SRA general election results released

Anqi Shen
March 14, 2014
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

The results of the 2014 SRA general election were released on March 13 after two days of online polling. With the results, the Elections Department also revealed they had miscalculated the number of seats in Nursing and Science: Nursing should have two seats instead of one, and Science should have six seats instead of seven.

According to a memo from the Elections Department, the mistake was "admittedly the result of human error."

The error was brought to the Elections Committee, who voted to hold another election for a second Nursing representative. Despite the mix-up, the committee determined that a separate election will not be held for Science representatives. The top six candidates for SRA Science will be part of the Assembly, while the seventh, Mike Cheung, will not. Cheung was separated by four votes from Patricia Kousoulas, the sixth-place Science representative elected.

Before polling took place, a number of seats had already been acclaimed. The maximum number of seats for Kinesiology (2), Engineering (6) and Arts & Science (1) were acclaimed,  and one seat of two for Nursing was acclaimed.

The results of the election are as listed below (elected representatives bolded). Candidates have five business days to make appeals before the results are made official.

SRA Business Representatives

Nolan Harrison (152 votes, 34.5%)

Tambakis, John (92 votes, 20.9%)

Mohamed, Sarah (86 votes, 19.5%)

Cheng, David (82  votes, 18.6%)

Laniado, Ari (28 votes, 6.4%)

Total votes: 262

Abstain: 32 (12.2%)


SRA Health Science Representatives

Mordhorst, Alexa 179 (44.1%)

Chivukula, Pardh 155 (38.2%)

Berditchevskaia, Inna 72 (17.7%)

Total votes: 235

Abstain: 12 (5.1%)


SRA Humanities Representatives

Soubas, Jessica 182 (21.4%)

King, Sara 127 (14.9%)

Lehwald, Katie 123 (14.5%)

Oliveros, Daymon 123 (14.5%)

Filice, Simon 122 (14.3%)

Towers, Matthew 110 (12.9%)

McGowen, Kara 64 (7.5%)

Total votes: 349

Abstain: 33 (9.5%)


SRA Social Science Representatives

Paul, Tristan 218 (16.9%)

Craig, Lindsay 192 (14.9%)

D'Angela, Daniel 187 (14.5%)

Gillis, Eric 163 (12.6%)

Jama, Sarah 156 (12.1%)

Thamphirasan, Nilen 133 (10.3%)

Ibe, Gerald 109 (8.4%)

Jamieson-Eckel, Esmonde 71 (5.5%)

Galindo, Cam 63 (4.9%)

Total votes: 485

Abstain: 29 (6.0%)


SRA Science Representatives

Brodka, Jacob 547 (15.5%)

Tweedie, Victoria 413 (11.7%)

Gill, Mike 393 (11.1%)

Mazza, Mirella 361 (10.2%)

Guarna, Giuliana 315 (8.9%)

Kousoulas, Patricia 294 (8.3%)

Cheung, Mike 290 (8.2%)

Abbas, Anser 284 (8.0%)

Hutchinson, Marty 254 (7.2%)

Clayton, Miranda 187 (5.3%)

Le, Paul 112 (3.2%)

Baiden, Gilbert 89 (2.5%)

Total votes: 836

Abstain: 18 (2.2%)


Arts and Science

* Acclaimed: Spencer Nestico-Semianiw



* Acclaimed: Vikas Chennabathni
* Acclaimed: Ethan D’Mello
* Acclaimed: Alex Dufault
* Acclaimed: Jay Modi
* Acclaimed: Shen Seevaratram
*Acclaimed: Ehima Osazuwa


* Acclaimed: Raymond Khavane
* Acclaimed: Taylor Wilson


* Acclaimed: Mitchell Gillies
1 vacant

This article has been corrected to show that all six SRA engineering positions were acclaimed. The MSU's website listed only five names at the time of the article's publication.

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