The recently targeted billboard at Hamilton Artists Inc. will be left up as a symbol of resilience

On Sept. 29, 2024, Hamilton Artists Inc. shared on Instagram that their billboard at the corner of Cannon St. W and James St. N had been targeted by vandalism. “This graffiti began with a transphobic meme taped onto our billboard, moving to transphobic comments written in sharpie, until finally ripping the billboard all the way across,” reads the statement.

Hamilton Artists Inc. reported the vandalism as a hate incident via the Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre's online form.

Hamilton Artists Inc is a not-for-profit, artist-run organization which facilitates arts programing such as workshops, lectures, and gallery exhibitions. The “Trans Lives are Sacred” billboard was created as part of a billboard exchange with The New Gallery in Calgary in response to an increase in anti-2SLGBTQQIA+ legislation in Alberta. Non-binary illustrator Ris Wong was commissioned to create the art piece, which was installed this past summer.

Wong shared with the Silhouette that they were excited about having their artwork displayed in Hamilton. “I think because I move around and stuff, understanding the idea of space and trans folks needing to create that community space ourselves and [connect] with each other ... It was really cool to know across the country that there [are] these artist spaces, there’s these spaces that folks are trying to create and that my piece could be so simultaneously far away from where I’m physically located but also be able to be displayed somewhere else where there’s other community members living,” said Wong.

It was really cool to know across the country that there [are] these artist spaces, there’s these spaces that folks are trying to create and that my piece could be so simultaneously far away from where I’m physically located but also be able to be displayed somewhere else where there’s other community members living.

Ris Wong, artist

The illustration for the billboard was inspired by a piece Wong created for Kait Hatch’s “Sacred Love/Sacred Lives” project. Wong, along with other artists who are trans, queer, or disabled, have contributed digital artwork featuring phrases such as “Trans Love is Sacred” and “Disabled Lives are Sacred” for Hatch to embroider.

 The illustration depicts vines with thorns and flowers and the words “Trans Lives are Sacred” and “Trans Joy is Sacred.” “Thorns are very resilient. Plants grow thorns because they want to protect themselves. It’s a natural way of evolving to be a defensive measure ... it fit really well together with the imagery,” said Wong.

Wong is currently located in Vancouver and said they heard about the vandalism over email.

“I think it’s quite common for murals and things that are in public spaces to have people write on it. I expect a sort of interaction with things like this,” said Wong. “It was both unsurprising but also kind of shocking [that] someone was so angry or felt so wronged by something that probably didn’t really affect them.”

It was both unsurprising but also kind of shocking [that] someone was so angry or felt so wronged by something that probably didn’t really affect them.

Ris Wong, artist

“It feels like the more visibility that queer and trans folks have gotten, the more of a target we’ve become. We want to fight for that visibility of being out there and knowing that we exist. But also now that we’re so visible, now we can be these very very prominent targets of policy, backlash and hate," said Wong.

After discussing the matter with Wong, Hamilton Artists Inc. decided to leave the billboard on display and add further to the artwork. “I don’t think that removing it or hiding that this happened is a way of showing resilience. I actually really love the idea that it doesn’t really matter. I expressed in the work that vines grow back. Things stay, they’re resilient, they resist being removed,” said Wong.

“It’s a good thing having the billboard stay there with [the] damage and having other community members work around it or over it. There’s this statement that you can try to remove us and you can damage and enact this kind of violence but we’re still here, we still exist and you can’t do anything about it. Our community stands together in spite of it,” said Wong.

There’s this statement that you can try to remove us and you can damage and enact this kind of violence but we’re still here, we still exist and you can’t do anything about it. Our community stands together in spite of it.

Ris Wong, artist

Wong noted that there are plans to invite a local artist or an arts collective to work around or over the damage. The billboard is currently on display at Hamilton Artists Inc. located at 155 James Street North.

Header image: Hamilton Artists Inc. executive director Derek Jenkins.

Photo C/O Cecilie Johnsen

CW: Biphobia, transphobia

Friends, Romans and countrymen, lend me your ears. For too long I’ve had to put up with the same bullshit. This little bi is here to set the record straight. Biphobia and bisexual erasure are a daily reality for bisexual and pansexual people alike. Even amongst the LGBTQ2SIA+ community, biphobia runs rampant. While I have noticed an improvement in recent years, there are still a number of myths about bi folks that remain. Let’s bust them.

Myth I: Bisexuality is transphobic 

There is a common misconception that bisexuality is transphobic because it refers to attraction to only cisgender men and women. There are a number of reasons that this is wrong, but to begin with, trans and non-binary people can be bi.

“But Lauren, bi means two,” you say. “So you must only like men and women.”

Listen buddy, you’re being pedantic. Yes, technically the bi in bisexuality is meant to indicate an attraction to two genders. However, bisexuality was first recognized back when the idea of being transgender or non-binary was mostly rejected by Western society. At the time (and still, sometimes, today) society only recognized two genders. Our understanding of gender has evolved over time, and so has the definition of what it means to be bi.

It’s easy to say that bisexual folks are attracted to cis men and women, whereas pansexual folks are attracted to everything in between. It puts us into neat and tidy boxes. It’s easy to do that, but oh boy is it ever wrong. In my experience, the only difference between bi and pan is whatever label feels more comfortable to you. Personally, I just feel more comfortable with bi. 

My sexuality isn’t limited to the definition of bisexuality, but it feels necessary for me to have that label in order to exist in a society that is defined by labels. My romantic and sexual orientation is messy and complex and trying to fit it into a neat and tidy box is like Cinderella’s stepsisters trying to fit their feet into the glass slippers. Just because it’s easier for you to say I’m only attracted to men and women doesn’t mean it’s true.


MYTH II: Bisexuals are confused

On one side of the biphobia coin is the idea that all bi folks are one step away from coming out as gay or lesbian. Yes, it’s true that some people will use bisexuality as a way to experiment with their sexuality and branch out. Hey, coming out sucks, and I absolutely understand people who want to get comfortable first. That doesn’t mean all bi and pan people are just deluding themselves, it just means that some people may not be comfortable coming out without a transition period. 

The other side of this coin is the idea that bisexuals are actually just straight and are either confused or looking for attention. For a long time, I thought that I was just confused. I’ll be honest, I actually went back into the closet because I was convinced that other people were bi, but I was attracted to men so I guess I must be straight. I doubted my own damn sexuality, which is nonsense and ridiculous. No one should be made to feel that way.


Myth III: Bisexuals are promiscuous

Disclaimer before we get into this: I am NOT saying that it’s a bad thing to have sex. Have sex with as many or as few people as you want, I support you wholeheartedly! The thing that I do take issue with is people thinking that someone’s sexuality means that they want to sleep with you.Bisexuality is an identity, not an invitation. 

Have you ever tried navigating a dating app as a bi person? There are three main camps of people you’ll run into. First, unicorn hunters. As a rule, this is a heterosexual couple looking for a threesome. As I’ve mentioned, it’s gross to assume that someone’s sexuality means they want to have sex with you. Buddy, it is not my fault that you can’t please your girlfriend on your own. Buy a vibrator and leave me out of it.

The second group is biphobic people that think that bi folks aren’t queer. I am so tired of the “you must be this gay to ride” trope. It’s a relationship, not a rollercoaster. I can’t believe I need to say this, but bi people aren’t inherently more likely to cheat on you than anyone else. Just because we’re attracted to more than one gender doesn’t mean we can’t commit to one person.

The third and final group is decent human beings who actually want to date you, bless their hearts.


Myth IV: Bisexuals in relationships have chosen a side”

There is an assumption that bi people in committed relationships have “decided” that they are gay or they are straight. This is so unspeakably invalidating. It makes me feel like I’m right back in the closet again. Not everyone is out here looking for a polyamorous relationship (although if you are, more power to you), some people just want to settle down with one person. That shouldn’t and doesn’t invalidate their identity. Your relationship status doesn’t define your sexuality.


Sometimes I feel like people have forgotten what the B stands for in  LGBTQ2SIA+. It’s not bananas, folks. A part of common human decency is to respect the way that people identify. I don’t need to justify my sexuality to anyone, and I shouldn’t have to. Neither should you. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


This article is part of our Sex and the Steel City, our annual sex-positive issue. Click here to read more content from the special issue.

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Photos by Cindy Cui / Photo Editor 

By Ouss Badran, Contributor

cw: mentions of homophobia, transphobia, ableism

A concerning trend that I’ve noticed — especially in more socially aware places such as university — is people adopting the label of “ally” and not actually doing anything about being one. In other words, they’re reaping the positive status of the word without actively being an ally. 

What do I mean by this? There seems to be a misunderstanding when it comes to what being an ally actually entails. I can tell you that it isn’t like an article of clothing you can put on or take off at your convenience. Those who are actually marginalized can’t shed their identity at a moment’s notice, so neither should you.

So what actually is an ally? Well, for one, allies are people who are not part of the marginalized group for which they are advocating for. You don’t have to necessarily know what it feels like to be oppressed or experience the difficulties that marginalized groups go through. All being an ally means is that you are taking on and understanding their struggle with them.

If you’re new to the concept of allyship, being an advocate is a great start! This means, for example, not just claiming the title of ally because you watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, but actually fighting for better LGBTQ+ representation in the media. 

Additionally, this also includes defending said marginalized groups when they’re not in the room, and especially when they are. What do I mean by this? On a more subtle scale, calling out bigoted comments such as “that’s so gay” or the use of the r-word publicly challenges the status quo and reinforces that these sorts of comments are not okay in any shape or form. 

On the more extreme end, if you see a marginalized person disparaged in public or even private spaces, it’s your responsibility as an ally to stand up for them. Yes, that includes your racist grandparents and it also includes your parents who “just don’t understand all that transgender nonsense”.

While I don’t want to get too much into the intricacies of intersectionality (as it deserves its own article), I do want to touch on privilege. Most of us have it in some way, shape or form. Nowadays, the very word sets people on edge, and some people may even get defensive. Don’t worry straight, white dudes, I’m not going to attack you. For the sake of this article, privilege is an aspect of society or reality that you don’t have to worry about, but something that another marginalized group does. 

For example, I’m speaking mainly from my experiences as a gay, able-bodied and cisgender man of colour. I face certain issues that are relevant to me and other people of my background, but I also lack knowledge and perspective on what it’s like to be a woman, a person under the trans umbrella or someone who has a physical disability. Being aware of your own privilege as an ally can potentially help you understand the struggles of the groups you’re advocating for. 

Also, I mean this with all due respect, but if you are an ally, it isn’t about you. Bragging about how you support the Black Lives Matter movement, or about how you “only volunteer at camps for kids with special needs” makes you come off in a not-so-positive light. Specifically, it makes you look like you’re using these groups for your own social gain. Rein in the saviour complex and instead have some respect for those around you who fight for social justice out of a need to survive, not because it looks good on a resume.

So, if I’ve successfully convinced you to change your ways, there’s just one more thing for me to address with you. It’s that making mistakes is completely okay. Everyone has to learn somehow! Acknowledge it, accept responsibility, learn from it and move on equipped with the knowledge you have now.


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