Shane Madill
The Silhouette
Reprise EP
Artist: Gold Panda
In the genre of ambient or minimalist music, every little detail included or omitted by the producer has a significant effect on the listener’s interpretation of the music. Unfortunately, this also means that every single mistake is able to take centre stage, and often for extended periods of time.
In the case of Gold Panda’s Reprise EP, none of the songs really evoke any kind of reaction. Every track leaves you feeling completely neutral and without any real connection to the music. If you were a fan order levitra of Gold Panda’s prior music, this EP may even induce frustration, as it is nowhere close to the emotional depth and ability that Golden Panda has demonstrated before.
The one standout track that saves this EP from complete mediocrity is “Community (Fort Romeau Remix).” It progressively develops and balances the fine line between conventional dance and experimentation very effectively. “If U Knew (Reprise Long Live Take)” is an honorable runner-up, though it also suffers from the mistake of trying to add in too many meaningless details.
Had Gold Panda and company trimmed the fat off of some of the tracks and nailed down what they wanted to present, this EP would have been substantially better.