Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory

January 17, 2013
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

In an age obsessed with electronic and synth-oriented music, Cloud Nothings have taken a decidedly different approach. Attack on Memory is a dark record that questions our cultural ideals, creating an almost dystopic sentiment that forces the listener to confront the darkness of our world. Cloud Nothings frontman Dylan Baldi accurately describes the record as a bunch of “depressing songs.”

Attack on Memory represents a sharp contrast from the band’s previous pop sound, and the title of the album is meant to reflect this, as Baldi claims the record is an attack on people’s memory of Cloud Nothings.

With this record, Cloud Nothings has developed Nirvana’s grunge sound and added elements of Japandroids’ fast-paced melodies. This infectious combination forces listeners to embrace their youth, but also accept their lack of societal power. “Stay Useless” and “No Future/No Past” are among the record’s most powerful anthems, driving fans to pump their fists in agreement with Baldi’s words. “Fall In,” on the other hand, upsets the album’s angst by supplying an upbeat and catchy tune. This variety leaves the audience depressed with society’s bleak outlook but also hopeful for a better future.

Attack on Memory has cemented Cloud Nothings as an irrepressible force.


Tina Cody

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