Fire safety

January 28, 2016
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

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By: Rafik El Werfalli

Mostacci suggests that any general message for students is to, “Be responsible and never disable the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.” According to new legislation that came into effect in 2013, Bill 77, the Hawkins-Gignac Act, it is mandatory that all homes with fuel burning appliances be equipped with carbon monoxide alarms.

Mostacci mentioned that some of the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning are difficult to recognize. Some of these symptoms include feeling lethargic, confused and having flu like symptoms. “It is really important to recognize the symptoms of carbon monoxide” he said. If the carbon monoxide alarm is going off and you are experiencing these symptoms, Mostacci advised students to keep the windows shut, leave the house and to call 911.

Never go back into the house in search for items. “Items can be replaced. Lives cannot,” Mostacci said.



Have a working smoke alarm, and carbon monoxide monitor in your home at all times.

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Keep a fire extinguisher in a convenient location in the house.

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Never leave anything on the stove unattended. If a fire ignites in the pot use a lid to cover it and never carry it outside.

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Do not place extension cables near/under flammable material such as carpets.

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Develop a plan with housemates for an escape route if a fire breaks out.

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