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March 21, 2013
Eviction notice: Wentworth House tenants challenge relocation plans

When Amina Khan and Yusra Munawar were told last year that their on-campus prayer room would be torn down, they didn’t hit the panic button. Khan and Munawar, executive members of the McMaster Muslim Students Association, were assured by the university that they would be relocated before Wentworth House, home of their space, was demolished. […]

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March 21, 2013
Editorial: Why you probably shouldn’t go to the MSU General Assembly

The buzz around the MSU’s General Assembly is noticeably quieter this year. In 2012, then-MSU President Matthew Dillon-Leitch orchestrated a major marketing campaign. The posters were well designed, the event had its own website, the Facebook page exploded, and it was hard to walk around campus without learning that 601 students would make quorum. The […]

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March 14, 2013
Who's got you covered?

McMaster is known to have the cheapest but sparsest student health insurance plan in the province. But at Sunday’s SRA meeting, a motion was passed to allow for a referendum to ask students if they want an extended health plan that would include vision care, oral contraceptives and paramedical care. Extending coverage to all three […]

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March 14, 2013
Passport to Pangaea

Co-Written by: Aissa Boodhoo-Leegsma and Jemma Wolfe For one day only, students received a McMaster-issued passport to travel the world, all within the confines of the student centre. On Sunday, March 10, Pangaea 2013 transformed the student centre into a global bazaar and performance hall where students could experience 21 different regions of the world. […]

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March 14, 2013
Leaving McMaster: Creating a path to graduation

Palika Kohli Student Health Education Centre Last summer I had what I’ve now termed my “mid-undergraduate-crisis.” Until then, I hadn’t realized how stressful figuring out my future could be. It was always a vague haze, far away from my present, and I gave it an equally vague, hazy title that would somehow sound concrete. I […]

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March 14, 2013
IAW: divisive and deceptive

Alon Coret / The Silhouette Every March, the tensions of the Middle East are felt at McMaster University in the form of Israeli Apartheid Week. This campaign intimidates Jewish and Israeli students on campus (as well as passersby), spreads propaganda under the guise of “human rights” and demonizes the only liberal democracy in the region. Don’t […]

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March 7, 2013
IAW misconstrued by big names

Waleed Ahmed / Silhouette Staff In what has become a routine exercise of obsequious bowing and servile complacence, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney yet again pays homage to the State of Israel. Similar to last year, he released a statement condemning Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), which is currently being organized on university campuses across […]

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March 7, 2013
Two-state solution for democracy

Sean Haber / The Silhouette You don’t have to major in Political Science to know that there’s a buzz about Israel. If you’ve opened up a newspaper or walked through MUSC enough times in the past few years, you know that one tiny country in the Middle East (smaller than New Jersey!) is getting more than […]

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March 7, 2013
Hierarchal conventions are hurting students

Sarah O’Connor / Silhouette Staff During a Linguistics tutorial last term, I overheard a classmate complaining about an article written in The Silhouette, eagerly wanting to write an editorial reply. I turned to her and said, “I write for The Sil, I can help if you want.” I was then greeted with a few shocked stares […]

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February 7, 2013
Members say 'no' to reform

On Feb. 3, the SRA opposed a motion that would have brought seat reform to the assembly. The motion would restructure faculty representation based on a formula that would use pure proportionality to allocate seats to faculties. A separate motion, though, was passed that could see seats added to the SRA for new academic divisions. […]

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