The Student Wellness Center is more than just a safety net, it's a proactive tool for building resilience and fostering a supportive community

With the increasing emphasis and research on mental health in recent years, the Student Wellness Centre has expanded its role to offer a variety of wellness programs. these programs work to support students at every stage of their wellness journey.

However, many mistakenly view these resources as a “last resort” for severe cases, overlooking the SWC’s primary role as a preventative and ongoing support system.

Balancing overall health can be extremely challenging while actively growing as a student.

Mental health is often neglected at the expense of deadlines and desires like staying up late to scroll on social media. With this neglect comes the misunderstanding that our mental well-being does not need to be consistently worked on. 

Similar to how we try to stay physically fit through consistent efforts like working out, students need minimal effort ways to keep their mental needs met. The SWC is an underrated resource of the McMaster Student Union that is there to be part of your university journey. 

Misconceptions and stigma around preventative care hinder the SWC’s aim to provide consistent and accessible support for students to thrive. Beyond counselling services, the SWC incorporates diverse therapeutic approaches like psychoeducation to help students manage emotions and stress effectively.

This approach shifts wellness from being something we think about only when we are particularly stressed to a long-term strategy. This can help students build resilience and maintain a balanced life alongside their university coursework.

Such preventative strategies engage students in actively identifying key stressors within their lives and building coping skills to adapt. This can prevent the buildup of challenges that might otherwise lead to burnout or severe stress.

This approach shifts wellness from being a one-time solution to a long-term strategy, helping students build resilience and maintain a balanced life alongside their university coursework.

The SWC’s reach goes beyond traditional mental health therapies, it includes sessions where students discover tools for self-expression and foster a sense of community. This supportive network is designed to empower students in their personal growth and well-being, emphasizing that help is there for everyone, no matter where they are on their journey.

This supportive network is designed to empower students in their personal growth and well-being, emphasizing that help is there for everyone, no matter where they are on their journey.

During the challenging transitions of university life, where students might be far from family and familiar support systems, the SWC is a place that students can turn to. It provides various community platforms for different backgrounds like women of colour and 2SLQBTQ2IA+ folks and works to foster an affirmative space to explore various aspects of your identity.

By engaging with the SWC early, students can build lasting habits that help them balance personal wellness with academic demands. Ultimately, the SWC is there for every student, nurturing a supportive environment where students can learn to thrive both academically and personally.

Although the model minority myth may seem like a positive representation of the Asian community, it fails to acknowledge the darker side of constant perfection

The model minority myth paints Asians as highly successful individuals due to their innate intellect. However, is their intelligence truly innate or does the pressure of conformity cause the Asian community to succeed in this standard? Society tends to view this community as perfect individuals that all racialized people should aspire to be.

However, is their intelligence truly innate, or does the pressure of conformity cause the Asian community to succeed in this standard?

However, the conceptualization of the Asian community as a "superior" minority group also isolates them from the broader racialized population.

This narrative has also been perpetuated in television as it reflects how society views Asians compared to other racialized individuals. For example, The Proud Family episode titled "Teacher's Pet" explicitly perpetuates this narrative that all Asians are high achievers with innate intelligence.

The model minority construct places the Asian community within a confined box where there is immense pressure to achieve success. Then to ensure success, Asian cultures tends to prioritize nurturing their child's intelligence, though sometimes to the detriment of other aspects of their lives, including their mental health.

Just as in any other community, there are those within the Asian community who may struggle in STEM-related subjects, while others may have challenges with the arts. However, for this community in particular, failure to live up to this myth can cause a disconnect between an individual's actual self, and ideal self, in turn further degrading their mental health as they may feel like they are not living up to their potential. Furthermore, to achieve this standard set forth by the model minority myth, people hide the areas they struggle in which leads to neglected mental health.

The model minority construct enacts harsher consequences on outliers, inducing stigma around mental health that prevents the Asian community from accessing the support they need. Additionally, this construct limits appropriate support for Asians as society sees their success and not their struggles. Why would an intelligent and successful population require support? 

We also tend to overlook the socioeconomic barriers Asians face, hindering their ability to achieve the model minority construct.

The model minority construct especially can impact Asian individuals who experience adverse circumstances beyond their control; they are still expected to perform as well as their peers, or better, as the pressure to achieve perfection remains constant, even at the cost of their mental health. Success is the only option, leading their needs to be overlooked as society fails to see beyond the model minority myth.  

However, by acknowledging that this myth often does more harm than good, we can work towards rewriting the dominant narrative and creating a safe space for people to relieve the pressures of perfection.

The Proud Family reboot, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, aired "Curved," an episode paralleling "Teacher's Pet." During the lunchroom scene, Penny frantically asks the Chang Triplets to join the debate club, thereby perpetuating the dominant narrative. As Penny is desperate to win the debate competition, it is implied that Asian individuals will give her the best chance of succeeding due to their intellectual superiority. 

However, as we grow more aware of the dominant narrative, we learn to resist it. "Curved" demonstrates this as the Triplets confront Penny about perpetuating the model minority construct. Rejecting Penny's requests demonstrates that each triplet holds interests beyond stereotypically academic activities associated with the model minority ideals, reinforcing that society should recognize individuality rather than the stereotype. 

Similarly, we can resist the dominant narrative by confronting and educating those perpetuating it. Creating alternative narratives that showcase contrast to the dominant narrative creates opportunities for society to change its perception of Western constructs.

By acknowledging that this myth often does more harm than good, we are working towards rewriting the dominant narrative and creating a safe space for people to relieve the pressures of perfection. By allowing the Asian community to explore their interests and be who they truly are as opposed to what society expects them to be, it also opens the conversation on mental health and accessing support.

Photo by Matty Flader / Photo Reporter

By Mads Clement, Contributor

cw: mental health, suicide

In 2018, the Student Representative Assembly voted to rescind the Peer Support Line (PSL), an anonymous hotline that existed to support students and their mental health. 

PSL offered students a place to chat with another student trained in peer support about difficulties that they were experiencing. These challenges could range from relationship issues to academic problems. 

According to a former vice president (administration) of the McMaster Students Union, the main reason the PSL was rescinded was because it received too many “crisis calls”, which posed a liability to all parties involved. Given student staff were not trained in crisis management or how to address calls with students experiencing suicidal ideation, this is a reasonable concern. 

WGEN is a peer support and community building space on the second floor of the student centre.

However, closing a mental health-based service has had negative impacts on the student body. We have lost one more resource on our already very small list of mental health resources. Anonymous peer support is extremely valuable. These services can be accessed without the fear of your name being officially attached to your mental health issues and because peers can relate to you on levels that adult therapists often cannot. Having someone who can relate to you without worrying about whether you will be institutionalized is an important facet of mental health care.

For these reasons and many others, students were outraged by the closing of PSL. We took to Twitter and Facebook, asking for answers as to why such a valuable service would be rescinded. It’s hard to find mental health care on campus, and reducing our options makes it even harder. 

I actually received a reply from a member of the SRA to my outraged tweets where they wrote; “actually, there are 4 new counsellors that have been added to increase 4,000 hours of counselling to decrease the waiting time that students face when accessing the Student Wellness Centre.”

There are three main reasons why this resolution is an issue.

Problem number one: as mentioned above, going to a therapist is not the ideal option for everyone, as some students are likely to have minimal shared experiences with therapists. This especially applies to marginalized folks; patients of colour are less likely to find a racialized therapist that understands the impacts of systemic racism on their mental health. 2SLGBTQ+ students face a similar struggle when dealing with cisgender, heterosexual therapists. The same can be said of various other marginalized identities.

The second problem is that four more therapists isn’t enough. Ask anyone who goes to therapy at the SWC about how long they wait for appointments. In the majority of cases, there’s a two week to one month gap in between appointments. This is not adequate. On top of that, the therapists and counsellors are so swamped with students that they rarely have time to dedicate care to their patients beyond a surface level interaction. Mental health problems often run a lot deeper than what therapists are able to deal with because of their volume of patients.

Since there are many students floundering for mental health care outside of the SWC and PSL, more pressure has been put on the MSU peer support services: Women and Gender Equity Network, the Pride Community Centre, Student Health Education Centre and Maccess. These services, like PSL, are run by students who have entry level peer support training and are not compensated for their work. They are not equipped to handle the volume of students coming to them for help, let alone the degree of mental distress some of their space users are in. These students are not trained therapists.

Additionally, the majority of students that volunteer for these services are marginalized, which leads to the issue of marginalized students taking on all the mental health work on campus. These students, because of the pressures in their own lives and the added pressures of dealing with the mental health crises of others that they can’t always handle, often develop their own mental health problems and also need support or therapy. This system is unbalanced and unsustainable.

We need a balance of both therapists and peer support services. Therapists can provide specialized care to those who need it, but they are at capacity at McMaster University right now. We need more therapists; specifically therapists who have experiences with marginalization. It’s super weird talking about institutionalized transphobia with a cisgender, heterosexual person. This needs to change. 

In addition, the MSU peer support services need more funding and volunteers should be compensated for their work. They put hours of unpaid labour into an unforgiving system that does not support them.

McMaster needs to rework its mental health support systems, and it needs to do this as urgently as possible. Everyone suffers when mental health services are limited, not just mentally ill folks. 


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