Battle of the cats
Feline Friends
By: Daniella Porano
I’ll admit it – I’m a lifelong dog owner who previously thought cats were selfish and spiteful creatures without the capacity for love. That is, until I found myself adopting an unbelievably cute ball of fur with beautiful gray tabby markings and a tail that rivals any squirrel.
Away from home, I missed my dogs. Being around animals since the second grade made me realize that no home is complete without them. Home is where the fuzzy babies are – or something like that. Unable to take care of a dog because of inconsistent school and work hours, a cat was the next best option. So there I was, peering into a crate and picking out my new kitty best friend.
When I first laid eyes on him, he was being pushed around by a larger kitten in his litter. I knew then that he would be my cat. As I walked out of the adoption centre with him, my heart fluttered with excitement and hands shook with nervousness. I had no experience with cats and I felt vastly unprepared for this three-pound kitten I had just adopted.
My fears were calmed as soon as I brought him home. On the first day, he came and snuggled on my lap while I did homework and fell asleep. Although his lap-snuggling days are long over, he still comes to sit beside me while I work. Sometimes, he just sits directly on my work. The nature of the beast, I suppose.
There’s a lot to love about cats. I respect their selectivity, something I think dogs and humans alike should learn from our feline counterparts. Cats have this impressive way of making themselves regal. Somehow my cat has convinced my family and I that he is a king. He’s now over a year old, and is the sassiest, most hilarious, and most adorable companion I could have imagined. Cats are the funny and smart. They’re independent, but also bossy. My cat loves to be around people, until his naptime requires him to go into my bed alone.
He is the best companion because at the end of a long day, there is absolutely nothing better than coming home to a waiting cat, with their tail in the air and their fuzzy head rubbing into your waiting hand.
Catty Critters
By: Rachel Devitt
There are two categories of people: dog people and cat people. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I am a dog person. My distaste for cats may have begun with my allergy to them. My aunt had a cat when I was a child and I came home with the puffiest, itchiest face my 8-year-old self had ever experienced. From there I knew I had to say away from cats. Also, I am still haunted by the Siamese Cats song from the Lady and the Tramp. Even listening to it as an adult gives me the heebie-jeebies.
I remember one time in grade 7 I tried to befriend a cat and when no one was looking, it climbed up my whole body in an attempt to eat the slice of pizza I had in my hand. Not only did I drop my slice in the process, but I also received a scar on my foot from the evil demon.
My opinion on cats is not exactly welcomed in my peer group. I have a roommate who will pet stray cats on the street because she loves them so much. It boggles my mind that she will risk her health and safety just to approach a strange animal on the side of the road. Sometimes when she shows off pictures of her cats at home I feel bad because my entire being prevents me from cracking even the tiniest smile to reassure her that they’re cute.
It also seems like cats have completely taken over the internet in the past few years. There’s some sort of unwritten rule for twentysomethings that watching cat videos on YouTube is fun and cute and part of the zeitgeist. I can’t scroll through Tumblr without seeing about a dozen pictures of funny cats, cute cats, any kind of cat you can imagine. But cats remind me of 15-year-old teenage girls who are being too sassy to their parents. I swear I can see my dog smiling at me, and the only look I ever picture coming from a cat is an eye roll.
I understand that people really do love their cats and they somehow feel like their cats love them back. My allergies and near death/pizza-grabbing experience with a cat might have ruined my possible deep love for felines, but in this life,