Red Packet Popups celebrated the richness of Lunar New Year traditions and local culture

Hamilton recently saw its first-ever Lunar New Year market, a public event that invited the entire community to celebrate the holiday. Organized by Red Packet Popups, a Hamilton-based pop-up event company, in partnership with the Hamilton Chinese Association, the event provided a space for cultural engagement and connection.

The event took place from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Jan. 26, 2025, at Hamilton Artists Inc., a central and accessible venue located in the heart of downtown Hamilton. The programming was designed to welcome both those who celebrate the Lunar New Year as well as those interested in the traditions surrounding it.

The market featured a variety of activities, including a lion dance performance, a calligraphy demonstration by Andrew Ha, and a dumpling-making session led by Joyce of Cooking, who hosts cooking classes for all ages all throughout Hamilton. Malaysian-Canadian musician Eunice Keitan also performed in both Cantonese and English, drawing a crowd to experience the fusion of neo-soul and world-folk genres.

Red Packet Popups is a relatively new initiative that was created in the fall of 2024. "My mission is to organize pop up events around Hamilton, focusing on community engagement and cultural celebrations," shared Jaycee Tu, the founder of Red Packet Popups.

Tu explained that the name "Red Packet" is inspired by the Lunar New Year tradition of giving red envelopes, which symbolize luck, prosperity and goodwill. She views each event as a symbolic red packet—a gift of shared joy and connection to the community.

Tu, who moved to Hamilton from Toronto several years ago, noted that she was surprised by the lack of Lunar New Year events in the city. “It’s my family’s biggest holiday of the year, so I was looking for places to celebrate. I was seeing celebrations in Oakville and Burlington but not in Hamilton,” said Tu.

It’s my family’s biggest holiday of the year, so I was looking for places to celebrate. I was seeing celebrations in Oakville and Burlington but not in Hamilton.

Jaycee Tu, Founder
Red Packet Popups

After waiting to see if an event would emerge, Tu decided to take initiative herself. Tu noted how having a child of her own instilled a sense of urgency and motivated her to start a new tradition. "Having a kid made me think about things in different way. I want to be able to raise my child in a city that celebrates her culture," said Tu.

The planning process was not without challenges. As a new organization, Red Packet Popups had to work hard to spread the word. “We had to do some very targeted, face-to-face outreach,” said Tu, explaining that their team compiled a list of Asian-run businesses and artists to invite to the event.

Additionally, the market was organized with no external funding. Despite these hurdles, Tu and her team were able to bring together a strong selection of vendors and performers.

More than 630 people attended the event throughout the day, a turnout that Tu described as both surprising and affirming. "We were expecting a much larger drop in numbers, but people showed up. The community showed up. Maybe we shouldn't have been shocked, but we were floored and so happy," said Tu.

We were expecting a much larger drop off, but people showed up. The community showed up. Maybe we shouldn't have been shocked, but we were floored and so happy.

Jaycee Tu, Founder
Red Packet Popups

While the event prioritized Asian-run businesses, Tu emphasized the importance of balancing cultural authenticity while making the celebration open to the wider Hamilton community. Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity was also a priority for the organizers. “We made it free because we didn’t want there to be any barriers,” said Tu.

We made it free because we didn’t want there to be any barriers,

Jaycee Tu, Founder
Red Packet Popups

Reflecting on the event’s success, Tu noted that it reinforced a sense of belonging in Hamilton. “After Sunday’s turnout, it’s clear to me that the city does embrace and celebrate our culture,” she said. “It just affirmed that Hamilton is home for me now.”

With such a strong response from the community, Red Packet Popups and the Hamilton Chinese Association plan to continue the Lunar New Year market as an annual tradition, growing it further in the years to come. The Hamilton Chinese Association regularly holds events, including an upcoming Chinese paper cutting workshop. Updates on future events from Red Packet Popups can be found on their social media.

The daily grind of university life is an accomplishment worth romanticizing

The start of a new year often brings a surge of ambition. Students return to campus with big goals of acing exams, consistent workouts and perfectly balanced schedules. Yet, as the weeks unfold, the initial momentum fades and the reality of the university grind sets in.

Alongside dreams to remain consistent and dwindling motivation, romanticizing the mundane of university life could perhaps foster mindfulness and motivation to last you the entire semester. 

Romanticizing the mundane of university life could perhaps foster mindfulness and motivation to last you the entire semester.

Like many students, I begin each semester with ambitious goals and fresh motivation. Yet, as the semester unfolds and responsibilities build up, those goals often take a backseat, leaving my early enthusiasm behind.

With motivation seemingly lost in the hustle, it is easy to overlook the value hidden in the simplest parts of your day. The seemingly insignificant moments, such as grabbing a coffee, walking to campus, or studying with your friends, hold the power to ground you. 

Romanticizing the mundane offers a refreshing perspective on daily life. It encourages students to embrace the repetitive aspects of their routines rather than viewing them as monotonous chores. This mindset not only helps break the cycle of boredom but also fosters resilience and sustainable motivation.

University life is filled with highs and lows. Accepting the challenges that accompany it can be mentally taxing. Maintaining a routine committed to the simplest aspects of life could help you keep going even when you’re at your lowest times, long after your resolution fades. 

Maintaining a routine committed to the simplest aspects of life could help you keep going even when you’re at your lowest times, long after your resolution fades

I believe that embracing the mundane amid the hustle of university life can help students cultivate mindfulness and resilience. Focusing on the small, ordinary moments in daily routines may offer a healthier and more fulfilling approach to the academic journey.

Perhaps it’s time to consider rewriting the narrative of success to celebrate and value living mindfully in the present and seeing the beauty of each day.

How large goals can actually do more harm by putting you one step forward and two steps back

I always look forward to January. I love the New Years and how it is a time of year where goal setting is prioritized.  

But year after year, I’ve found myself either not committing fully to the goals I had set or not completing as many of the goals as I had wanted too.  

During the peak of COVID, specifically during the new year of 2020, the act of creating a vision board gave me a chance to shed light on the year ahead in a new way. 

Creating a vision board entails creating a collage with pictures, quotes and words that you would hope to make up the following year. It’s a simplistic and great way to reuse waste as well in the house. 

As a student, it can become immensely difficult to set and stick to these goals, as one is at the point in their life where they are prioritizing their academics rather than dreams and desires. 

One of my New Year's resolutions was to bake more. Unfortunately, I did not get to bake as much as I wanted to, as I found myself preoccupied by my academics and work. Many individuals often do the same, finding themselves with their hands full, which cuts back on many goals one could be achieving.  

The difficulty of this task depends upon the relationship someone has to it. The same goal can be easy for one person and even more challenging for another, so it’s all relative; which is something our society does not even take into consideration with the commotion that is New Years.

The difficulty of this task depends upon the relationship someone has to it. The same goal can be easy for one person and even more challenging for another, so it’s all relative; which is something our society does not even take into consideration with the commotion that is New Years.

Something that is very crucial, which many individuals do not consider, is their lifestyle and who they are as a person. Every individual is unique; thus, every individual is driven and motivated in different ways from different things. Although one may assume they are setting a goal for themselves, a common mistake made is that the goal is either not as specific as it should be or too general. 

Every individual is unique; thus, every individual is driven and motivated in different ways from different things. Although one may assume they are setting a goal for themselves, a common mistake made is that the goal is either not as specific as it should be or too general.

Setting a goal such as baking more is a great goal, but it is too broad for someone to stick to it. Creating some sort of consistency with it allows you to be able to track it and setting small, reasonable goals for you can drastically aid in achieving the goals you wish to. 

Instead, set goals for how many times a week or month you would want to do this act and then you can get more detailed with your goals. Again, mine with baking: my goal can be to cook a dessert at least two times a month, then after some consistency, I can change my goal to not make the same recipe more than once or try a new ingredient each time I bake. 

Therefore, giving yourself more personalized goals that fit your lifestyle as well as your needs will aid you to achieve them. Making sure that those goals are thought-out and detailed will also help you build consistency around them. 

Although it may seem obvious, we tend to move with everyone else almost all the time. Vision boards allow us an opportunity to reflect on what’s important to us and it is important when we are doing activities for our own well-being that we are genuinely keeping ourselves in mind and no one else.  

Changing our approach to these goals can help us be more successful at New Year’s resolutions

With a new year comes a set of new and often entirely unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves: New Year’s resolutions. Approximately three-quarters of Canadians resolve to accomplish their goals at the beginning of each year, with the failure rate a dismal 80 per cent

Year after year, people around the world look to the changing of the calendar as a sign of hopeful, positive transformation for their lifestyles and circumstances. How did such seemingly useless and quite frankly disappointing, ritualistic behaviour become entrenched in our daily lives? How can we make resolutions that actually work?

Apparently, human beings have practiced this particular brand of masochism since nearly the dawn of civilization. 4,000 years ago, the ancient Babylonians would make promises to the gods to repay debts and favours during their mid-March New Year’s celebration, Akitu. Keeping these promises would guarantee good luck and health while breaking them was sure to invite divine displeasure. If only we had such incentives today!

How did such seemingly useless and quite frankly disappointing, ritualistic behaviour become entrenched in our daily lives? How can we make resolutions that actually work?

Similarly, though a couple of millennia later, ancient Romans offered sacrifices and promises of virtuous conduct to the god, Janus — January’s namesake — in exchange for good fortune in the upcoming year. The practice continued with “peacock vows” in the middle ages, which were resolutions made by knights to uphold their chivalric values. By the 17th century, the habit of annual resolution-making had permeated the common social consciousness and was declared by yearly rituals such as New Year’s Eve spiritual services.

Despite their early religious origins, today’s practice of New Year’s resolution-making is a mostly secular and individualistic activity — concerned more with our ability to commit and achieve rather than chance or divine intervention.

The most common resolutions are decidedly unsurprising: in 2020, 51 per cent of Canadians wanted to exercise more, 49 per cent planned to save money, 48 per cent strived to eat healthier and 42 per cent hoped to lose weight. These goals have been topping lists for at least the last decade and their resilience speaks not only to our recidivism but also to the very nature of our desires themselves.

Making a resolution is important for mental health: having a goal to strive for helps overcome daily fatigue and is motivational. However, failing to live up to your goals — New Year’s or otherwise — can invite self-deprecation and psychological stress.

You can fall short of achieving your resolutions for any number of reasons beyond lack of sufficient commitment. The four main reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail are that they are too vague, they are framed negatively, they reflect societal expectations rather than your own desires or they are incompatible with your routine or lifestyle.

Since 2016, I’ve kept aside all my New Year’s resolutions lists and they are the spitting image of vagueness, negativity, social pressures and impracticality. From a whopping 37 resolutions in 2017 to assertions I would maintain a 12.0 GPA, to plans of learning four different languages in the span of a year, it’s no wonder I have persistently failed to achieve my goals — and thus felt thoroughly dejected every time.

But I haven’t given up just yet. Achieving your New Year’s resolutions is about more than just unwavering commitment, it’s about proper goal setting; a skill whose benefits extend beyond our infamous Dec. 31/Jan. 1 ritual.

The best resolutions are specific: they elaborate on the steps one needs to take to succeed. Unbeknownst to my 2019 self, I wouldn’t suddenly develop the ability to speak fluent Russian when the clock struck midnight. So unfair, am I right?

The best resolutions are specific: they elaborate on the steps one needs to take to succeed. Unbeknownst to my 2019 self, I wouldn’t suddenly develop the ability to speak fluent Russian when the clock struck midnight. So unfair, am I right?

Furthermore, New Year’s resolutions need to be realistic. No, 2018-self, you won’t be able to exercise four hours a day. It’s just not possible. Don’t set yourself up for failure — create ambitious but achievable goals that will make you feel successful while still making a difference in your life.

Lastly, making a good resolution is all about self-awareness. Achieving any long-term goal is directly concerned with the process of habit-forming. Creating a habit requires repetition — anywhere from 18 to 254 days of it, to be exact — and engenders a feeling of “automaticity,” which is the feeling of ease experienced when doing a familiar task.

When behaviours become automatic, they will become routine, undisruptive and habitual. However, forming a good habit requires the self-awareness to notice the environmental cues that facilitate the accompanying bad habit. If a certain place, activity, person or time prompts you to engage in the habit you want to break, recognize the signs and distance yourself or actively work to stay on track. Remember, it’s a process.

Though I haven’t managed to eliminate all traces of wishful thinking from my 2021 resolutions list, I’ve tried to introduce a bit more realism — a half marathon instead of a full marathon sounds about right, don’t you think? In truth, though, our goals matter less than our ability to forgive ourselves for not achieving them. It’s wonderful to aim for self-improvement; just don’t self-destruct along the way. Happy 2021!

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By: Takhliq Amir

With a New Year comes a new beginning, new opportunities, and the traditional New Year resolution. For many of us, the start of 2016 brought about a chance to once again bring out those handy notebooks, uncap the new ink pen, and begin creating a list of everything to achieve in the new year. We sat there, a giddy feeling coursing through us, as we pondered on the aspirations of this year and all the things we could possibly accomplish.

Every year in my life that passes, however, brings about rising doubts regarding the value of these resolutions. A small number of people actually fulfill their resolutions despite many with good intentions. Listening to the radio I heard a host comment, mocking those who attempt resolutions, and how no one can ever actually be expected to carry them out. Even my chemistry professor joked about the fleetingness of these promises. And yet we seem to have forgotten that that is what they are: promises.

Regardless of whether or not New Year’s resolutions are something to be adopted, they should be considered as promises to oneself. A New Year’s resolution might be overly ambitious, but it is also a challenge and a promise to yourself to work towards achieving a goal. It is a test of your own capabilities and a push at your personal conviction.

As humans, we are programmed to make excuses for our actions and behaviours that might, and are probably, a shortcoming. Nobody likes to admit failure, after all. As well, New Year’s resolutions, as a start to the year, give us something exciting, something exhilarating to look forward to. Imagine if, by the end of the year, I visit all 25 countries on my list! But they can also set us up for failure. And sometimes, while writing the resolutions might have been an invigorating experience, the failure of not achieving something produces a greater disappointment.

Every year in my life that passes, however, brings about rising doubts regarding the value of these resolutions.

I want to ask you then to not make New Year’s resolutions if you are not serious about them. There is intense satisfaction in fulfilling a resolution, which is easily spoiled by the carelessness with which they are perceived and pursued. New Year’s resolutions have become merely a symbol that welcomes in the year, a tradition that has been carried on from past generations and will likely be passed on to the next. Instead, think about the things you’d like to achieve today, tomorrow, even in the next week or month. But don’t lose sight of the end goal. These resolutions are worth as much as the fulfilling sense of accomplishment that achieving them evokes. So be ambitious and be daring, but also keep the promises that you make to yourself.

Photo Credit: Jon White/Photo Editor

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Portable battery

Not sure about you, but I always find myself frantically looking for an outlet. I use my phone quite a lot, and the battery life often struggles to keep up with my social media life. A great way to prevent unnecessary frenzy and stress is to carry around a portable charger. This way, whether you’re in lecture or in between classes, your phone will always be fully charged and happy.

Good book 

Although school days are often filled with meetings and classes, it’s important to find some down time to unwind and chill out. Whether you’re a Kindle fan or a paperback fiend like myself, having some leisure reading material in your backpack is always a great idea. Read it during lunch, read it in between classes, read it on the bus ride home—you’re always learning, but in the best, self-directed way possible.


You’re filling your backpack with quality goods, so why not fill yourself with some as well? You never know when you’re going to get a little hungry between classes. Instead of the usual sugary granola bars or greasy bag of snack-sized chips (is the bag half full, or half empty?), it may be a good idea to have a CLIF bars or kale chips as replacements. Not only are these tasty alternatives, they’re also considerably healthier. Your body is a temple—if you want to have a great year, treat it with great stuff!

MUJI Stationary

We often stray towards places like Staples and Walmart for back to school supplies when, in fact, there are options for both higher quality and better value. One of my favourite stores right now for all things lifestyle is the Japanese retailer “MUJI.” MUJI is a leading power in minimalist goods, with their notebooks and stationary as prime exemplar of their unparalleled skill.

Moleskine Agenda

My agenda is the most important item in my backpack. While the convenience of devices nowadays has downgraded traditional agendas from necessity to novelty, I continue to enjoy the physical comfort of writing down my schedule with a pen. Available in various sizes, textures, and shades, the Moleskine agenda is my personal favourite with its supreme quality and no-fuss design.


For those who are fortunate enough to have a laptop, you may find yourself unable to leave the house without it. While many people prefer writing in notebooks (it’s scientifically proven as the best method to retain information due to muscle memory), laptops are great for efficiency and containing all of your information in one, organized place. Laptops are also great for down time, as you can virtually do anything with them (from watching Netflix to getting ahead on assignments).


Sometimes, people can be overwhelming and we just need to tune the world out for a little bit. Some students also prefer working in the library while listening to their own music. Whatever your reason, having a pair of headphones in tow is never a bad idea. If you’re looking to invest in a pair of quality headphones, check out Bose.

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Aaron Grierson / The Silhouette

With the New Year having passed us by already I’m wondering what sorts of new years resolutions were made, if any at all. I know that a lot of people are overloading the gym still, three weeks later, which I suppose is a good. But I wonder if there are any people other than one friend of mine who made a vow to be “less technologically reliant” as she put it. Aside from hibernating her Facebook profile (lets be honest, killing them is nearly impossible) it will be interesting to see what she does in this personal crusade. Hopefully, the results are inspiring.

I feel like I’m beating a dead horse but the more I see it, as much as I love technology, the more I think it’s ruining our genuinely human relationships. And let’s be honest, this dead horse has cybernetic legs and technologic eyes that can shoot laser beams from them. I just don’t want to feel the kick of those legs.

So, perhaps I’ll (hopelessly) continue to use technology in what I feel is moderation. I only surf the web with a computer or laptop because really, my phone bill is enough as is. And we’re on computers enough as is; with all of the assignments we have to do and all the games and movies to be played. And I admit, Skype is really handy, especially when your good friend moves out east to educate rural French children in the ways of English. Facebook is also a fantastic way to keep in touch with people, even if you’re the only one doing the work.

But there is a more serious side. Like when two people hang out and one or both spend the whole time on their phones. What kind of human interaction is that, if not escapism?

How is that an acceptable amount of effort to consider one another friends? I guess it could be worse though. It could be a couple on the same couch sexting one another for hours at a time. (Sexting, for those that are unfamiliar with the term, is just like writing your own 50 Shades of Gray and probably just as well performed.)

Daily life really leads me to wonder; aside from how long a person can text while walking before crashing into something, how far we have to go from everything is absurd.

I mean I had to go online just to find the Silhouette last Thursday, even by 4pm the newspapers were mysteriously absent. And with ebooks, I shun web browsing as much as I can personally. Call me retrograde, but I like the feel of paper in my hands when I am enjoying a story, no matter the sort.

With the advancements in technology, wonderful as they might seem, we’re really just taking advantage of old tricks. I recently discovered that cell phones have been able to transfer data since 1997! Who knew history class could teach such useful information? In spite of this marketing made it sounds like the hottest thing ever a couple of years back.

Perhaps it will be a day of escape, where people put their electronic lives on pause and take time to create something meaningful for once.


Amanda Teseo 

Silhouette Staff


As we chime in the beginning of 2012 and wait for the plaguing aftermath of new years to subside, we find ourselves looking forward to a fresh start in a novel year.  Popular culture has instilled the idea of vowing to uphold a “New Years Resolution” with the beginning of each year.

For this reason, the start of January marks the commencement of dietary regimens, the creation of personal promises, and the onset of a skyrocketing increase in purchased gym memberships.

The custom of creating New Years Resolutions dates back to as early as 62 BC, during the time of Julius Caesar in Rome.  Resolutions were mostly made with moral intentions of being good to others.

Later on, in the 17th century, the Puritans began each New Year by reflecting on the past year and contemplating the future year.

Through this practice, our modern understanding of New Years Resolutions has evolved. In contrast to the Romans, the Puritans focused on forming resolutions to better themselves, develop their talents, and practice avoidance of habitual sins.

Today, people form a multitude of different resolutions with various degrees of commitment and strategies for success.  Dr. Jill RachBeisel, M.D. and Dr. Hinda Dubin, M.D. study the psychology of resolution creation at the University of Maryland Medical Center. They report that the most effective way to successfully uphold a resolution for at least 365 days is to “prepare yourself psychologically.”

“Focus on realistic goals with measurable results,” says Dr. Jill RachBeisel. “You need to break things down into small steps that you can manage. If your goal is too big, you’ll feel defeated before you even get started.”

For example, instead of setting a goal that you want to develop a body like Ryan Gosling, start with a more specific, measurable and realistic goal like gaining two pounds of muscle.

Start from there and then slowly increase the amount of muscle you want to gain.  In this way, you will maintain motivation and track your progress.

Another popular mistake associated with resolution maintenance is “psyching yourself out.”  After the initial spark of hope subsides, reality begins to weigh heavily on your shoulders as you realize that the accomplishment of your goals requires discipline and hard work.  A simple and effective solution to such a slump is to start immediately.

“Action precedes motivation, not the other way around,” says Dr. Hinda Dubin. “People often think that they should wait until they are motivated to start doing something good for themselves. They say, ‘I’ll start that diet or fitness program when I’m really well rested and have a lot of energy’. But it doesn’t work that way.”

Make an action towards your goal first and then inspiration will follow.  The initial action acts as momentum to propel you towards your goal.  The old saying of “the first step is the hardest” holds true psychologically.

To prepare for a year of success, the University of Maryland proposes a series of tips to help you maintain your resolutions:


1. Avoid perfectionism: You may set out to get all 12’s this term, but you also might be setting yourself up for disappointment. Try focusing less on a particular grade point average and more on improvement, like bettering your study habits.


2. Don’t stress too much about any setbacks you may encounter: They are lessons to be learned and opportunities for growth.  Use any mistakes you make as methods of improving your strategies for success.


3. Avoid absolute resolutions: For example, instead of vowing to steer completely clear of junk food, promise to eat less of it.


4. Find ways to keep motivated: Keeping on track towards your NewYears goals can be difficult so make sure to construct a way that will help you succeed.


5. Have fun: Trying to fulfull a newyears resolution is difficult so make sure to keep a light and up-beat attitude about your goals.


5.  Make sure your resolutions are meaningful to you:  This might be the most important tip to follow.  Your resolution should be something you want to change instead of what other people or influences in your life want to change.  Internalize your goals and insure that they make sense to you.

Overall, the idea that a new year constitutes a fresh start has been around for centuries. The only difference is that today we have a multitude of resources at our fingertips to help us experience success in upholding our resolutions.  Why not make 2012 a year of success?





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