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March 24, 2015
MSU General Assembly passes BDS motion

The McMaster Student Union General Assembly voted in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) motion on March 23. Students filled Burridge Gym at 4 p.m. in anticipation for a monumentally important decision. After a short president's report from MSU President Teddy Saull and an Engineering Without Borders briefing, the stage was set. The motion for the […]

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March 24, 2015
Surprise non-binding motion on VP electoral reform passes

A controversial, unexpected motion proposing the election of Vice Presidents by the student body passed at this year’s general assembly. Though the majority of students in attendance voted yes, the motion is non-binding as quorum had been lost when the vote took place. The final vote count was 500 in favour, 14 opposed, and 83 […]

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March 22, 2015
Die-in protests controversial presence

On March 13, a demonstration was staged in the MUSC atrium condemning the presence of ex-Israeli Defence Force soldiers on campus as part of “Let’s Talk Israel” club table in the student centre the previous day. Israel on Campus hosted a delegation of Israeli students who were travelling for two weeks with the Connecting Leaders […]

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March 22, 2015
Preview: MSU General Assembly 2015

This Monday, March 23, the McMaster Students Union will hold its annual General Assembly from 4 to 6 p.m. in Burridge Gym. The General Assembly is a chance for the organization to provide an annual update to its membership and the only venue for undergraduates to submit motions. If quorum (3 percent of MSU membership) […]

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March 19, 2015
The BDS Vote 2015

In support of BDS By: Salah Khalaf BDS is aimed at all organizations complicit in breaking international law. Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that […]

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March 12, 2015
CASA: Should we stay or should we go?

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] On March 22, your Student Representative Assembly will decide whether or not to abandon associate membership status in the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. Although federal politics often seems like an abstract topic of no immediate relevance, in fact, student lobbying at a federal level can […]

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March 12, 2015
5 things I learned in student politics

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] By: Anser Abbas Start Early To give some idea of how little time an elected term actually lasts, consider that the total number of SRA meetings this year is 17. That seems like a lot, but over the course of the year there will be weeks […]

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March 5, 2015
Bus lane advocacy

The Feb. 22 Student Representative Assembly meeting vote to condemn the discontinuation of the King Street corridor bus lane was raised to Hamilton City Council during their Feb. 24 public delegation on the city’s 2015 budget. In their presentation to Council, VP (Administration) Jacob Brodka, and VP (Education) Rodrigo Narro-Perez presented the MSU’s position on […]

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March 5, 2015
It’s time for integrity

By: Eric Gillis It’s that time of year again, when students are given the chance to elect people from their respective faculties to represent them on the Student Representative Assembly. In doing so, students are able to set the direction of their Student Union for the next year. You are no doubt by now tired […]

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March 5, 2015
The stakes are high, attendance is low

By: Bianca Caramento  Members are elected to the SRA to do a job. When they fail to do that job, there ought to be consequences. As of right now, that’s not necessarily the case. When members fail to attend committee meetings, they essentially get off scot-free. This is a problem because committee meetings are where the […]

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