Hosted by local artist and McMaster alumna Julianna Biernacki, this free talk series gives artists a chance to share their creative processes
Open Window Artist Talks is a talk series that runs bimonthly at Rooney’s Cafe and was an event featured at Hamilton’s Supercrawl. At this event, artists are given the opportunity to speak about their craft, creative process and artistic journey.
Supercrawl is an annual festival showcasing many mediums of art, talent and culture which this year took place from Sept. 13 to Sept. 15. In partnership with the Hamilton Public Library, Julianna Biernacki hosted the Open Window Artist Talks series. This was a two-day event that happened on Sept. 14 and 15.
At Supercrawl, Biernacki organized a lineup of six artists, with three artists performing on each day. The artists featured were Zoë Pinnell, Douglas Tewksbury, Mikey Gracie, Melanie Cheung, Chelsea Reynolds and Ashes.
Julianna Biernacki is a local textile artist and McMaster University alumna. After graduating from the McMaster Studio Arts program in 2021, she missed the occasional artist talks she had during her undergrad. "In school I really enjoyed going to the artist talks that professors would bring in the program. Once I graduated and I was doing my own thing in the Hamilton art community, I noticed there was nothing like that going on," said Biernacki.
In school I really enjoyed going to the artist talks that professors would bring in the program. Once I graduated and I was doing my own thing in the Hamilton art community, I noticed there was nothing like that going on.
Julianna Biernacki, Founder
Open Window Artist Talks
"I was catching up with a friend one day, I told her about this and she said that I should just run my own artist talks," stated Biernacki. This conversation eventually led to the creation of the Open Artist Talk Series where attendees can have an open and comfortable discussion with featured artists about their creative journeys.
When Biernacki initially approached Rooney’s Cafe, she noticed Rooney's already hosted events after hours and was integrated in the Hamilton community. "I reached out to Rooney's and they let me host an event there. Lots of people showed up, it was a fun time and they kept letting me host them after that," said Biernacki. "The first one was December of last year, December 2023."
This year, Open Window was able to take place at Hamilton's annual Supercrawl. "For Supercrawl, I was put into contact with one of the organizers. She said I could run the event there and put me in contact with the library," said Biernacki.
This recurring event gives Hamilton residents and visitors a chance to be inspired by local talent and unique artistry. "Hearing someone talk about something that they're passionate about and spend hours doing is just so inspiring," said Biernacki when asked about the impact of her series in the community. "It makes me want to leave Rooney's after the talk and go straight to the studio," said Biernacki.
Hearing someone talk about something that they're passionate about and spend hours doing is just so inspiring.
Julianna Biernacki, Founder
Open Window Artist Talks
These talks were designed with an informal and open format, allowing attendees to engage directly with the artists. "Rooney's also stays open for a duration of the talk so people can get a tea . . . it's also a BYOB event if people want to have a drink with friends," said Biernacki.
This setup encouraged a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights in a cozy environment, providing the audience a chance to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the artists' creative processes.
Biernacki’s goal with the talk series is to ensure that these events remain accessible to everyone, which is why they are always free to attend. "I wanted to make sure the events would be free so they'd be accessible for everyone to come," said Biernacki.
I wanted to make sure the events would be free so they'd be accessible for everyone to come.
Julianna Biernacki, Founder
Open Window Artist Talks
By providing this platform, Biernacki aims to foster inspiration and dialogue within Hamilton’s artistic community. The talks also serve as a bridge between emerging and established artists, creating valuable networking opportunities and fostering a sense of community among art enthusiasts.
"I'm just really lucky that Hamilton has so many talented artists. It really feels like I'm pulling from an endless bag of names," said Biernacki when asked about finding new featured artists in each Open Window event.
I'm just really lucky that Hamilton has so many talented artists. It really feels like I'm pulling from an endless bag of names.
Julianna Biernacki, Founder
Open Window Artist Talks
Julianna Biernacki’s initiative highlights her commitment to making art accessible and engaging. For those interested in experiencing these enriching discussions and exploring Hamilton’s vibrant art scene, attending future Open Window Artist Talks is a fantastic opportunity. Keep an eye on upcoming events through Biernacki's Instagram to catch a glimpse into the studios of some of the most exciting local artists.
How stopping to explore the culture of Hamilton helped Volume 93 A&C Reporter make up for lost experiences as the world kept turning
Time is argumentatively linear. By that, I mean it continues to move forward even if you don’t realize it. Even when you try to keep yourself awake a little longer to make the day last longer, 12:00 a.m. will always mark the beginning of a new day.
The reality that time doesn’t stop at one's will is something people spend their entire lives accepting. It isn’t that the mass population believes they can stop time, but rather a sad feeling knowing there will always be time that can’t be returned.
The reality that time doesn’t stop at one's will is something people spend their entire lives accepting. It isn’t that the mass population believes they can stop time, but rather a sad feeling knowing there will always be time that can’t be returned.
These kinds of thoughts never plagued my mind growing up. As per the average child, I was just happy to exist. I found easy happiness in holding my mom's hand as she walked me to the big yellow school bus that would always stop over the same bump and made all the kids yell.
However, in recent years, I have fallen victim to the hope that time will pause with me. I know it is truly unrealistic to hope for such a thing, but alas I am one of the billions of people who cycled through a pandemic and now I'm one of the many third-year students at McMaster University who sometimes forgets which direction on Main Street West will take her to downtown Hamilton.
Though the glaring lack of knowledge about their university town isn’t uncommon among university students, the degree to which it affects people is different. When I brought up my own fears to my friends about how little I have explored within Hamilton, they admitted they didn’t necessarily have the same worry.
To them, it was a given that they didn’t explore Hamilton as much as the average student. Though it is more than fair, it was hard for me to accept how little I knew about a city I lived in.
My worries of not knowing much about Hamilton became more prominent through my position as a reporter for the Silhouette. For almost the past eight months, I have been learning about how robust Hamilton is. Every week I have had the privilege to talk about the arts, thriving businesses and new events prospering in Hamilton.
It wasn’t as if an external person was keeping me from the plethora of culture in Hamilton, but rather the glaring eye of time. As a third-year undergraduate student, so much of the year was spent trying figure out my next steps and classes, I felt as though I would lose time if I enjoyed myself.
It wasn’t as if an external person was keeping me from the plethora of culture in Hamilton, but rather the glaring eye of time. As a third-year undergraduate student, so much of the year was spent trying figure out my next steps and classes, I felt as though I would lose time if I enjoyed myself.
The first time anxious knot in my stomach had begun to unravel was for a piece I wrote earlier this year. I had thought the interview was meant to be done through Zoom, for an upcoming exhibition. Instead, it ended up being an interview that was meant to be in-person, at the exhibit. What had been a miscommunication between the interviewee and me, ended up becoming a secret blessing.
With limited opportunities to leave the confines of McMaster this year, visiting the exhibit in-person for the interview offered me a unique chance to experience art in real-time. As I walked around the exhibit, with the artist who had spent years creating the work, I found myself truly connecting. When I was able to put aside my initial hesitancy regarding the underlying fear of losing time, I was enjoying myself. The simple mistake made me realize how fulfilling it is to explore; how even if I may lose time in one aspect, I am enriching myself in another.
As I walked around the exhibit, with the artist who had spent years creating the work, I found myself truly connecting. When I was able to put aside my initial hesitancy regarding the underlying fear of losing time, I was enjoying myself. The simple mistake made me realize how fulfilling it is to explore; how even if I may lose time in one aspect, I am enriching myself in another.
The chance to view my own life beyond the confines of my own fears would not have been possible if not for my time on the Silhouette. The undeniable reality is that time will continue, no matter what we do.
As someone who up until recently was consumed in the fear of never fully using my time correctly, I urge you to take a chance. Visit the art exhibit showing up on your feed, go to the concert even if it seems far away, stop by the street fair that pauses the traffic and let yourself be present. Let yourself take back control of the time you fear you’ll never get back.
The Cotton Factory used to be a mostly abandoned groups of buildings in Hamilton’s industrial sector, a remnant from a bygone era of manufacturing in the city. That all changed five years ago, when Laura and Robert Zeidler purchased the property on 270 Sherman Avenue North, transforming it into the vibrant centre for the arts that the are today. They’ve refurbished the boarded-up windows and empty rooms, turning the buildings into warm and welcoming community spaces filled with both artists studios and a coworking space.
“A lot of the doors on all of the artists’ studios have glass on them, most of the artists keep their doors open when they’re there so that there’s this really nice feeling of community in the building, which is what we’re really working at,” said Laura. “Another thing we work to develop and maintain the feeling of community in the building is places for collision. So little lounge areas, kitchenettes, all that kind of stuff, so that when they’re heating up their tea they start chit-chatting and finding those synergies to work together.”
The coworking spaces in The Cotton Factory allow people to connect with potential collaborators and build relationships with other artists. The buildings that were once empty are now buzzing with activity. The Zeidlers emphasize the importance of creating a space like this for the arts in the city.
“What we’re trying to do is provide space for creative things to happen. It’s not just artist studios with people going into their studios and doing art. What we’re trying to develop is a community, and that’s why we do [events] like ‘Explore the Cotton Factory’ where people can come and see the community, but also the people within the building can go around and see what’s happening in different peoples’ studios. We’re really trying to help support and show the community that’s in Hamilton and around,” said Zeidler.
Their work isn’t just limited to the buildings interior. The Zeidlers are working to promote the arts throughout the city. They have hosted the Hamilton Art Week Launch Party for the past two years running. They’ve had concerts with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra — one of Canada’s leading professional orchestras. They also hosted the Quilt of Belonging exhibit with Tourism Hamilton — a collaborative art project combining art from Canadians across the county. The Cotton Factory was even a venue for the Hamilton Fringe Festival this past year. Amongst other projects, they are collaborating with the Hamilton Arts Council on an Artist-in-Residence program.
“They’re assisting us with our Artist-in-Residence program . . . there’s a studio that we provide and Hamilton Arts Council helps choose the artists. There are two artists and they’re there for three months on a rotating basis and then once a year we have an artist from Europe come to stay — we actually have an Artist-in-Residence from Estonia right now,” said Zeidler.
Through this program, The Cotton Factory provides resources for artists that may not otherwise have access to them, giving the creators the opportunity to focus on creating.
The Cotton Factory has created more than just a studio space. They have grown a community for creators and makers to call home. The Cotton Factory is a shining example of artistic expression in the city. They regularly host events for the community, and they provide a space for artists to express themselves freely. They will also be hosting the upcoming Work In Progress Art Exhibit, which is covered in more detail on the next page. If you have any interest in the arts, The Cotton Factory likely has something for you.
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