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December 3, 2015
My war on Christmas

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] I have completely different feelings towards the holidays than my father. It has never bothered him when someone wishes him a Merry Christmas. “I’m not offended if someone wishes me happy birthday when it isn’t my birthday,” he used to tell me, “What harm […]

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November 26, 2015
BDS does not single out Jewish students at McMaster

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] By: Lina Assi Boycotts Divestment and Sanctions was introduced to our campus last March at the General Assembly, and has been a contentious topic on campus. This debate has led to several misconceptions amongst the McMaster student body. One of the main criticisms has […]

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November 19, 2015
Moving forward with tuition

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] MSU President Ehima Osazuwa’s phenomenally successful campaign last year was largely built on a distinctly ambitious platform. One of its most controversial points was a promise to address the issue of increasing tuition and student expenses. His ability to tackle a post-secondary policy giant […]

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November 5, 2015
Accountability vs. accessibility

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] As some of you have already noticed, and have vehemently tweeted at us about, The Silhouette no longer Livestreams every SRA meeting. “What?! How could you do this? What did the SRA ever do to you?” The answer to these questions is: yes it’s […]

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November 5, 2015
Going small for at-large

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] With a referendum now inevitable on whether future Vice Presidents should be voted on by the student body at-large, the Student Representative Assembly met on Nov. 1 to determine if they would endorse or reject such a motion to the general student population. However, […]

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October 22, 2015
VP election referendum

Changes could soon be coming to the MSU’s Board of Directors elections. Earlier in October, the Student Mobilization Syndicate presented a petition with over 800 signatures to the VP (Administration) asking that all MSU members be eligible to vote for the three VPs (Administration, Education, Finance) in addition to the President. This request will be […]

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October 22, 2015
Democracy shouldn’t be a buzzword

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] By: Alex Wilson There has been quite a bit of hype recently around electing McMaster Student Union Vice Presidents. We’ve witnessed hastily made, last minute, post-quorum motions at last year’s General Assembly, the formation of the Vice Presidential ad-hoc committee, persistent tabling in the […]

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October 22, 2015
The 0.0017%

[adrotate banner="16"] [feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] By: Chukky Ibe The Student Representative Assembly is too small. Decisions made by a small sample of people are likely to be skewed because of the outlier effect, meaning that if there is one biased member of the sample — in this case the […]

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October 1, 2015
Making McMaster accessible

By: Michael Running Most of us take time for granted. Whether you’re talking about the 10 minutes you have to move from class to class or the hour and a half you’re given to write your midterm, few people are actually cognizant of its value. This past week, the MSU hosted Maccess, a campaign held […]

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October 1, 2015
Patrick Deane reflects on launch of Perspectives on Peace

By: Isaac Kinley McMaster’s Perspectives on Peace campaign began on Sept. 21 with a field trip to Brantford’s Woodland Cultural Centre and a tour of the Mohawk Institute residential school. Teddy Saull, a former MSU president, launched the campaign during his 2014-15 mandate, in partnership with President Patrick Deane. Perspectives on Peace is set to […]

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