Key promises of Bernardini's platform include a new MSU app, total renovation of TwelvEighty and reforming EDIIA practices in the MSU
Luca Bernardini is a fourth-year student running for president of the McMaster Student Union. Bernardini has coined his platform as “Operation Reframe”, comprising five distinct pillars.
“By gathering various perspectives around the university, many of the MSU practices and services desperately need to be [r]eframed and I intend to be the individual that does so,” Bernardini stated in the opening letter of his platform.
By gathering various perspectives around the university, many of the MSU practices and services desperately need to be [r]eframed and I intend to be the individual that does so.
Luca Bernardini, McMaster Students Union presidential candidate, in his written platform
Enhancing student experiences
Pillar one discusses Bernardini’s plans for enhancing student experiences. Bernardini proposes a total renovation of TwelvEighty Bar and Grill, including new seating, interior design implementations, extended hours and menu changes.
Additionally, Bernardini proposes holding events at the new MSU building, the Hub, which is expected to open before the end of this academic year and he proposes to bring back on-campus homecoming.
MSU app and other technological innovations
Bernardini's second pillar introduces proposals for technological innovations within the MSU. His platform outlines the introduction an MSU app, which will offer rewards, such as cash vouchers for MSU food services, to students in exchange for filling out feedback forms on student union events.
In Bernardini’s third pillar, he discusses more details of the MSU app, proposing a personalized information feed for each student, utilizing artificial intelligence. Bernardini states that each student will be asked 10-15 questions that will train the app’s AI profile and curate a personalized feed.
Equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigeneity and accessibility
The fourth pillar discusses changes to the MSU’s equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigeneity and accessibility policies and practices. Bernardini discusses his experience as president of the McMaster Science Society where he has worked to improve EDIIA practices . Bernardini aims to conduct a full scope review of current EDIIA practices in the MSU and finalize a written Memorandum of Understanding with other on-campus organizations based on his findings.
Pillar four also discusses issues with academic advocacy, suggesting that changes must be made to accommodation services and Student Accessibility Services. Bernardini also advocates for the implementation of universal design in learning.
“Major advocacy work is in order here to open the floor to the discussion of universal design of learning being implemented in more courses at McMaster,” stated Bernardini in his written platform.
Major advocacy work is in order here to open the floor to the discussion of Universal Design of learning being implemented in more courses at McMaster.
Luca Bernardini, McMaster Students Union presidential candidate, in his written platform
Changes to clubs advisory committee
Lastly, Bernardini’s fifth pillar discusses changes to the MSU’s interaction with clubs and faculty societies. Bernardini proposes hiring more members to the clubs advisory committee and posting information in the MSU app to keep students informed.
Additional points: Restructuring the president's council
Bernardini also emphasized the importance of bringing back and restructuring the president’s council.
“Despite my efforts to encourage the current MSU administration to hold the President’s Council this year, not a single meeting has occurred. I am suggesting a full restructuring of this meeting that will work to promote collaboration and rich discussion between these groups, while breaking away from the nature of update based meetings,” stated Bernardini in his written platform.
Voting for the MSU presidential election takes place from Jan. 23 to Jan. 25 using the Simply Voting platform. More information about the election can be found on the MSU Elections website.