New policy aims to prioritize local students and address physician shortages by reserving medical school admissions for Canadian applicants

The Ontario government has announced that, beginning in 2026, international students will no longer be eligible to enroll in Ontario's medical schools. Premier Doug Ford stated that this measure aims to prioritize Ontario residents in medical school admissions to help address the province's ongoing physician shortage, especially in underserved regions.

Ontario has faced a persistent shortage of physicians, particularly in rural and remote communities, where healthcare access remains a significant issue. Sylvia Jones, Ontario's health minister, remarked that the policy aims to ensure that medical education slots are allocated to Ontario residents more likely to stay in the province and work within the province's healthcare system.

International students currently represent less than one per cent of admissions in Ontario medical schools in the 2023-2024 school year, with the remainder being Canadian residents. The policy shift intends to reallocate these seats exclusively to Canadian students to address the province's healthcare needs. The province will reserve 95 per cent of seats for Ontario residents, with out-of-province admissions accounting for the remaining five per cent.

The province will reserve 95 per cent of seats for Ontario residents, with out-of-province admissions accounting for the remaining five per cent.

With this ban, many international pre-med students will need to seek alternatives. Riya Patel, an international undergraduate student at McMaster, spoke to the Silhouette about how this will effect international students with aspirations of applying to medical school in Canada. "I know so many people who are crushed by this because what are [they] supposed to do now? They went into these good schools [for] pre-med and now, what are their chances, what are their future paths?," said Patel.

I know so many people who are crushed by this because what are [they] supposed to do now?

Riya Patel, international undergraduate student

Alongside the new ban, the Ontario government is introducing a series of programs to encourage Ontario-trained physicians to work in Ontario as family doctors. The government will cover the cost of 1,000 of these students' tuition for those who agree to stay and practice family medicine in Ontario, costing the government $88 million. This subsidy is expected to be put in place starting in 2026 along with the ban on international students.

New federal regulation on international students will limit work hours to 24 per week, sparking debate over financial impacts

A federal law limiting the number of hours international students' are allowed to work to 24 per week was set to come into effect this September. The limit would apply to off-campus work during the academic term and has sparked discussion surrounding academic success, financial stability, and career growth opportunities for international students studying in Canada.

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada announced earlier this year that the proposed cap would apply to off-campus work during the academic term, increasing the limit from the previous 20-hour cap. According to CBC News, the federal government has not yet implemented the new 24-hour cap and has not provided a clear timeline as to when it will.

The proposed change aims to protect students from overworking and support academic success, but many are questioning the effects it will have on international students finances.

The Silhouette spoke with three international students at McMaster about the new cap, whose identities have been anonymized.

Student A is a fourth-year anthropology student. "Living expenses in Canada are really high, even though they assume that international students always come from a very rich and high economic background . . . That is not always the case. Sometimes students save money to get out of their country and then coming here, they need to work to meet their monthly expenses," said Student A.

Living expenses in Canada are really high, even though they assume that international students always come from a very rich and high economic background . . . That is not always the case.

Student A, fourth-year
anthropology student

In a press release, the ministry noted that the cap is intended to help students focus on their studies without the burden of excessive work hours.

However, some students feel that a rigid cap could force them to make difficult choices between covering essential living costs and focusing on their education.

Student B, a third-year international student studying anthropology, acknowledged both sides of the argument about the cap. "I think it could be beneficial for a lot of international students because we do come here to study and at times, working and studying at the same time is pretty difficult . . . But it can be difficult for other students who come here and want to work in Canada. Getting work experience as an international student is already really difficult."

I think it could be beneficial for a lot of international students because we do come here to study and at times, working and studying at the same time is pretty difficult . . . But it can be difficult for other students who come here and want to work in Canada.

Student B, third-year
international psychology student

Student B also expressed frustration at the level of support offered by McMaster's regarding opportunities for work.

"We do have the international student work opportunity, but a lot of the time, international students are not given proper criteria for being eligible . . . The school prioritizes domestic students over international ones when it comes to jobs, which, fair enough, but it's still difficult for us to find jobs through that program," said Student B.

They further explained that they thought on-campus jobs, which are not restricted by the new cap, were hard to come by.

"A lot of us do not have that experience because it's so hard to find jobs, and the time where you would gain that experience is on campus and working with staff. But we aren't being given these opportunities," Student B added.

The new work cap comes alongside additional financial requirements for international students to study in Canada. Marc Miller, minister of immigration, refugees and citizenship Canada, announced in December 2023 that for the 2024-2025 school year, international students wanting to study in Canada would need access to a minimum of $20,635.

Student C, a third-year computer engineering student with campus work experience, shared concerns that while students working on campus may be accommodated, but those seeking off-campus jobs could face difficulties due to a lack of understanding on the part of employers'.

"I think 24 to 30 is a good range if they allow for students, especially because they're paying a lot to institutions and have a lot going on . . . On campus, employers understand your situation. Outside employers wouldn't," said Student C.

Student A shared that many prospective international students come in search of a better quality of life, motivated by the hope of improving their circumstances. They also expressed concerns that a 24-hour work cap could push some students to seek unregulated or unsafe work, especially those unable to meet their financial needs within the time limit.

"If there is a guideline that restricts them from working, we are going to get into low-paid, unsafe, not secure work . . . But they have to get their expenses right; they're gonna do it one way or the other," said Student A.

If there is a guideline that restricts them from working, we are going to get into low-paid, unsafe, not secure work. But they have to get their expenses right; they're gonna do it one way or the other.

Student A, fourth-year
international anthropology student

On April 29th, 2024, IRCC defended the policy in a news release, stating that they developed the new cap after considering student needs, policies in other countries and research showing that excessive work hours can negatively impact academic performance. However, Student B expressed they thought international student's voices need to be considered more.

"There needs to be a better dialogue between the government and international students . . . The government should maybe try [to] speak to their international student demographic a bit more to gain a perspective on how to handle the situation properly," expressed Student B.

There needs to be a better dialogue between the government and international students . . . The government should maybe try [to] speak to their international student demographic a bit more to gain a perspective on how to handle the situation properly.

Student B, third-year
international psychology student

Although the new law is still set to come into effect, it is unclear when exactly this fall the new cap will begin to be enforced.

This is an ongoing story.

Photo C/O Madeline Neumann

By: Anonymous contributor

I never imagined that I would date my teaching assistant. I also never imagined that I would have a “W” on my transcript from dropping their class. Dating my TA was probably one of the worst decisions of my undergraduate degree.

When I got into a relationship with my TA last semester, I didn’t think it was too big of a deal. Dating your TA is much more socially-accepted than dating your professor or course instructor.  

For one, the age differences between you and your TA aren’t always that big. My TA was two years older than me, but I’ve had TAs who were my age or younger. In that case, it’s hard to impose a ban against two consenting 20-somethings dating.

But what a lot of people don’t recognize is that there’s a power imbalance when dating your TA. Even when they’re the same age, or a bit older, there’s the fact that the TA is in a position that can strongly influence your academics and career.

When I had talked with my TA about our relationship, he told me that the department frowned upon student-TA relationships but there was no strict rule against them. While he was “required” to fill out a conflict-of-interest form, nobody forced him too. As long as he gave my assignments to another TA to grade, nobody batted an eye at our relationship.  

I don’t think that’s enough. Especially in classes where TAs are asked to deliver lectures or hold review sessions, it’s not enough to require TAs in relationships with their students to not directly grade their work. Their presence alone influences their students’ marks.

Even when I got out of the relationship, I still felt ashamed and embarrassed every time I had to see him in tutorial or lecture. When I found out that he had marked my midterm, I was angry but didn’t know what to do. It’s difficult to tell your professor the reason you want to switch tutorials or have your test remarked is because you slept with your TA.

In the end, I ended up dropping the class and dodging questions from people asking me why. I still see my TA around campus, however, and I’m scared that I’ll be assigned to his class again. I’ve been so anxious that I’m even considering switching programs to avoid him.

A conflict of interest policy is not sufficient. I reviewed Mac’s conflict of interest policy for employees and there is a section that states that a conflict of interest is present when an employee of the university engages in an “intimate relationship with a person who relies upon them for opportunities to further their academic or employment career”.

However, the only actions an individual must take when this conflict arises is to report to their direct supervisor, who can then decide if the “conflict is confirmed”. If it is, then the case is moved to higher-ups who decide what sort of actions need to be taken to remove the conflict.

But by the time that decision is made, it’s probably too far into the semester to make any changes. In my case, my TA didn’t bother disclosing our relationship since he knew the only action that was required was that he didn’t grade my work.

Even though it states in the policy that failure to report will result in “appropriate disciplinary procedures”, I’m not confident that the university enforces this.

McMaster University should protect their students by banning student-TA, or any student-faculty, relationships altogether. These relationships have harmful power dynamics that blur the lines of consent, and can sometimes be considered sexual harassment or assault.  

I’m not saying that all student-TA relationships end poorly. Sometimes it really is just bad timing when two people happen to meet. But if a relationship is meant to be, it can wait till the end of the semester to begin.

Dating your TA seems like a fun and sexy experience. In reality, this kind of relationship can be complicated, embarrassing and act as a huge stress on your academics and your mental health. Honestly, that cute TA isn’t worth it.


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Photo by Kyle West

By Elliot Fung  

In L.R. Wilson Hall on Oct. 26, McMaster staff and students listened to presenters such as Peter Mascher, vice-provost (International Affairs), and Sean Van Koughnett, associate vice-president (Students and Learning) and dean of students, speak about the status of the “McMaster Model for Global Engagement” implemented in 2017.

The model’s key focus is global engagement with ethical principles and the enhancement of McMaster’s presence on the international stage. One of the problems identified in the strategy document was the absence of a centralized location where people can get information about McMaster’s global engagement strategy. One of the university’s goals is to create a hub-like structure to bring together various aspects of global engagement.

As such, on Oct. 26, McMaster launched MacGlobal, an online hub for information about activities, support, services, opportunities, news and events relating to McMaster’s global engagement. Debates on the possibility of a physical location for a global hub are being held as the logistics are being worked out.

The number of first-year international undergraduate students is growing every year. Van Koughnett reports that the number of international undergrad students will almost double in the next few years. As a result, McMaster is looking at introducing more support for international students.

This year, McMaster is already looking at an array of new programs for international students. The Ignite pre-Welcome Week program, a new English as second language support service, and smaller initiatives such as an airport welcome, help to support incoming international students as they make their transition to McMaster.

Concerning international recruitment, increasing attention is being placed on increasing quality and diversity of applicants. To achieve diversity, student recruitment is targeting specific countries such as China, India, United Arab Emirates, the United States and Turkey.

Another aim is to increase the number of international career opportunities for students and reduce financial barriers. McMaster’s involvement in university networks such as U21 and 20 United Nations University and partnerships with universities abroad will help to support collaborative programs such as joint PhDs and dual master’s degrees.

In addition, collaboration between universities gives way to opportunities such as McMaster’s partnership with a university in Rome to provide students access to the resources of a world-class institution for classical studies. In return, students from Rome will have access to McMaster’s resources.

Scholarships such as the McCall MacBain International Fellowship are being introduced to reduce financial barriers with respect to student mobility. The fellowship provides 10 McMaster students with $23,500 towards academic and work experience abroad.

Despite these shiny initiatives, McMaster currently offers no scholarships that only international students can apply for. This may act as a deterrent for international students who are dependent on foreign government funding, such as the students from Saudi Arabia who were forced to leave McMaster amid a diplomatic dispute in September.

For now, it seems that the university’s model is still in the process of developing the framework and structures needed to enable McMaster’s global engagement. However, more lasting changes are on their way as the university introduces more student mobility funding, new support for international students and the launch of MacGlobal.

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