SRA to address VP election petition

Amanda Watkins
October 20, 2015
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

The MSU VP (Administration) received a petition on Friday, Oct. 2 related to amending the VP election process.

Upon verification, the petition reached the required 672 signatures and will be discussed at the next SRA meeting on Nov. 1, at 5:00 p.m. in Gilmour Hall Council Chambers. At this time the MSU does not know the total number of verified signatures, but it was presented to the VP (Administration) with over 880 physical signatures. The signature count was stopped after they reached their required 672.

The requested amendments to the current VP electoral system are highlighted in the attached modified MSU Constitution: MSU Constitution - Oct 2015 proposed changes

The petition asks that VP nominations be open to all members of the MSU as opposed to just SRA members. It also requests a VP election open to all members of the MSU that would take place around the same time as presidential elections.

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