Born to Bleed Maroon

September 6, 2012
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Rob Hardy

School is once again upon us even though we’d all probably enjoy another couple of weeks before we get back to the grind.

When I came to campus last week, it was all so familiar. Many of us were away for part or most of the summer, while MAC had been preparing and continuously changing. The grounds were well taken care of (despite the massive drought which much of our continent had been experiencing). The sun was shining and the sky looked blue and clear as I walked down the path in front of BSB.

I thought to take out my camera and take a picture if only to capture the moment, but as so often happens it fell short of experiencing the moment here and now. So instead, I thought to take it – the beauty, the weather, the unquestionable spirit – all in fully and enjoy just being completely in the present.

Everywhere I went everything was gearing up for the year ahead, while seeming serene due to most of the students still being away. Fridays are always the much quieter day on campus and due to the heat, I’m sure some must have went off to the beaches.

As critical as I can be, it never ceases to amaze me how ideal the university experience is. In a way, as I looked out on at the August picturesque scenery, it felt as though the promise university represents must still exist in a much palpable and recognizable form. If this were not the case, the positive energy that pervades a stroll across campus would simply not be there.

Every organization likes to toot their horn and I am not one to jump on the bandwagon, but I am incredibly proud of being a part of McMaster. School is what you make it, and ours is brimming with resources. Staff, students and faculty are so incredibly generous with their time and help, making this university something of which to be proud. That we have been recognized globally owes much to the fact that so many of us are willing to engage ourselves and get involved.

It’s these little things that add up and show us that from here, we all truly can create a better society - probably never the ideal, but at least better, and often that’s a lofty enough yet measurable and attainable goal. Much luck and success to you all this year.

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