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February 7, 2013
MSU issues paper on First Nations students

With its close proximity to the Six Nations of Grand River, Canada’s largest population of First Nations, and an independent ISP with a sizeable number of First Nations students, McMaster should be considered an accessible campus for Aboriginal students. But is our student population aware of the issues that Aboriginal students experience in accessing their […]

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January 31, 2013
A commentary on logical acrobatics

Chad Regan / The Silhouette This past week, the Faculty of Humanities had Jasper Puar to speak on her work ‘Ecologies of Sensation, Sensational Ecologies: Sex and Disability in the Israeli Occupation of Palestine’ for their Whidden Lectures series. If the verbiage of the title doesn’t lose your interest, hopefully the borderline anti-semitic sentiment encapsulated by […]

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January 31, 2013
Apathy or lack of awareness?

Jemma Wolfe / Managing Editor  In the midst of the MSU presidential election flurry, it’s easy to forget that other elections are happening on campus. You can’t miss the campaign posters, ignore the candidates addressing crowded lecture halls or overlook the email telling you to vote. What you probably didn’t see was the small, quarter-page advertisement […]

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January 31, 2013
Why aren't more women running to be MSU President?

  When former MSU President Mary Koziol read the list of candidates running this year, her first instinct was to e-mail Suzan Fraser, who was president in 1988. “Seven people running, not a single woman” was the gist of the message. The lopsided ratio this year has raised eyebrows, but it’s not extremely unusual at […]

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January 31, 2013
Editorial: Wondering where the women are

The next McMaster Students Union president is a man. At press time, we didn’t know which man. But we knew this: out of the seven candidates for CEO of the MSU this year, there were no females. Last year, only one of the five candidates, Siobhan Stewart, was a woman. The ratio was the same […]

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January 25, 2013
Q & A: Dan Fahey

The following are selected questions and answers from the Sil’s interview with MSU presidential candidate Dan Fahey. What made you come to McMaster? Well, my course at my home university is also in integrated sciences, and there’s a partnership between the two schools. And I heard about this [exchange program] and thought, right, go to […]

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January 25, 2013
Q & A: Jacob Brodka

The following are selected questions and answers from the Sil's interview with MSU presidential candidate Jacob Brodka. Q: How does your campaign plan to motivate and inspire students to care about a) voting and b) the MSU? When we first started envisioning how our campaign would come out, something we wanted to do was have a […]

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January 24, 2013
Candidates make their pitch at Presidential Pub Night

Last night’s informal debate at TwelvEighty offered a look at how the candidates stand out in a crowd, but it wasn’t the night for tough questions or head-to-heads. Personalities and common goals emerged early in the hour-long panel talk, which allowed candidates who have fallen under the radar to share the floor with the frontrunners. […]

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January 24, 2013
Rory Yendt: The Financier

Rory Yendt is looking to “engineer a better student union.” The question is, how much does he know about the current student union? RELATED: Selected questions and answers from our interview with Rory Yendt, a second-year student and a SRA member, is campaigning with the primary aim of making the MSU a more financially transparent […]

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January 24, 2013
James Dowdall: The Mentor

McMaster is more than just a school for James Dowdall; it’s a family. Dowdall, who hails from Calgary, calls his first-year roommates “brothers” and his circle of friends a “family away from home.” And it’s clear he wants McMaster students to feel the same way. RELATED: Selected questions and answers from our interview with James […]

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