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July 16, 2012
Quebec student leaders make Hamilton stop in speaking tour

The kind of youth movement that’s been going on in Quebec has yet to take hold in Ontario. Not even by a long shot. But student leaders in Quebec are optimistic that their passion for a stop to tuition increases – and for a more left-leaning economy in general – can spread. Representatives of the […]

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June 7, 2012
Pots and pans of the Steel City

Of the protests that have been held in downtown Hamilton, this was certainly one of the noisiest. In a show of solidarity with Quebec students, downtown Hamilton hosted a “pots and pans” or casseroles demonstration at Gore Park on May 30. Demonstrators joined an international movement of solidarity that spans more than 70 cities across […]

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March 22, 2012
601: is this the year for general assembly?

Brian Decker and Sam Colbert Executive Editor and Managing Editor   General Assembly (GA) has total control of the McMaster Students Union (MSU). It can recall presidents, change student fees and fundamentally repurpose the MSU and its services in whatever manner its attendees see fit. That is, as long as 601 people show up. That […]

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March 22, 2012
A year in review: R&D

Kacper Niburski Assistant News Editor   Home to some of the best minds in the country, McMaster University has grown to be a leading global figure in research initiatives. Whether it be through McMaster’s various Canada Research Chairs, a $300-million annually funded governmental program designed attract the world’s most promising researchers or it’s world-renowned teaching […]

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March 15, 2012
Play safe, there's a method for everyone

Amanda Teseo Silhouette Staff   Ladies, we are all familiar with at least a few methods of birth control that prolong our entrance into motherhood, but did you know that modern technology is offering new and exciting ways to control the path of mother nature? Precautions should be taken whenever you are sexually active, but […]

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February 16, 2012
Committee to work on reform

Dina Fanara Assistant News Editor   The Student Representative Assembly’s (SRA) recently-formed ad-hoc Committee on Democratic Reform is aiming to find a suitable change to the MSU’s system of representation. Initially brought forth at the 2009 MSU General Assembly by SRA-Humanities member Chris Erl, the project is being supported by MSU president Matthew Dillon-Leitch and […]

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February 16, 2012
Mac hosts panel discussion on LGBTQ activism

Julia Redmond  Silhouette Staff   On Feb. 9, McMaster’s Office of Human Rights and Equity services hosted an evening panel discussion in Gilmour Hall council chambers entitled “Educate, Agitate, Resist.” Six local activists, many of them with strong ties to the University, made up the Queer Activism Panel. Vilma Rossi, program coordinator for the Office […]

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February 2, 2012
Education: right or privilege?

Dina Fanara  Assistant News Editor   “Education is our right, we will not give up the fight!” Feb. 1 was known as the Day of Action for university students across Canada, as many marched through their respective campuses to take a stand against rising tuition fees. McMaster students gathered to chant in Mills Plaza from […]

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February 2, 2012
Humanities society pres bashes Erl

Sam Colbert Managing Editor   The online polls had just opened. Lisa Bifano, president of the Humanities Society and member of the SRA Humanities caucus, posted a 1400-word note to Facebook with her personal “analysis” of each MSU presidential candidate, offering an “inside scoop” on the race. She ranked her choices, dedicating a paragraph to […]

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January 26, 2012
Who's your candidate?

David Campbell Arts & Science IV David Campbell doesn’t think the MSU is without its problems, but as far as he’s concerned, that’s not a reason to be discouraged. That’s because, according to Campbell, the organization is in a “fantastic spot” to grow relationships, improve services and do more to benefit its members. “I’m really […]

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