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November 17, 2011
Pride parade at McMaster

Amanda Teseo Silhouette Staff Stepping on this campus for the first time, filled either with a chaotic enthusiasm surrounding welcome week or with a nervous uncertainty, the overwhelming prospect of building a future for yourself here seems daunting. The university experience is about finding yourself, your passions, your aptitudes and your values. Now, imagine walking […]

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October 27, 2011
Re: Prison swaps are dirty business

Erin Chesney Silhouette Staff   Discussion arose surrounding the current prisoner swap that occurred in Israel in last week’s edition of the Sil [“Prison swaps are dirty business” – Oct. 20]. After being held captive for over five years, Israeli sergeant Gilad Shalit was released in exchange for 1027 Palestinian prisoners. While last week’s article […]

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October 20, 2011
Prison swaps are dirty business

Mozafer Rajabali The Silhouette Prisoner swaps have been at the center of many political ploys – none more exaggerated than the one between Israel and Palestine. Late Friday evening, the political group of Hamas, which currently runs the Gaza strip, will release a number of Palestinians in what is dubbed “phase one” of two phases […]

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October 18, 2011
Mac celebrates National Coming Out Day

Natalie Timperio Senior InsideOut Editor “We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re fabulous!” Perhaps these words, claimed by Vilma Rossi, Program Coordinator for the Office of Human Rights and Equity Services, best encapsulate National Coming Out Day (NCOD), celebrated this past Tuesday in the Student Centre atrium. Tuesday represented McMaster’s very first celebration of NCOD and […]

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October 17, 2011
Head to Head: Voting systems

Sumeet Khanna, Co President, McMaster Debating Society versus Andrew Terefenko, Opinions Editor   Which system of voting is better, first-past-the-post or proportional representation?   SUMEET: First-past-the-post (FPTP) is a system of democratic voting that has recently come under a lot of scrutiny in Canada. Operating as the primary voting system at the provincial and national […]

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January 1, 1970
The role of social media activism in the current struggle for Palestinian liberation

In light of the ethnic cleansing and violent dispossession of Palestinians, the need for reshares and reposts has never been more apparent By: Shehla Choudhary, Contributor  cw: genocide, ethnic cleansing, violence   On May 16, nearly 1000 protestors gathered at Hamilton City Hall and marched through the downtown core. Similar demonstrations occurred in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square and Mississauga’s Celebration Square. […]

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January 1, 1970
No woman yes cry

McMaster Second Last for Gender Equity amongst Student Governments in Ontario There is a noticeable gap in the percentage of women that make up the McMaster Student Representative Assembly. Only 34.3 percent of the SRA is female and none of the executives on the Board of Directors are women. These results put McMaster eighth amongst […]

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January 1, 1970
The BDS Debate: Anti-BDS

BDS (Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions) is a hateful and illegitimate campaign that seeks to hypocritically single out Israel, the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. In this light, BDS has no place on our campus. The MSU should not be taking political stances on complex and polarizing issues that stand to divide our student […]

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January 1, 1970
Setting the agenda

This year’s MSU General Assembly proved the venue can be both effective and inefficient in providing a democratic forum for the student membership to “show up and speak out.” Attendance at the Assembly peaked at 630, three members from quorum. Compared to last year’s peak attendance of 60 students and to a string of non-quorate […]

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