Amid the return of official on-campus homecoming, unsanctioned street gatherings continued but saw improvements with smaller crowds and fewer arrests

On Oct 5., unsanctioned homecoming gatherings this year near McMaster University were smaller in size than previous years, according to statistics released by the Hamilton Police Services this year and last.

This coincides with this year's return of an on-campus and university-sanctioned homecoming, a key campaign promise of McMaster Student Union President Jovan Popovic's election platform for his current term. This was in an effort to both curb the disruptive nature of large street parties by drawing students away from these and to improve student life on campus.

Despite the on-campus homecoming events, over 6,000 people gathered in the Westdale and Ainslie Woods neighbourhoods, continuing the long-standing history of unsanctioned street celebrations.

Despite the on-campus homecoming events, over 6,000 people gathered in the Westdale and Ainslie Woods neighbourhoods.

In 2023, the Hamilton police reported that the unsanctioned gatherings drew 8,000 to 9,000 people, resulting in 49 calls to the police. The event resulted in five arrests under the implemented Nuisance Party Bylaw and the issuing of 10 provincial offence notices. Additionally, two individuals were hospitalized for intoxication.

This year's reports showed that attendance dropped slightly, with an estimated 6,000 to 7,000 people participating. Calls to police also decreased to 43 and three charges were laid under the Nuisance Party Bylaw. However, there was an increase in medical incidents, with paramedics responding to 21 calls and transporting 13 people to the hospital for intoxication.

While the official event provided a structured and legal homecoming alternative, it did not entirely eliminate the appeal of unsanctioned street parties.

The superintendent of the Hamilton Police Service, Robin Abbott, publicly stated that the enhanced coordination between Hamilton Police, McMaster Security, and emergency services helped improve controlling the unsanctioned gathering. There was no mention of the bylaw's efficacy.

Despite the persistence of off-campus gatherings, the MSU deemed the on-campus events a success and in an Instagram post implied its commitment to continuing the initiative in future years.

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The McMaster Students Union, in conjunction with the athletics and recreation department and student affairs, is planning a full day of homecoming events on Oct 5, 2024. This will be the first time in half a decade that homecoming events will be held on campus.

The main event will be the homecoming football game, scheduled from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ron Joyce Stadium. The McMaster Marauders will take on Western University's Mustangs. McMaster students can obtain a free ticket online or at the box office. In the evening, students can enjoy the homecoming concert headlined by Loud Luxury and featuring Lil Tecca.

MSU President Jovan Popovic has played an integral role in organizing this year’s homecoming, delivering on his 2024 presidential campaign promise to improve student events and bring back an on-campus homecoming. “Coming out of the pandemic, engagement was a major, major pillar in my platform when I was campaigning and running for this position ... We saw a lack of belonging, a lack of community. And we felt that this was a really, really strong effort to really try and reel that back in and bring something significant that could help unite the McMaster community,” said Popovic in an interview with The Silhouette.

We saw a lack of belonging, a lack of community. And we felt that this was a really, really strong effort to really try and reel that back in and bring something significant that could help unite the McMaster community.

Jovan Popovic
President, McMaster Students Union

In addition to traditional homecoming events, the MSU is also organizing its inaugural homecoming festival. Highlights of the festival will include live music, free giveaways, vendors and The Monster, a 300 metre inflatable obstacle course. There will also be a 19 and older licensed area within the festival.

“We knew that given this is something that [we] lacked on campus for so many years, that we had to bring it back big. We knew that this had to be something that students would immediately become excited by and gravitate towards,” said Popovic.

McMaster last held a sanctioned homecoming in 2019 before in-person operations ceased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When McMaster began re-opening campus in the fall of 2021, the school chose not to hold any homecoming events.

In recent years, unofficial parties, dubbed “fake homecoming”  or "FOCO", have drawn thousands of students to neighborhood streets, disturbing residents in McMaster’s surrounding community.

An on-campus homecoming cannot prevent such parties from happening — street parties occurred at McMaster in 2019 and earlier, and are popular at other universities with sanctioned homecoming events. However, Popovic hopes that homecoming will be an exciting alternative that draws students to stay on campus. “There were a lot of students who weren't interested in taking part in the street parties or were afraid that there was an unsafe environment there and we wanted to offer the best possible alternative option,” said Popovic.

Popovic said he hopes homecoming will foster community, culture, and belonging among students. A key part of achieving this goal was planning a variety of events throughout the day to appeal to different students. I think that we've really thrived in creating an event that almost every McMaster student is really going to enjoy. I'm really excited to see what the reaction is as we keep moving forward,” said Popovic.

I think that we've really thrived in creating an event that almost every McMaster student is really going to enjoy. I'm excited to see what the reaction is as we keep moving forward.

Jovan Popovic,
President, McMaster Students Union

Homecoming 2024 promises a packed schedule of events. Further information about programming can be found on the official homecoming website. Stay tuned as details continue to be unveiled.

Enacted last year, the nuisance party bylaw is again being enforced to prevent unsanctioned and destructive fake homecoming street parties

Last September, the nuisance party bylaw was passed by the Hamilton municipal government in response to an unsanctioned homecoming street party in 2021.  

Homecoming street parties in 2021, unaffiliated with McMaster University's official football homecoming, resulted in the flipping and destruction of an undergraduate student’s car. This incident along with other reckless activities sparked the nuisance party bylaw initiative in the following year, led by Ward 1 Councillor Maureen Wilson.  

The bylaw defines a nuisance party as featuring public disorderly conduct, public drunkenness or intoxication and damage to or destruction of public or private property, among other criteria.  

The nuisance party bylaw remains in effect and will be enforced from Sept. 14, to Oct. 1, 2023. Under the University Safety District Initiative, a zero-tolerance zone was outlined within student neighborhoods where bylaw infractions result in higher fines.  

The nuisance party bylaw remains in effect and will be enforced from Sept. 14, to Oct. 1, 2023. Under the University Safety District Initiative, a zero-tolerance zone was outlined within student neighborhoods where bylaw infractions result in higher fines.  

Set penalties for failing to comply range from $300 to $500. If you are charged and convicted under the nuisance party bylaw within a zero-tolerance zone, you can face a fine up to $10,000 as a first offender and $25,000 as a repeat offender.  

McMaster Students Union president Jovan Popovic shared thoughts on the bylaw. Popovic explained that the MSU has some concerns about the lack of specificity in the bylaw regarding how it will continue to be enforced.  

“We believe that this causes potential for abuse of power and ultimately could really, really negatively impact students,” said Popovic.  

Last year the nuisance party bylaw was enforced by the presence of Hamilton law enforcement during fake homecoming festivities. Hamilton police were present Westdale and Ainslie Woods streets known to garner larger crowds of students.  

However, it has not been announced if this will continue to be the method of enforcement this year and to what extent.  

“While we are supportive of students enjoying their time here and doing things that continue to create a stronger sense of community, the area where the line is drawn is ultimately where danger comes into play. . .as long as there is peaceful enjoyments, as long as people are being mindful and considerate of their community, as I know a vast majority of McMaster students are, we see no issue,” said Popovic. 

The area where the line is drawn is ultimately where danger comes into play. . .as long as there is peaceful enjoyments, as long as people are being mindful and considerate of their community, as I know a vast majority of McMaster students are, we see no issue.

Jovan Popovic, president, McMaster Students Union

For more information on the nuisance party bylaw, visit the Silhouette for coverage from homecoming 2022.  

With fake homecoming readily approaching, the city needs to consider the consequences of implementing the nuisance party bylaw

Last year, the city of Hamilton implemented the nuisance party bylaw in response to the rather infamous and disastrous fake homecoming party that took place in 2021.  

The bylaw, which makes it illegal to promote, host, attend, permit or refuse to leave a nuisance party, leaves students facing penalties upwards of a whopping $25,000 if charged with an offence. 

Despite McMaster University’s efforts to dissuade students from attending nuisance parties and the new regulations put in place to deter gatherings, thousands gathered in the streets of Westdale and Ainslie Woods last year for yet another FOCO. Though calmer in comparison to the events of 2021, last year’s unsanctioned homecoming party resulted in nine arrests and 16 bylaw charges issued to people involved in the gathering. 

Heavy police presence and enforcement of the bylaw didn’t seem to make a significant difference in the outcome of FOCO. Instead, countless taxpayer dollars were spent policing an event that still resulted in property damage, unhappy Hamilton residents and repercussions for McMaster students.  

As potential FOCO parties approach, Hamilton and McMaster should consider the effectiveness and implications of the nuisance party bylaw.  

While the city of Hamilton has outlined several key limitations of the bylaw — this includes the hefty costs associated with policing, challenges with determining an individual’s involvement with promoting or causing a nuisance party and identifying property owners who are victims of trespassing — there are other factors that need to be taken to account.  

Other cities such as Waterloo, London, Guelph, Brampton and Kingston have also implemented similar bylaws, providing precedence to Hamilton’s circumstances. Members of these communities, however, have indicated that the bylaws are largely ineffective in preventing large gatherings from occurring and tend to compromise student safety in the process of prioritizing the needs of other residents. 

But students are also vital members of Hamilton’s diverse community. Their safety and well-being matter, bringing into question the effectiveness and benefits of the bylaw for all stakeholders involved.  

With the bylaw in effect, Hamilton’s resources continue to be thrown away for the sake of preventing gatherings that, regardless, continue to happen and wreak havoc. For students, there is fear on the streets during FOCO as incidents of wrongful ticketing and police involvement in breaking up parties put student safety at risk.  

Not to mention, a great deal of people who attended and caused property damages during previous FOCO parties weren’t McMaster students. Yet, the university and its students bear the brunt of others’ actions with the bylaw in effect.  

For the university, the events of 2021, covered by several media outlets across the country, have already stained the institution’s reputation and the bylaw only continues to stigmatize the McMaster’s community.  

It is also worthwhile to mention that because the FOCO events following the years of the pandemic were unsanctioned, they occurred in uncontrolled environments that allowed reckless behaviour and welcomed students from outside of the McMaster community.  

Students have voiced the need for sanctioned homecoming parties and events led by the university, like those hosted prior to the pandemic, to ensure McMaster students can attend and enjoy these memorable gatherings in safe and controlled spaces.  

While both the city and Hamilton seem to be following the same protocols from last year, it’s time they weighed the pros and cons.  

Hamilton’s nuisance party bylaw is simply unhelpful. Hamilton and McMaster need to look to more effective solutions that seek student and wider community input before further community resources – that could be better spent elsewhere – are squandered over their impractical approaches.  

More than 2,000 maroon-clad students ventured to Dalewood Avenue last Saturday to celebrate McMaster’s first ever “Fake Homecoming” or FOCO, one of the largest student street parties that the university has seen in years. 

FOCO was planned in response to the university’s decision to move its annual Homecoming event to the weekend of Oct. 18, overlapping with the end of reading week. 

The unsanctioned street party began as a Facebook event called “MAC FOCO 2019 - A new beginning”. According to the page, it had over 2,700 attendees. The party coincided with the McMaster Marauders’ 47-19 win against the Windsor Lancers. 

While the reason for the timing change is likely due to the 2019 football schedule, students took it upon themselves to organize a replacement Homecoming event that satisfied their own schedule. 

The Facebook event description stressed that although the McMaster administration had decided to move HOCO, this would not stop students from taking advantage of an opportunity to celebrate. Visitors to the page were told to come to Dalewood on Sept. 21 and show their school spirit. 

The event attracted the attention of the Hamilton Police and the McMaster administration. A day before, both parties stated in a press release that they were visiting residences to remind students to respect the community. 

The Hamilton police noted that they — as well as city partners — would have an increased presence in the neighbourhood to discourage anything and anyone that might be disruptive. Particular emphasis was placed on forbidding large parties and alcohol on the streets. 

HOCO has a history of safety concerns and in previous years, there have been issues of students publicly urinating and disrupting neighbors and making inappropriate comments during HOCO concerts. In addition, one woman was run over by a police horse during Homecoming in 2018.

Fortunately, FOCO did not run into such problems. Hamilton Police closed off Dalewood between Main Street West and Westwood Avenue and used caution tape to section off homes not housing students or interested in participating. With the exception of a few medical calls and bylaw tickets, the police made no arrests. 

Students remained respectful and enjoyed their time day-drinking on front lawns and walking down the street. Some students even helped clean the street after the parties subsided, earning the gratitude of the Hamilton Police. In addition, the MSU planned a litter pick-up on the street for the Sunday after.

On Twitter, the Hamilton police wrote, “A special thanks to these #McMasterU students for taking the time to clean up after today’s unsanctioned homecoming event in the Ainslee Wood/Westdale area in #HamONT. Thanks for being #good neighbours.” 

FOCO also drew in other students from outside Hamilton. 

“It was lit. I had a really fun time and I wasn’t worried about anything. Overall, it was really relaxing,” said Trevor Chang, a third-year Laurier student and regular HOCO participant. 

The success of FOCO has encouraged some students to plan a similar event next year should McMaster’s annual Homecoming fall during reading week once again. 

“It’s a cultural thing. Of course there will be another FOCO. If we want to, university students are going to plan something like this again,” said a McMaster student who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Regardless, the event supports the possibility of over 2,000 McMaster students attending an entirely student-run Homecoming event with no major issues. 


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