By: Anastasia Richards
Our lifestyles tend to be disposable. Many of us are prone to throwing things away and replacing them without thinking twice about it. We reach for simplicity and convenience, regardless of the consequences.
The Repair Café, a grassroots organization based in Toronto, will be hosting their first event in Hamilton at the Worker’s Arts and Heritage Centre as part of the ongoing Division of Labour exhibit. Set to take place on March 30 from 1 to 4 p.m., the workshop will gather community members to learn how to fix things together and address sustainability.
The Repair Café launched in Amsterdam in May 2009. The philosophies of the event are all linked to promoting sustainability, helping out your neighbours and getting to know others in the community. In 2013, there was a small group of citizens in Toronto that heard of the event in Amsterdam and wanted to bring it to the greater Toronto area.
“Whether it be… electronics, sewing and mending, small motor repair, carpentry. Individuals that have the skill set come to the café, usually held in public spaces such as libraries or community centres and they teach people how to repair on their own,” explained Suzanne Carte, curator of the Division of Labour Exhibit at the Worker’s Arts and Heritage Centre.
Not only does the Repair Café provide you with the opportunity to learn to be handy, it provides an opportunity to meet people in your community. While you wait on your repair or even if you just want to stop by and see what it’s all about, you can get to know your fellow neighbours.
“With that, there may be some intergenerational conversation…talking about an object will lead to one’s life, uses for said object, storytelling and all of that. It's about building community and skill sharing too,” said Carte.
We live in an age where disposal and replacement are all too easy. Many of us are far too keen on replacing things once they’re slightly damaged. The Repair Café workshops aim to challenge this notion by facilitating an opportunity for people to learn how to be handy, as part of a community and on their own.
The workshops also aim to challenge gender roles that are present within the context of the work associated with repairs. The Repair Café creates an environment where preconceived notions about gender, such as who can sew and knit or do small-motor repairs, can be addressed and broken down.
The Repair Café wishes to create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere so that even those who do not want to come and get something fixed can still feel compelled to attend and be a part of the community. As an example, Carte will be bringing her iron.
“I could probably go and find out how to do it via a digital platform, but I really want to be able to sit down with a person who can take me through the steps, answer any questions that I have in how to better care and serve this object that then services me,” said Carte.
Attending the Repair Café will provide her with an opportunity to collaborate with others in her community, share stories with them, exchange knowledge and extend the lifetime of her appliance.
The Repair Café hopes to change people’s mindset. Every contribution helps to improve our sustainability practices and it can all begin by learning how to fix the little things.
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Temperatures have risen, the undergraduate HSR pass has expired and now we’re left to figure out a cheap way to get around. Walking limits you to either a short radius or painful blisters and $2 (with a presto) for the HSR adds up quickly. I ventured out to get a bike for the short trips within town and the longer eighteen kilometre commute I would have to do from the GO bus stop to my work. Until you go to buy your own bike, you never quite realize how expensive bikes are. Road bikes can cost upwards of $300, sometimes going into the thousands. Even most of the used road bikes on Kijiji were over $200.
As always, my mind drifted towards do-it-yourself and I found a cheap bike on Kijiji in rough shape but with a perfect frame and wires for $50 but needed somewhere to get parts and/or labour cheap. After talking to a few enthusiasts, I discovered New Hope Commuity Bikes, a not-for-profit charity in Hamilton aiming to educate, advocate, teach new skills, and provide affordable means for people to get around while staying active.
“We take donated bikes and refurbish them. We also teach people how to fix their own bikes and provide a space where they can do that. When you have a bike you want to work on, we will give you access to space and tools and we will help you along the way”, says manager Andrew Hibma, who has been with the shop since its second year.
Used parts at New Hope are $5 and new parts start at a fraction of the cost at a bike shop in the Hamilton or Toronto area. Refurbished bikes start at $150 in perfect condition.
“We’re one of the few places that you can come to if you need a repair but can’t afford new parts. We can usually do it for less than half the price, even less if you want to put in some sweat equity and do some manual labour yourself,” said Hibma.
For $60, I got two new tires, two new tubes, two new brake pads and they even did it for me. If you take the opportunity to learn how to fix your bike yourself, you can rent tools from zero to ten dollars an hour, on a sliding scale. If you just need the tools and the space without instruction, you can rent tools from zero to five dollars an hour.
Walking in there with a bike that warranted laughter from the staff and pictures taken of my tires that had exploded, I didn’t know what to expect. As soon as I walked into the shop, I was immediately greeted. A selection of bikes lined the front room, the workshop was upstairs, and the customer repairs were downstairs. A week later, I had a functional bike that is going to end up saving me a ton of money this summer and reduce my carbon footprint.
The only thing needed now is for Hamilton to improve its roads for bikers. There are only a few bike lanes and motorists don’t like to share the road. The bike culture is improving though, even avid cyclist Hibma agreed. New Hope educates the community on safe cycling, hoping that both motorists and cyclists can learn how to get along on the road.
“[The bike culture in Hamilton] is growing, but it’s nowhere near where it should be. I think there’s a lot of mindsets we need to get past with drivers and cyclists. It’s too much ‘us versus them’ mentality. As more cyclists take the road, it will become more commonplace and people will get used to it. It’s no different from [driving with] construction or a bus. It’s about teaching cyclists how to ride in a manner that’s safe and predictable so drivers aren’t fearful or annoyed but at the same time drivers need to respect that cyclists have a right to be on the road to get places. I think it will improve with the bike share the city is putting in, I think that should help with developing the culture. The City is installing some bike lanes this summer too, I think that’s one very important missing link.”
Advocacy for cyclists is one of the things that sets New Hope apart from other bike shops.
“We are also one of the few shops that engage in cycling advocacy. We go to city council meetings and are almost kind of a voice for cycling. Our main goal is education and getting more people on bikes where at a bike shop it’s almost like a secondary goal, they are a for-profit business primarily,” said Hibma.
Many in the community have taken to using New Hope as their primary bike shop and it’s easy to see why. Some have even rented out New Hope’s cargo bikes to start a business, like Jen Vanderherberg, a Hamiltonian who has started a mobile bicycle ice cream parlour named Icycles.
New Hope’s annual bike festival runs this year from June 8 to 15. Check out New Hope at 1422 Main Streeet East near Main and Kennilworth and try and find the Icycles bike.