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February 26, 2015
Islamophobia and anti-semitism at Mac

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] Canadian universities are supposed to be diverse and inclusive. But just a few weeks ago at Ryerson University, a student union vice-president candidate had his poster defaced with “ISIS for life” scribbled across. This incident of religious discrimination is just one among many across North America, […]

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February 26, 2015
Welcome changes

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] A recommendation by the Welcome Week Advisory Committee for an Aug. 29 and 30 move-in day schedule for Welcome Week has been confirmed for next year. Due to a late-falling Labour Day this year, the structure of Welcome Week 2015 is expected to differ significantly from […]

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February 11, 2015
Brian Williams and Journalistic Integrity

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] Fabricating fictional stories to pass off as news is simply unacceptable for serious journalism. It diminishes the credibility of the media, it spits in the face of anyone affected by these events, and it makes fools of the public. NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams is […]

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January 29, 2015
Behind the campaign

As the MSU presidential election draws to a close, candidate posters and team tables are taken down, leaving the sitting area on the first floor of MUSC to return to its natural state. Over the last two weeks, five candidates had their names and faces plastered on every wall, and they became the centre of […]

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January 29, 2015
Selling the new celebration

Lights, Ferris wheels, bumper cars, street performers, and a firework show are all components of MSU President Teddy Saull’s re-imagined year-end celebration. Saull has taken in feedback from McMaster students through one-on-one conversations, focus groups, and surveys, and has returned with a new idea that he presented at the Student Representative Assembly on Jan. 25. […]

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January 26, 2015
In response to "Why Aren't Women Running?"

By: Natasha Sandhu and Naomi Pullen We are writing this letter in response to “Why Aren’t Women Running?” by Ana Qarri from January 20, 2015, to clarify what the MSU Wants YOU initiative is. At the beginning of this initiative, we discussed at length the nature of our goals and how we would be able […]

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January 26, 2015
Let's Talk Tuition, not lower it

Is decreasing tuition for all the right approach? One of Ehima Osazuwa’s main platform points is “Let’s Talk Tuition”, a point that resonates with many students. His platform states that “affordable tuition and decreased student debt is a vision we will accomplish in McMaster by implementing [this plan].” Osazuwa’s twitter account also emphasizes this point, […]

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January 23, 2015
Proposed referendum changes

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] Between Jan. 27 and 29, McMaster students will have the opportunity to cast their ballot for their next MSU President. At the same time, they will also be able to vote in two referenda. The first referendum that has been put forward is regarding an expansion […]

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January 22, 2015
Presidential breakdown: Ehima Osazuwa

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] With Ehima Osazuwa’s key points including interfaith accessibility, gender-neutral washrooms, and women in governance, it’s clear that he is looking to advocate for the rights of those he believes are under represented. “I think it’s important to remember that McMaster is a very diverse population, and […]

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January 22, 2015
Presidential breakdown: Corey Helie-Masters

[feather_share show="twitter, google_plus, facebook, reddit, tumblr" hide="pinterest, linkedin, mail"] From the perspective of past experience, Corey Helie-Masters is certainly qualified for the position of MSU President. His experience includes being a past SRA member, a continued involvement with the Kinesiology faculty society culminating in his current position as President, as well as coordinating the Kinesiology […]

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