City of Hamilton and United Way Halton & Hamilton launch Toys for Tickets, enabling residents to pay parking fines through toy donations

From Dec. 2 to 6, 2024, Hamilton residents have the chance to transform their parking fines into holiday cheer through the Toys for Tickets pilot program. During this period, individuals who have been issued parking tickets can pay their fines by donating a new, unwrapped toy of equal or greater value than their ticket.

The donated toys will be distributed through United Way Halton & Hamilton as part of its Holiday Helping Hand program. Kristen Jacob, vice president of marketing and communications for the organization, highlighted that the program aligns with its mission to support community well-being through initiatives targeting youth, poverty and mental health.

"[Toys for Tickets] is a program that offers meaningful ways for the community to engage with United Way and support their community . . . It is critical for our community to receive some of these toys so that children have a joyous holiday season," said Jacob.

It is critical for our community to receive some of these toys so that children have a joyous holiday season.

Kristen Jacob, Vice President of Marketing and Communications
United Way Halton & Hamilton

United Way Halton & Hamilton supported over 220,500 individuals and families across 124 social service programs last year. Jacob highlighted that one in six people in Hamilton access their services and the demand continues to increase.

"[The] thing is that when we ask family members what their wish lists are for the year or the program, they come back with things that are a little shocking to us," Jacob explained, describing that wish lists included gift cards for gas, basic hygiene products and food.

Jacob also highlighted the program's unique impact. "It gives an extra layer of compassion from people who already need to pay that fine, knowing that the toys being donated through this program are going to families who desperately need them this year . . . [the toys] gives them something to look forward to," said Jacob.

It gives an extra layer of compassion from people who already need to pay that fine, knowing that the toys being donated through this program are going to families who desperately need them this year.

Kristen Jacob, Vice President of Marketing and Communications
United Way Halton & Hamilton

In addition to Toys for Tickets, United Way encourages the community to explore other ways to give back. Options include online donations, monthly giving, or volunteering.

Looking ahead, United Way Halton & Hamilton is preparing for its Sleepless in Our Cities program in February 2025. This event raises awareness about poverty by inviting participants to spend a night in their vehicles to better understand the realities of homelessness.

SWHAT hosts Walk-A-Thon to support Interval House of Hamilton, donating $1 for every walk in November 

Each November, the Student Walk Home Attendant Team hosts a Walk-A-Thon, where they contribute $1.00 for every walk conducted during the month to a local charity. This November, SWHAT will be raising funds for the Interval House of Hamilton shelter, which provides support services to women, with and without children, who have experienced abuse or violence. 

SWHAT is a McMaster Student Union volunteer service which walks home students who live on and off campus. The service operates seven days a week from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., running from September to April. When students request a SWHAT walk, the service will send two volunteers to escort students to their destination. SWHAT walkers are equipped with a flashlight, radio and umbrella if needed. 

SWHAT is located on the second floor of the McMaster University Student Centre in room 234. To request a walk, students can visit MUSC 234 during operating hours, schedule a walk by booking online or call SWHAT at 905-525-9140, extension 27500. On the request form, SWHAT indicates that all  information will be kept confidential. 

Jonathan Guan, the coordinator of SWHAT, spoke to the Silhouette about this year’s Walk-A-Thon, highlighting SWHAT’s goals to raise both awareness and funds for Interval House of Hamilton. “November is already our busiest month. So we figured it would be a great opportunity to also push a campaign, not only to increase visibility for SWHAT but also to support a local cause”, said Guan. 

November is already our busiest month. So we figured it would be a great opportunity to also push a campaign, not only to increase visibility for SWHAT but also to support a local cause.

Jonathan Guan, Co-ordinator

In last year’s Walk-A-Thon, Guan noted that SWHAT donated approximately $200.00 to Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg, a local charity that offers programs and services to Indigenous populations in Hamilton, Brantford and the surrounding areas. Guan also expressed hope that SWHAT would meet or surpass this amount in donations for this year’s event. 

One challenge that Guan highlighted is that as the colder months set in, students tend to book fewer walks. “Whenever I hear people becoming hesitant, I’m like, don’t worry about it. This is why we’re here. We are all in the office, eager to go on walks so don’t let the cold weather be a dissuading factor to the booking,” said Guan. 

Whenever I hear people becoming hesitant, I’m like, don’t worry about it. This is why we’re here. We are all in the office, eager to go on walks so don’t let the cold weather be a dissuading factor to the booking.

Jonathan Guan, Co-ordinator

In addition to the Walk-A-Thon, SWHAT has launched a weekly initiative called SWHot Chocolate in Mills Library, every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. During this time, volunteers and executives provide small cups of free hot chocolate to students while also raising awareness about SWHAT’s services.  

To participate in the Walk-A-Thon, students are encouraged to book walks online, by phone or stopping by in-person.

Hamilton running organization VR Pro hosts charitable Halloween races in support of Hamilton Food Share and McMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation

VR Pro is a company which facilitates race events for the running community within Hamilton and Burlington. This year’s Halloween races were held on Oct. 26. and started at the Discovery Centre Waterfront Shores. 

This year’s race offers runners a one kilometer race, a five kilometer race, and a 10 kilometer race. But while the race offers runners a chance to indulge in the Halloween spirit and compete with others, it also aims to help others. Funds raised from the races this year will be donated to the McMaster Children's Hospital and the Hamilton Food Share.

Amitoz Bhattale is the company's new director of marketing. This year's races were her first Halloween races and she has helped to make this year’s event one to remember. 

“It's all about the community in this one. And we are supporting McMaster Children's Hospital in this race and the Hamilton food shelter as well. We've already raised over $3,500 for that [McMaster Children’s Hospital] and $1,500 worth of food for the Hamilton Food Shelter,” said Bhattale. 

It's all about the community in this one ... we are supporting McMaster Children's Hospital in this race and the Hamilton food shelter as well. We've already raised over $3,500 for that [McMaster Children’s Hospital] and $1,500 worth of food for the Hamilton Food Shelter.

Amitoz Bhattale, Director of Marketing

By signing up for the Halloween race with VRPro, runners were prompted to donate to either the McMaster Children’s Hospital or Hamilton Food Shelter. Additionally, those who signed up for the one kilometer race were asked to donate $25 overall.

Along with numerous individuals donating to these charities before the race, VRPro also had an option for people to bring non-perishable items to donate or to make a monetary donation to Hamilton Food Share.

“[W]e definitely want to make an impact whether it's through the charities that we support or through the community that we bring together. And that's how we measure success as VRPro. And personally for me, if I have done the marketing right, and if we have gotten enough participants and we have exceeded the check that we have for us, that's a personal success for me,” said Bhattale.

If you are a runner and passionate about supporting charitable organizations, VR Pro hosts other holiday themed, charitable races throughout the year. On Dec. 1, 2024 they will host a Santa Parade Race followed by the Santa Hamilton Race on Dec. 15, 2024, the funds from which will support Food for Life and Mission Services.

Arts for All presents "fabric > fabric," an interactive exhibit that invited Supercrawl attendees to celebrate the joy of creating together

Arts for All, formerly Culture for Kids in the Arts, is a charitable organization run by the Hamilton Conservatory of Arts that provides access to arts education programming to children and youth throughout Hamilton and surrounding areas.

One of Arts for All's initiatives is Artasia, a summer program which mentors and equips young adults to deliver a five-week arts program to children in their neighbourhoods. Selections from this year’s program, “fabric > fabric,” were displayed at Supercrawl alongside an interactive tapestry exhibit.

This past summer, Artasia brought arts education to over two thousand children in 44 neighbourhoods including Waterdown, Crown Point and Binbrook. Participants explored the meaning that can be both found and created in fabric and fabric-based art practices such as drawing with fabric markers, gluing fabric scraps and tie-dying. The “fabric > fabric” program considered and included themes related to community, cultural identity and sustainability.

Artasia facilitator Setareh Masoumbeiki discussed the inspiration for this year’s program in an interview with the Silhouette. “What I really enjoy about Artasia, and what Artasia is to me, is that it always starts with a question. And this year we started with a question of when is fabric more than fabric? How can we look at fabric with different eyes, with new ways of looking?” said Masoumbeiki.

What I really enjoy about Artasia, and what Artasia is to me is that it always starts with a question. And this year we started with a question of when is fabric more than fabric? How can we look at fabric with different eyes, with new ways of looking?

Setareh Masoumbeiki, Artasia Facilitator
Arts for All

At the conclusion of each summer, Arts for All puts together an artwork that incorporates the children’s artwork from Artasia. This year, the “fabric > fabric” exhibit at Supercrawl featured two quilts made up of tie-dyed and flower-pounded fabric created during the program.

The quilts were hung up on a rope between two trees and incorporated over 400 individual squares of fabric. Masoumbeiki described the impact the scale of the exhibit had on her. "You come and you look at them and it’s just breathtaking. All of [the kids], all these neighbourhoods, all these organizations," said Masoumbeiki.

Masoumbeiki described the quilts as a testament to the children’s abilities. “It’s a quilt but it’s also a banner. It’s a statement of the children’s voices, what children can do and how capable they are in creating art and being creative,” said Masoumbeiki.

It’s a quilt but it’s also a banner. It’s a statement of the children’s voices, what children can do and how capable they are in creating art and being creative.

Setareh Masoumbeiki, Artasia Facilitator
Arts for All

In addition to displaying work from the summer program, the “fabric > fabric” exhibit also featured an interactive community tapestry. Nine looms were constructed with metal frames and orange fencing. Supercrawl attendees were invited to participate in the exhibit by writing ideas and stories on strips of fabric and weaving them into the looms. Participants also knotted and braided the pieces of fabric.

Masoumbeiki said that the exhibit was designed with kids in mind. The looms were low enough to the ground that young children could participate in the tapestry.

To create fabric strips for the community tapestry, the Artasia team repurposed and naturally dyed donated bed sheets. Masoumbeiki stated that she hoped the exhibit would prompt people to think about sustainability, something that is central to Artasia’s practices. She said that she hopes people will start to understand that “things can be one thing, and then you can use them to create so many other things.”

"We always want to have something to be interactive, because that interactive part of it, that community art is always part of what we believe in," said Masoumbeiki. She also noted that the looms will be donated to the community organizations that supported Artasia 2024.

If you are interested in learning more about Arts for All and the programs they provide, check out their website, Instagram and Facebook.

McMaster sports teams, including field hockey, women's curling, men's baseball and fencing among others, fundraise to offset team travel costs and upgrade equipment

First announced on Nov. 23., the McMaster University Athletics and Recreation Department advertised an annual event called Giving Tuesday to fundraise for U Sports, Ontario University Athletics and club teams.

In order to raise funds for teams, the department has urged McMaster alumni, members of the community and university sports fans to pitch in and donate to teams.

Prior to the event, each of the Marauders sports teams identified a fundraising goal they hoped to earn through donors. Some teams had high aims, such as men's volleyball and football who aimed to fundraise $5,000, while others such as women's field hockey aimed to fundraise $300.

Participating teams also posted their reasons for fundraising and what they hoped to accomplish with their donations. Numerous OUA teams looked to offset travel costs, such as field hockey, women's curling and figure skating. Several teams also wanted funding for upgrades to equipment, including men's baseball, fencing and Nordic skiing.

Numerous OUA teams looked to offset travel costs, such as field hockey, women's curling and figure skating.

As Giving Tuesday kicked off on Nov. 28., many student athletes took to social media to garner support and awareness toward their cause. Many Marauders reposted an image by McMaster Sports on Instagram to urge the community to donate.

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The event ended successfully with an overall fundraising total of $101,655.22 provided by 667 different donors. In addition to base funding, McMaster Athletics and Recreation awarded prizes for reaching certain donation amounts and donor goals.

The event ended successfully with an overall fundraising total of $101,655.22 provided by 667 different donors.

The department gave an extra $500 to teams that reached $1,000 in funding, the team that had the most donors and the team with the highest donation amount. The women's soccer team was able to capture the most donors while the men's water polo team was received the highest donation amount.

The hope is that this funding will help all teams involved in Giving Tuesday to achieve their set of goals and support athletes for the upcoming season.

Photo from Silhouette Photo Archives

By: Adriana Skaljin

For the past five years, the McMaster men’s rugby team has been running their own Movember campaign, raising money for men’s health initiatives. Last year, the team collectively raised around $6,100, motivating them to increase their goal for 2018 to $7,000.

The Movember Foundation is the leading charity that focuses on men’s health. They focus on issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health and suicide prevention. This initiative was started in 2003 and has funded more than 1,200 men’s health projects worldwide.

C/O @mcmaster_mens_rugby

[spacer height="20px"]Callum MacLeay, a fifth-year kinesiology student, is leading this year’s Movember campaign. As the club captain on the rugby leadership team, it was his responsibility to take over the Movember initiative, since the club captain is involved with coordinating any off-field fundraising and team bonding. MacLeay has raised over $1,400 since 2015 and has set a personal goal of $1,000 for this year.

“Seeing as last year’s goal was $6,000 and this year’s is $7,000, it would be awesome to reach the realm of raising $10,000,” said MacLeay.    

MacLeay has been participating in Movember for four years now and was inspired by the fact that his grandfather had prostate cancer.

“[This] made [Movember] something easy to engage with because it was something that I personally connected to,” said MacLeay.

Seeing as Movember raises money for men’s health, it is something that connects and affects everyone on the men’s rugby team. This creates a sense of motivation towards making a difference in this area of charitable work.

“[Movember] has ranged to a new focus on mental health, which is a big push that made us want go support [this initiative],” MacLeay explained.

When they first started the campaign, they had around 20 players participating; they now have around 50. This increase in participants shows an increase in support, thus bringing awareness to this initiative’s importance.

“On the field, we come together to achieve a common goal, but to have the camaraderie that comes with a community sense is great, and it is nice to see the newer players join [in helping with Movember],” said MacLeay. “The more you bring awareness, the more people want to get involved. This is due to a sense of empowerment.”

What comes with this sense of empowerment is the understanding that no one is alone and that we are all going through things. With focuses on issues such as mental health, we can remove stigmas and transition into a world that disallows people from suffering in silence.

Not only has the men’s rugby team worked towards removing stigmas and promoting men’s health, but they have banded together with other Marauders as well.

“Men’s volleyball, basketball, baseball, and football have joined us in our Movember initiative here at McMaster,” said MacLeay.

“Movember has been a meaningful experience for me since we get to engage with coaches, alumni, and student field therapists in the fundraising, so it [goes beyond] the players. Having everyone come together on something that is bigger than rugby is important, and I think that it helps build camaraderie both on and off of the field.”

On Nov. 29 and 30, the men’s rugby team will be setting up an information table in the David Braley Athletic Centre on campus. They will be selling t-shirts, wrist bands and will be holding a raffle as well. All proceeds will go towards their Movember campaign.

It is without a doubt that the amazing efforts of the McMaster men’s rugby team are instrumental in changing the ways in which we view men’s health, while sparking a conversation around mental health. Change is possible, with some Marauder spirit, camaraderie and a sense of empowerment.

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Photos by Catherine Goce 

Autumn is a cozy time. The blistering heat of summer is receding but the freezing cold of winter has not yet dug in. A month of school has allowed us to settle into our environment and our routines. It’s a time for a little tradition, a little Thanksgiving and a lot of community.

While many of us will settle into familiar spaces, Eternal Collective wants you to settle into a larger and perhaps slightly unfamiliar community of music and art lovers with their October music festival, Eternal Autumn.

Eternal Collective is a collaboration between Emily O’Rourke and Vince Soliveri. It came out of their desire to build community and create more space for intimate live shows in Hamilton. The first of these events is Eternal Autumn.

The festival launched last Friday at The Little Grasshopper Cafe with disk jockeys Kristen Archer, Smooth Transitions and Seema. Each Saturday in October will feature live performances, pop-up shops and interactive elements. Every week will showcase artists of different genres.

“I feel like all of these scenes operate in parallel but they don't really intersect and…if they did intersect people would realize ‘oh I didn't know I liked dream pop’…I feel like this allows people to explore that without having to really do much work,” explained Soliveri.

Autumn is a lazy time. It’s tantalizing to be able to attend a show with one artist that you may know and discover a couple more on the same night. O’Rourke and Soliveri have created shows where none of the bands playing sound quite the same, allowing music lovers to fall in love with something new.

[spacer height="20px"]Another important part of the shows is that they will all take place in alternative venues. Not only will it allow audiences to learn about spaces in the city that they were not aware of, but it will add to the comfortable vibe of Eternal Autumn.

“I think house shows are a lot more comfortable for a lot more people. So making sure that people are comfortable and safe in a more intimate space, I guess, that way community can be built,” said O’Rourke.

Safety is O’Rourke and Soliveri’s key priority at the festival. Soliveri is part of a group called Safer Gigs Hamilton. They do harm reduction outreach at shows and will be set up throughout Eternal Autumn.

However, it takes more than two to make a safe show. They are putting on bands referred by people who are safety advocates. They have established a zero tolerance policy for any bigoted behaviour. The festival as a safer space to enjoy live music and creates a secure and welcoming environment for diverse audiences.  

[spacer height="20px"]Attending the show is also a great way to give back to the community. A portion of the proceeds will go toward local non-profits, SACHA Hamilton, NGen Youth Centre, the AIDS Network, Internal House and Neighbour to Neighbour Centre. These organizations mean a lot to both O’Rourke and Soliveri.

“[T]hey're putting in a lot of work in the city and I think a lot of it [is] unrecognized sometimes. So I think that it comes down to the fact that we're putting on this thing…it might as well go towards something good,” explained O’Rourke.

[spacer height="20px"]O’Rourke is excited to meet the people that come out to the shows. Soliveri hopes that the shows appeal not only to the musical and artistic sides of the audiences but also to their socially conscious sides. In this way, the festival will create spaces as warm as autumn.

The festival begins on October 6 with performances by Jaunt, Ginla and The Crowleys. Contact Eternal Collective for the location and keep up with their Facebook page for announcements of the upcoming shows.

[spacer height="20px"]Eternal Collective Facebook

Eternal Collective Instagram

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By: Imran Dhalla and Rachel Connell, 5 Day participants

Homelessness: it is not an uncommon phrase or an unrealistic life, as one in five youth in Ontario identify with this phrase. How about hopelessness? I’m sure you can relate to that one. Somebody you know has been homeless at some point in their life, and someone you know feels hopeless every day as they struggle to find food, a safe space to sleep, and sit lost in a town full of people passing by.

The DeGroote School of Business’ “5 Days For The Homeless” is taking on one of the biggest struggles faced by our community as well as communities all around the world. This initiative is working to make a small but crucial difference by advocating the voices of those who feel hopeless and without a safe space to turn.

Recently criticized for giving a false idea of what street homelessness looks like, it should be noted that the “5 Days For The Homeless” campaign hosts sleepers who are not pretending to be homeless in any attempt to force sympathy from passers-by. The world doesn’t need to give their sympathy, we’ve all passed by and sympathized with these issues for years now. The world needs action, and that’s what we’ve sparked here at McMaster. One in 11 Canadians have been homeless in their lifetime, and these middle class campaign sleepers are pledging much more than “poverty porn.” You’re most definitely not donating your dollars or chicken noodle soup cans to suit their needs, but on the contrary, “5 Days for the Homeless” has been working directly with The Good Shepherd house in Hamilton. The Good Shepherd house is a centre dedicated to helping distressed youth in Hamilton. The space is not just for the homeless, and not just troubled youth, but it also addresses physical and mental health concerns and needs.


In the past few years, the “5 Days for the Homeless” has worked with the Good Shepherd house to help distressed youths in a number of ways. This includes: helping replace beds and mattresses, supporting to their homework program, and giving financial assistance to the 716 admissions they’ve seen this year alone. 260 of those were able to remain in the youth shelter, and 301 through Ontario Work were able to pay rent, afford meals and do their laundry independently.

It might seem like a nuisance or a contradiction for some to see middle class students sleep outside the Student Centre collecting money and other items for their campaign, but the reality is, they aren’t the focus. The focus of the campaign is not to glamorize the lifestyle, or suggest that we could ever have a clue what these people face in their day to days, but the focus will always remain embedded in the desire to help the youth in our own backyards who remain on the streets. To act out on the terrible hardships they’ve been handed, and to do something with the resources we have on campus to better our community.

The world doesn’t need to give their sympathy, we’ve all passed by and sympathized with these issues for years now. The world needs action, and that’s what we’ve sparked here at McMaster. 

It is vital for these impressionable kids to tangibly see that we care and give them hope that what we’re doing has more value in society than an acting skit or sympathy scheme. The money 5 Days raises annually, and the advocacy this club brings are proof of a program that works. The sleepers not only pledge to commit a huge chunk of their time towards participating, but proudly stand alongside these youth with the opportunity to become mentors, provide in-house assistance, and create friendships that continue to have positive impacts long after the time of the campaign.

Is it a false idea of what homelessness is? Or is it false to assume that good people bringing good change must have some sort of loophole? It is justified to be skeptical about any campaign that claims to make a difference, but we can’t expect to change anything if we believe the change is too big for us. 5 Days for the Homeless tries and succeeds with a strong impact on the community and city.

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By: Sophie Geffros

Someone you know has been homeless.

This can be hard concept to wrap your head around — if you’re lucky, homelessness is something that happens to other people, and we can only conceive of homelessness as what housing advocates call “street homelessness.” According to a 2013 report by the Wellesley Institute, for every individual identified as street homeless, another four are part of what advocates call the “hidden homeless” population.

Think of your high school friend who surfed couches when his parents kicked him out after discovering he was gay. Think of the sibling that struggles with addiction and is in and out of halfway houses. Think of the friend who confessed tearfully that she and her mother spent the summer in a women’s shelter after leaving a violent spouse. The majority of the homeless population is intermittently homeless, and therefore hidden. Even if you don’t know anyone like I just described, I promise you that statistically speaking you have worked with, or attended classes with, or been friends with someone who has been homeless. It’s not the kind of thing you talk about, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t present.

The Degroote School of Business’ “5 Days for the Homeless” both ignores these populations and gives a false idea of what street homelessness looks like. 20 percent of the street homeless population are youth 16-24, of whom at least 40 percent are LGBT and about 60 percent are Aboriginal. When surveyed by Covenant House, they identified the greatest risk to their lives to be physical and sexual assault while sleeping rough or in shelters. Spending five nights sleeping outside the Student Centre gives a false idea of what homelessness is, and is far safer than the conditions street homeless youth actually experience.


It is good to raise money for charity. Nobody is denying that. But donating food to middle class students so they can pretend at homelessness borders on self-parody. If you have a genuine desire to alleviate suffering in the Hamilton community, donate your time or money directly to the Good Shepherd, or the Hamilton Dream Centre, or the Hamilton Community Core, or any of the dozens of other neighborhood food banks and housing programs that assist the vulnerable in our community. The campus OPIRG runs an excellent program called “Food Not Bombs,” and you can begin the process of helping them out without even leaving campus.

Programs like 5 Days for the Homeless appeal to us because they sanitize housing insecurity. They make us feel good about ourselves for caring, without having to be confronted with the unpleasant realities of homelessness. Advocates for the campaign will say that it raises awareness of street homelessness, but raising awareness for street homelessness is absurd. If you are honestly unaware that people are sleeping on the streets in our city, you are willfully ignoring the men and women sleeping rough by every downtown bus stop.

Spending five nights sleeping outside the Student Centre gives a false idea of what homelessness is.

I want to ask you a question: do you look at street homeless people when you see them on the sidewalk? How many of you are willing to donate your food and converse with the students aping at homelessness outside of MUSC, but ignore the man at the bus stop asking for change? How often do you justify not helping when you are confronted with the need by saying “well, they’re just going to spend it on drugs anyway?” How often do you willfully look away when you are confronted with suffering? Too many of us fail to recognize the humanity and dignity of others when confronted with their pain. We can all strive to be better at this. Pretending to understand a struggle that is not ours so that we can write heart-warming Facebook posts about what we’ve learned is not the way to go about it. The unkempt street homeless man who asks you for a dollar is just as human as the commerce student sleeping outside the student centre.

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On Jan. 28, Bell once again completed another successful “Let’s Talk” campaign, working to challenge the stigma associated with mental illness, and add to the $67.5 million they have already raised in support of mental health initiatives across Canada.

While anyone who advocates for mental health issues will tell you Bell is making a positive change, its efforts are far from perfect. If Bell truly wants to effect change in society and tear down the barriers experienced by sufferers of mental illness, they cannot limit themselves to focusing their efforts on combating “stigma” alone, as this wording neglects the systemic discrimination that those with mental illnesses experience.

To those unfamiliar, stigma and discrimination might seem interchangeable, but they actually have important differences. Stigma is the negative stereotype a person receives, and discrimination is the behaviour that results from this stereotype. This distinction might seem small, but language is powerful and subtle differences can drastically change something’s meaning.

In the case of Bell’s “Let’s Talk” by outlining “anti-stigma” and not “anti-discrimination” as one of their campaign’s four pillars, it undervalues and potentially ignores the existence of mental health discrimination. By only ever using the word “stigma,” and basing your entire campaign around it, you are effectively presenting the idea that those with mental health disabilities may face many negative stereotypes, but they experience little or no actual behavioural consequences. For a campaign that explicitly describes how “language matters” on its second page, it seriously fails to acknowledge the importance of this distinction.

This choice of wording and its resulting popularity becomes incredibly problematic when you read reports like those made by the Ontario Human Rights Commission on Nov. 7, 2012.  The OHRC surveyed 1,500 people in Ontario, and found repeated examples of laws that actively allowed for discrimination against those with mental health disabilities. These examples included multiple accounts from sufferers who had been denied housing, employment and even medical care because of their mental health.

One example from the report says that significant research exists that supports the fact that many private landlords deny housing to people with mental health disabilities. The report cited multiple sufferers who were forced to sign contracts that stated that if their condition worsened, they would be evicted from their residence.

One victim even describes intense discrimination within the healthcare system: “after surgery, my surgeon told me, ‘had I known you were crazy, I wouldn’t have operated on you.’”

These examples reflect only some of the harsh discrimination those with mental illnesses face, and yet Bell and others advocating for mental health issues limit their discussion and focus to combating stigma alone.

It’s easy to see a simple choice of words as a relatively minor issue, but the difference between “stigma” and “discrimination” is a deeper issue than a mistaken campaign by Bell. If you don’t believe me, take a second to consider how other issues of prejudice in our society are described. When discussing racism, sexism, or homophobia, discrimination is the word of choice. However, when describing mental illness, “stigma” is the overwhelmingly popular term.

Don’t believe me? Try typing the word “stigma” into Google. You’ll find page after page discussing mental health issues, and a list of related searches pertaining to that same subject. Try that again with the word “discrimination.” Here the examples address race, homophobia, and human rights concerns, with no mention of mental health even after five pages. It quickly becomes clear that Bell’s decision to use the word “stigma” instead of “discrimination” reflects a much larger cultural issue.

I’m not the only one who feels this way. In fact, the very first resource Bell directs you to is a document from the Canadian Mental Health Association. Within the second paragraph the CMHA makes it clear that they have the same concerns:

“The problem with the word ‘stigma’ is that it puts the focus on the person’s difference instead of on the people who are setting them apart. Using the word stigma makes it seem different than racism, homophobia or sexism. It isn’t. So it’s time to talk about stigma for what it really is: prejudice and discrimination.”

Even organizations directly supporting the campaign feel it is crucial to distinguish the problematic nature of the word “stigma,” and yet Bell remains one of the many that make no such effort.

So why is it people seem to be uncomfortable with associating “discrimination” with mental illness? Do we really believe not receiving medical treatment because of one’s race is that different from not receiving it because of one’s mental health disability? While it’s pointless to compare whether one type of discrimination is worse than another, it’s unsettling to see that we as a society seem intent on labelling mental health as a separate issue, to the point where it even has its own distinct terminology.

We as Canadians need to aim higher than simply combating the stigma surrounding mental illness, and must work to remove the systemic barriers to success that exist for those affected by mental illness.

If Bell really wants to get people talking, ask Canadians why they’re so afraid to acknowledge mental health discrimination that they won’t even use the same words.

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