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January 28, 2014
Multiple referendum questions included on MSU presidential ballot

With online polling underway for MSU presidentials, eligible student-voters will also be asked to weigh in on two high-impact referenda items regarding MSU health insurance and HSR bus service. At the presidential debate on Jan. 27 in the MUSC atrium, candidates discussed which referenda options they would endorse. In addition, Brodka and Wolwowicz were critical […]

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January 27, 2014
Analysis: MSU presidential debate ends with no clear winner

An underwhelming MSU Presidential debate resulted in no clear winner and a missed opportunity for candidates to sway voters. The Silhouette hosted and live-streamed an hour-long debate on Jan. 23, allowing candidates to question and defend their platforms. Despite more than an hour of questions and answers candidates brought little to the table in terms […]

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January 23, 2014
Campaign analysis: How do the MSU presidential candidates match up?

The candidates sat down with the Silhouette to talk platform, criticisms and why they're fit for the job. Click on a candidate's photo or name to take you to our analysis of their campaign so far.         Israa Ali Jacob Brodka Jyssika Russell Teddy Saull Jason Wolwowicz

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January 23, 2014
MSU presidential candidates on why they deserve your vote

Click on a candidate's name to jump to their submissions to the Sil. Each candidate was given a 600-word limit to express why McMaster students should vote for them. Israa Ali Jacob Brodka Jyssika Russell Teddy Saull Jason Wolwowicz Israa Ali Creating spaces for equity, enhancement, engagement and in essence everyone to not only be […]

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January 23, 2014
The spirit of Mandela is against current apartheid

Edward Lovoquintanilla The Silhouette On the day of Nelson Mandela’s death, people from all walks of life mourned his loss. Amongst the loudest mourners were politicians who criminalized his actions, branded him a terrorist, and supported his imprisonment—labelling his anti-apartheid work an act of ‘anti-white hostility.’ Today he is mourned a hero. Conveniently forgotten are […]

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January 23, 2014
Labels of apartheid are misleading

Lauren Grammer The Silhouette Simple labels are easy to use but are often purposely misinforming. The label of apartheid that has been put on the state of Israel is a misinformed term. As the sole Jewish and democratic state in the Middle East, Israel has always been a lightning rod for controversy. The complex issues […]

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January 23, 2014
Jyssika Russell running on platform of equity and accessibility

Jyssika Russell, running on a platform of equity and accessibility, is advocating for an inclusion council in the MSU. She suggests expanding the existing roundtable to include the core of the organization and the president of the MSU. “We need to have direction. We need to have campaigns and student feedback,” said Russell. Aside from […]

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January 20, 2014
First day of Presidentials full of surprises

Campaigning may have only been officially happening for a few hours, but it's been an eventful day for MSU presidential hopefuls. Already, Thulashini Sooriyadas has dropped out of the race. The third-year geography student pulled out of the election for unknown reasons. She could not be reached for comment. Sooriyadas is an event coordinator for Free […]

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January 18, 2014
Updated: Five candidates running to be 2014-15 MSU president

Five students are in the running to become the next president and CEO of the McMaster Students Union. Initially, six candidates were announced at a meeting on Jan. 17 in Council Chambers. One candidate, Thualshini Sooriyadas, pulled out of the race on Sunday, Jan. 19, the first day of campaigning. Israa Ali is a fourth-year […]

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January 16, 2014
Diversity Week re-imagines inclusivity

Being a student at McMaster allows for an education in diversity. A wide range of faculties and specializations, a campus with century-old architecture, and a central location in a popular city lend McMaster the potential to provide their students with a diverse knowledge of people, places and careers. But what resources are available to ensure […]

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