The McMaster Thespian Company's production showcases the timeless appeal of classical theatre

By: Shelby Foster, Arts and Culture Contributor

"To be, or not to be, that is the question." But why our campus and why now? That's my question.

With the McMaster Thespian Company having wrapped up their fall production of Macbeth and beginning production for yet another of Shakespeare's plays, one has to ask themselves, why does Shakespeare have the McMaster theatre community in such a chokehold?

To get to the bottom of this question, I sat down with some of the cast and crew of MTC's Macbeth to talk about the production and understand what it means to be engaging with Shakespearian classics as modern-day students.

According to the UK National Theatre in their 2024 Macbeth deep dive, the timelessness of Shakespeare has been accredited to his appeal to themes such as love, death, ambition, power, fate and free will —experiences that transcend time.

As Annika Venkatesh, director of MTC's Macbeth, put it, "The themes are relevant because the themes are human."  In addition to Shakespeare's heart-string-plucking work, his works are in the public domain, which has led to further opportunities for creatives to engage with them beyond reading the original works themselves, including but not limited to putting on university productions. 

"Shakespeare is so infused in our culture already and in ways we don't even understand; we enjoy She's The Man, Lion King, 10 Things I Hate About You. Understanding the source material and letting ourselves enjoy and empathize with it are definitely things that we can strive to do through our theatre," said Venkatesh.

Understanding the source material and letting ourselves enjoy and empathize with it are definitely things that we can strive to do through our theatre.

Annika Venkatesh, Director of Macbeth
McMaster Thespian Company

As highlighted by Venkatesh, Shakespeare's impact on Western culture is undeniable, but his plays take center stage on a much more personal level for those directly involved with theatre.

"I remember being 15, reading Macbeth and I thought, "This was my dream character"," said Maya Psaris, a first-year PhD student who played Lady Macbeth in MTC's production. Through MTC, Psaris was enabled to pursue all of her passions by having classical theatre accessible on campus.

"I have a split brain in terms of my passions. I love research, psychology and child development . . . my other passions are acting and theatre," Psaris explained. "Being able to balance both of those two is really important to me."

When asked how their involvement with the MTC interacts with their studies, here is what one of Psaris' castmates had to say.

"It's definitely helpful," said Abbey Hanson, Lennox actress and third-year English and theatre student. "I feel like I have a better understanding of reading Shakespeare and understanding what's going on . . . also any performing experience helps with being in theatre, building up the resume, learning new things, learning different directing techniques that you will experience."

Hanson suggested that involving yourself with MTC as an English or theatre student may help in furthering your career development in direct ways. Venkatesh, alongside directing Macbeth, is a third-year nursing student and argued that the importance of engaging with theatre spans beyond your field of study.

"There's a lot more overlap between theatre and any other field of study than people expect there to be," said Venkatesh. "I go to clinical placements or to work; I go to the hospital . . . so I can talk with them [patients, colleagues] about books, plays, music and theatre. Especially with Shakespeare, everyone has some kind of story. Whether it's just them hating it in high school or talking about going to Stratford every year."

There's a lot more overlap between theatre and any other field of study than people expect there to be.

Annika Venkatesh, Director of Macbeth
McMaster Thespian Company

These unique individuals, all from different backgrounds, are united by one thing in common: the humanity that theatre highlights.

If you want to experience Shakespeare for yourself, MTC is currently preparing for their winter show, Twelfth Night. You can get in on the action by following MTC on Instagram to watch the production process and get the inside scoop. Keep an eye out for performance date announcements, read the play for yourself and, of course, consider seeing the show!













Jemma Wolfe
Senior ANDY Editor

Are artists getting framed? Do you feel framed by society? Framed, this year’s Fall Major production by McMaster’s School of the Arts, premieres this week to much anticipation.

Framed was conceptualized by upper-year Theatre & Film Studies students who wanted to address the way in which artists are perceived and often framed by our present society. The director, professor Peter Cockett, explains, “Framed is about artists, the way they are perceived in our society, the difficulties they face and their ability to reframe our world.”

The play subtly interrogates public attitudes towards the importance of art in its many forms. Six different artists (a ballerina, a sculptor, a street artist, a singer and two digital designers) are mysteriously drawn to the Alternate Dimension coffee shop. There, an unusual barista, with otherworldly insight into the plights of the artists he encounters, magically compels his customers to confront their artistic pasts and come to terms with the circumstances that made them give up on what they loved.

The types of artists’ lives explored in this production were thoughtfully chosen. Cockett explains, “We chose kinds of artists that allowed us to explore different aspects of our central idea. The street artist, for example, allowed us to explore the issue of legitimacy in the art world. Who defines what is art and what is not?”

This production plays on the many meanings of the word “framed.” “The frame has a double meaning in our show. Our artists have been framed by social expectation, and thus the frame is a restrictive presence that limits possibilities. But frames can be moved, and one of the principle values of art for me is its ability to re-frame experience and allow us to see the world in fresh perspective,” explained Cockett. One of the most striking aspects of Framed’s set design is the clever ways that it plays with frames and layers of perception.

Framed is the result of the combined effort of three different classes: the summer term’s Performance Research and Planning, Performance and Community Outreach and Major Production Workshop. These classes gave students a realistic experience of what the realities of creating and staging a play really are.

Cockett was eager to sing the praises of his student cast and crew. “I asked this cast to engage with a complex topic and I have been impressed with the maturity of their response and their commitment to the creative process.”

The first image I saw when I walked into the dress rehearsal was the whole cast and crew standing in a circle together, holding each other’s hands. This pre-show ritual is representative of the relationship between the creative team members that devised the show. Devising, as a theatre process, is all about unity, cooperation and the fusion of collective ideas. There is little hierarchy, and everyone involved, from actors to designers, share the responsibility of inventing the premise, formulating dialogue, building sets, etc.

The benefits of devising processes, as Cockett explains, are that it “brings a multiplicity of perspectives to bear on the issue you are dealing with. It also encourages active engagement from all participants and a sense of collective responsibility within the creative process.”

Framed is a thought-provoking production that both entertains and challenges audiences. Viewers cannot help but consider the power and potential of art to reframe our world, and what is lost when passionate artists lose hope.

Framed is playing on Nov. 11, 12, and 16-19 in Robinson Memorial Theatre (CNH 103) at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at COMPASS and at the door.












Jemma Wolfe
Senior ANDY Editor

Are artists getting framed? Do you feel framed by society? Framed, this year’s Fall Major production by McMaster’s School of the Arts, premieres this week to much anticipation.

Framed was conceptualized by upper-year Theatre & Film Studies students who wanted to address the way in which artists are perceived and often framed by our present society. The director, professor Peter Cockett, explains, “Framed is about artists, the way they are perceived in our society, the difficulties they face and their ability to reframe our world.”

The play subtly interrogates public attitudes towards the importance of art in its many forms. Six different artists (a ballerina, a sculptor, a street artist, a singer and two digital designers) are mysteriously drawn to the Alternate Dimension coffee shop. There, an unusual barista, with otherworldly insight into the plights of the artists he encounters, magically compels his customers to confront their artistic pasts and come to terms with the circumstances that made them give up on what they loved.

The types of artists’ lives explored in this production were thoughtfully chosen. Cockett explains, “We chose kinds of artists that allowed us to explore different aspects of our central idea. The street artist, for example, allowed us to explore the issue of legitimacy in the art world. Who defines what is art and what is not?”

This production plays on the many meanings of the word “framed.” “The frame has a double meaning in our show. Our artists have been framed by social expectation, and thus the frame is a restrictive presence that limits possibilities. But frames can be moved, and one of the principle values of art for me is its ability to re-frame experience and allow us to see the world in fresh perspective,” explained Cockett. One of the most striking aspects of Framed’s set design is the clever ways that it plays with frames and layers of perception.

Framed is the result of the combined effort of three different classes: the summer term’s Performance Research and Planning, Performance and Community Outreach and Major Production Workshop. These classes gave students a realistic experience of what the realities of creating and staging a play really are.

Cockett was eager to sing the praises of his student cast and crew. “I asked this cast to engage with a complex topic and I have been impressed with the maturity of their response and their commitment to the creative process.”

The first image I saw when I walked into the dress rehearsal was the whole cast and crew standing in a circle together, holding each other’s hands. This pre-show ritual is representative of the relationship between the creative team members that devised the show. Devising, as a theatre process, is all about unity, cooperation and the fusion of collective ideas. There is little hierarchy, and everyone involved, from actors to designers, share the responsibility of inventing the premise, formulating dialogue, building sets, etc.

The benefits of devising processes, as Cockett explains, are that it “brings a multiplicity of perspectives to bear on the issue you are dealing with. It also encourages active engagement from all participants and a sense of collective responsibility within the creative process.”

Framed is a thought-provoking production that both entertains and challenges audiences. Viewers cannot help but consider the power and potential of art to reframe our world, and what is lost when passionate artists lose hope.

Framed is playing on Nov. 11, 12, and 16-19 in Robinson Memorial Theatre (CNH 103) at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at COMPASS and at the door.



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