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November 22, 2012
Welcome Week review in progress

Welcome Week has the potential to make or break a first year’s experience at McMaster. But it’s difficult to say what this year’s batch of first year students thought about their Welcome Week. The Student Success Centre (SSC) had originally scheduled Welcome Week focus groups for Nov. 21 and Nov. 22 in which first-year students […]

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November 8, 2012
Committee starts to explore women's centre

The newly established Ad-Hoc Committee for the Women and Trans* Centre met for the first time on Nov. 6. The committee, which was created through a motion at the Oct. 14 SRA meeting, is focused on establishing whether or not there is a need for such a centre on campus. Elise Milani, SRA Services Commissioner […]

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November 8, 2012
Editorial: Keep calm and re-elect Obama

None of us were really going to be happy Tuesday night. We were only going to be somewhere between horrified and relieved. What I mean is, most young Canadians I spoke to about the U.S. election expressed the same thing. A win for Mitt Romney would be a win for ignorance and evil. A win […]

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November 1, 2012
The difference between discussion and debate

By Samhita Misra   Debates freak me out. Way back in grade nine, I sat in one of my high school’s debate club meetings and watched a girl, red faced and impassioned argue about the merits of capital punishment.  “They committed a crime! They gave up their right to citizenship!  They should die!” I never […]

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November 1, 2012
UTS launches $100,000 Wi-Fi pilot project

The MSU is bringing back the #WheresTheWifi hashtag after partnering with UTS on a $100,000 Wi-Fi pilot project on campus. New surveys on the MSU’s website and Facebook page were released Monday to gather feedback on which areas of campus are most in need of Wi-Fi. Huzaifa Saeed, VP (Education), who sits on the Wi-Fi […]

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October 25, 2012
LRT plans go off the rails

With millions invested in preliminary research on a light-rail transit system in Hamilton, the City is under pressure to move the project forward. Over the past five years, Hamiltonians, councillors and McMaster representatives have been making the case to the province for LRT in Hamilton. LRT would provide train access every two or three minutes […]

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October 25, 2012
Make your own moments

By Samhita Misra In the days that I used to be an avid blogger, I had a pet peeve. And that pet peeve was bloggers who posted editorials, look-books, collections or daily “inspiration.” I get it - once and a while you’re really busy, your inspiration has literally run dry and you know all your […]

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October 18, 2012
Editorial: Time to seek for a mandate from students on fall break has passed

Unless a quick and concerted push by our Students Union is in the works, we’re not getting a fall break in 2013. The time for gathering a wide sample of student input, in which we’ll weigh the many pros and cons for each of the faculties, is gone. It’s probably just too late. I don’t […]

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October 4, 2012
MSU made record surplus of $937,102

That the MSU’s finances ended up in the black this year has got to be a relief. The students union is only a few years removed from deep operating losses. The 2007-08 and 2008-09 financial statements combined for what were then record shortfalls of more than $500,000. That included a campus bar – called Quarters […]

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September 13, 2012
Forget everything you know about memory

The exam is sitting in front of you, mocking you. The blank spaces under the questions are cavernous, the scantron bubbles are – unlike your understanding – crystal clear, and when you look at your Casio, all the screen displays is “666” because you can’t remember a damned thing. But why not? Isn’t memory just […]

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