9 Most Instagram-able Places On Campus

Susie Ellis
November 10, 2016
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s that time of year when your Instagram feed is covered in warm colours landscapes, sweaters, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. For McMaster students, Fall brings out the best in our campus as yellow, and maroon leaves compliment our stone buildings and our Marauder spirit. With over 377 acres of campus to explore, we’ve sought out the most popular places on campus to ‘gram so that you can get a killer #autumn Insta pic.

1. Cootes Paradise


With a heavy dose of trees, wildlife and water, the wetland located north of campus is filled with many visual opportunities to add to your ‘gram. Sure, it requires a little bit more effort to venture to, but it gives you a chance to show that you’re getting some fresh air without actually needing to go off campus.

2. The Arch


Popular amongst newly accepted students, and soon-to-be grads, the Arch is an iconic piece of the McMaster landscape. It’s perfect for group pictures with friends, fellow club members or whatever MSU service you’re apart of!

3. University Hall


Hogwarts, is that you? University Hall is the building that people immediately associate with the McMaster campus, and it shows: at least every other student has a picture of the tower showcased on their feed. With lush vines entrapping the building, you won’t fail to get an epic shot to memorialize your love for Mac.

4. BSB Field


From picnics to Light Up the Night, to Lake McMaster, BSB field has it all. One of the most underappreciated places on campus, the field is home to willow trees, high wire walking, and occasionally petting zoos. BSB Field always has something entertaining going on, so capture the moment and let your friends at other schools know how cool Mac is.

5. McMaster Museum of Art


If you’re searching for more profound visual themes to add to your feed, look no further than the McMaster Museum of Art. The Museum, which is free, rotates its appealing exhibits semi-frequently so you can revisit to capture new pictures. The art is already amazing, making it easier for you to capture a decent photo. Talk about #InstaArt. 

6. Ronald V. Joyce Stadium / Track Field B


The McMaster fields hold some of the most exciting, and most frequent campus events of the year. Track Field B, the artificial turf, houses countless intramural sports teams, as well as football camps, and sports clubs. Our stadium has been featured on a diversity of accounts, including professors, parents, opposing team members and inebriated students. Featured prominently in pictures from Welcome Week and Homecoming, the Ronald V. Joyce Stadium provides a great place to capture Mac spirit in it's most authentic form: yelling at the top of it's lungs at a football game.


7. L.R. Wilson Hall


The building on campus may be new, but it hasn’t taken long to sneak it’s way into Mac students pictures. The glass exterior and it’s modern design make for an easy-on-the-eyes photo, whether shooting from in the building or out. And since the building features a large amount of windows, it’s a great place for selfie lighting.

8. MDCL Waterfall Room


Check any SRA member or Commerce student’s Instagram account you’ll notice a very common location: the artirum in MDCL. Home to a synthetic waterfall fountain, large windows and many plants, the student dubbed “waterfall room” is the perfect place for your headshots.

9. Somewhere in a res hallway


Maybe you’re planning on showing off what you wore to 1280 the night before, or you just don’t have enough effort to get outside, either way a res hallway is ready and available to be captured. Sure, the corridors aren’t the pretties to look at, but they never fail to remind your audience that you’re a first year who is living up that #ResLyfe

Are these places likely to show up on your friends feed in a couple weeks? Probably. Will they get you a good chunk of likes? Definitely. Let us know your favourite spots to snap a pic on campus!

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