Nightbox is a Toronto band fresh off the release of their excellent second EP, The Pain Sequence. They are playing a show at The Casbah on Monday, June 9. They took a few moments to speak with ANDY while on tour.

How old are each of you now?

We’re all a little older than last year.

You were slated to release new music last year, but that fell through. What happened?

We considered releasing a full-length last year but decided to hold off. We simply weren’t fully satisfied with the tracks. We only ever want to release something we’re completely happy with. So, we started fresh, and that’s when The Panic Sequence happened.

The Panic Sequence is your second EP and also your second time around working with Sebastien from DFA 1979 and Al-P from MSTRKRFT. How has that experience been?

Apart from ‘Burning’, we produced The Panic Sequence ourselves in our Toronto home. It was a great experience working with Al-P and Sebon our debut EP. We learned a lot from those guys and they brought out a new energy and creativity in us. We felt it would be cool to take what we learned and have a go producing an EP ourselves this time around.

Did you learn anything about the way you guys work with regards to songwriting or just your own inter-band chemistry that helped make the recording process with TPS a little easier?

Producing The Panic Sequence ourselves, we had more flexibility to experiment with various sound textures and ideas. We tried a lot of different ideas until something stuck. Once it did, we tried to not over-produce it, giving the tracks a more energetic, raw vibe.

You guys have built up quite a fan base for yourselves through touring and your first EP making the rounds on music blogs, are there any plans of satisfying them with a full-length LP in the near future?

There are no set plans to release a full length just yet but we’ve been constantly writing new songs. We’re going to start recording those tracks as soon as we’re finished this tour. There will definitely be more music coming from us real soon.

You played a few dates with Albert Hammond Jr. in the UK earlier this month. He’s coming off his own successful EP but he’s more famous for the work he’s done with The Strokes. Did he have any wisdom to impart to you guys about attaining longevity with a band or anything else for that matter?

He’s now a health buff. Eats right, works out, and all that jazz. We’ve all realized that you’ve got to find a balanced lifestyle on the road; otherwise you’ll wear yourself out. We try and make time for exercise when we can. It helps balance out the late nights.

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