campuses on Nov. 2 as part of the Canadian Federation of Students’ Fight the Fees campaign. The campaign calls on the Canadian government for: the progressive reduction and elimination of tuition fees for all; the conversion of the provincial portion of student loans into non-repayable […]

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November 4, 2016
MSU Elections release by-election and referenda results

The results of the November Student Representative Assembly by-election period will provide lots for students to talk about. Hannah Martin won the SRA Social Sciences seat with 52.2% of the vote, but it is the results of the referenda questions that will raise some eyebrows. The MSU constitution referendum aimed at making vice-presidents elected by […]

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