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October 9, 2014
A male-dominated assembly

There is a noticeable gap in the percentage of women that make up the McMaster Student Representative Assembly. Only 34.3 percent of the SRA is female and none of the executives on the Board of Directors are women. These results put McMaster eighth amongst nine major research universities in Ontario compared in terms of representation […]

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September 17, 2014
Rethinking supplementary fees

By: Kaiwen Song As a student who only just began to recognize just how expensive going to university is, I decided to investigate exactly where my money is going. Looking through McMaster’s supplementary fees list, I became indignant on behalf of the student body about all the fees we automatically pay. Even just counting the […]

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April 3, 2014
Nominations in for MSU Vice-Presidents

Three people will join MSU President-elect Teddy Saull on the MSU’s Board of Directors next year. Vice-Presidents will be elected by the Student Representative Assembly at the meeting on Sunday, April 6; one for finance, education and administration. While any full-time student may attend the meeting and run for a position on the Board of […]

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April 3, 2014
An assembly of differences

I went to an international school with 200 students from over 100 different countries. We were all on full scholarship, and came from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds. My classmates came from different cultures and religions, each bringing rich experiences and diverse perspectives to the classroom. [thesil_related_posts_sc]Related Posts[/thesil_related_posts_sc] One of my friends, Ali was […]

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April 3, 2014
Lack of accessibility at General Assembly

Accessibility is clearly not a priority when it comes to issues that exist on campus. At least, that’s the impression I left with after the General Assembly had adjourned. The majority of the General Assembly was spent arguing over which motions deserved to be debated first. Specifically, both the BDS motion supporters, as well as […]

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April 3, 2014
A different narrative

I’d like to, as a Jewish student, address some of the narratives that have emerged on this campus in the past few weeks. I hope that the following can serve to provide a healthier context for future discussion. [thesil_related_posts_sc]Related Posts[/thesil_related_posts_sc] I’ve been a student at McMaster University for nearly six years. In that time, I […]

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March 27, 2014
Setting the agenda

This year’s MSU General Assembly proved the venue can be both effective and inefficient in providing a democratic forum for the student membership to “show up and speak out.” Attendance at the Assembly peaked at 630, three members from quorum. Compared to last year’s peak attendance of 60 students and to a string of non-quorate […]

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March 27, 2014
Health care referendum to rerun in 2015

During the recent MSU Presidential Elections for the 2014-15 academic year, a health care referendum was put forward regarding expanding McMaster health plan coverage. There were three different questions set forth in the referendum, asking students to take a yes or no stance on extended coverage to include eye doctor visits, prescription contraception, and other […]

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March 25, 2014
What to expect at the General Assembly

Despite underwhelming promotion for this year’s MSU General Assembly, there are seven motions on the agenda for Wednesday's two-hour meeting in Burridge Gym. The General Assembly, held once a year in March, is the only venue for MSU members to submit motions whose votes are binding on the MSU if quorum is reached. It’s a […]

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March 20, 2014
The BDS debate

Edward Lovoquintanilla Pro BDS Within the occupied territories of Palestine, Palestinians are continually displaced from their homes; their olive harvests uprooted; mothers, sisters, and daughters are abused; children are arrested without trial; living in disconnected ghettoes that bear a stark resemblance to South Africa’s bantustans. Along with Palestinian civil society, prominent South African anti-apartheid activists […]

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