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November 14, 2018
SRA Nov. 11 meeting highlights

Photo C/O Kyle West The McMaster Students Union Student Representative Assembly held their most recent meeting on Nov. 11 in Gilmour Hall. Here are some key items that were discussed.[spacer height="20px"] The health science caucus reported on their goal of renovating the Health Sciences Library to expand student space in the Health Sciences Library. They […]

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September 26, 2018
SRA meeting overview: Sept 23

  On Sept. 23, the Student Representative Assembly met in room 111 of Gilmour Hall to share faculty reports and vote on a number of proposed motions.   One debated motion was the creation of a communications, advertising and student engagement ad hoc committee. The committee would exist to review current models of student engagement […]

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February 12, 2018
SRA meeting rundown: Feb 4

On Feb. 4, the McMaster Students Union Student Representative Assembly gathered in room 111 of Gilmour Hall for the first SRA meeting of the month. Meeting highlights included a delegation by MSU President Chukky Ibe, a report period and a few administrative motions. In a referendum last March, 59 per cent of McMaster students voted […]

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January 26, 2018
Who’s new on the SRA

By Vanessa Polojac On Jan. 18 and 19, the SRA by-election took place. This is when Student Representative Assembly, the governing body of the MSU that is composed of undergraduate students elect new members inside specific academic faculties. During these elections, Josh Arbess was elected as a representative for SRA (Engineering) and Kenzie Shin as […]

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January 11, 2018
What went down at the first 2018 SRA meeting

On Jan. 7, the Student Representative Assembly and Board of Directors convened in Gilmour Hall for the first SRA meeting of 2018. A large portion of the meeting was allotted to opening and closing seats on a number of committees, including opening and closing nominations for SRA and McMaster Students Union members to join awards […]

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November 15, 2017
SRA overview — Nov. 12, 2017

On Nov. 12, the McMaster Students Union Student Representative Assembly and Board of Directors convened in Gilmour Hall for a particularly lengthy meeting. In addition to voting on the approval of a number of policy papers, the assembly engaged in a heated discussion about whether the Ontario Public Interest Research Group McMaster student fee should […]

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October 26, 2017
The SRA’s turnover problem

By: Takhliq Amir The Student Representative Assembly by-election nomination period officially closed on Oct. 20, setting up the upcoming week for the campaigning period that will conclude with the election of three new SRA members. Currently, there are two vacant seats on the SRA social sciences caucus and one seat on the kinesiology caucus. These […]

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October 17, 2017
SRA meeting overview: Oct 15

On Oct. 15, the McMaster Students Union Student Representative Assembly and board of directors met in Gilmour Hall to discuss and vote on a number of administrative motions. One, put forward by Max Lightstone, caucus leader (engineering), asked the SRA to approve a report crafted by the Student Activity Building space allocation ad-hoc committee. The […]

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September 28, 2017
SRA overview: Meeting 17G

On Sept. 24, the McMaster Students Union Student Representative Assembly and board of directors gathered in Council Chambers at Gilmour Hall for the second SRA meeting of the academic year. At the meeting, three primary motions were discussed. The first, put forward by Alex Wilson, SRA (Science) member, called for the MSU to adopt a […]

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September 21, 2017
Communicating with the SRA

By: Takhliq Amir The first 2017-2018 meeting of the Student Representative Assembly, the governing body of the McMaster Students Union, was held on Sept. 10. Limited information was available to those not able to attend, however, because the usual method of online live streaming was unavailable. “The live stream was not available this past Sept. […]

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