Giving with glamour

October 3, 2014
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Internationally and locally, non-profit organizations are looking for assistance, but often it is difficult to cut through the clutter of the many fundraising projects fighting for attention.

Audrey Tan, a third-year student in the Health, Aging, and Society program decided to take a unique approach to fundraising for two organizations, by starting her own used jewelry sale called All that Glitters.

“I got the idea because my friend in Ottawa held a similar [project] last year called All that Glam, which was in support of a children’s breakfast program up north. She raised $9,000 in one morning,” said Tan. “I thought, wouldn’t this be a great opportunity for us to replicate something like this in Hamilton.”

In partnership with the McMaster Campus Ministries Council and McMaster University’s Anti-Violence Network, All that Glitters will collect jewelry, scarves, and hand bags in support of two organizations, one international and one local.

Internationally, All that Glitters supports Atzin, a non-profit humanitarian group founded by Dr. Susan Smith, who was formerly involved in McMaster’s nursing department.  Atzin supports people in rural Mexico and aims to help citizens obtain better life opportunities.

In particular, the scholarship program that provides financial support to young girls who would otherwise be unable to attend middle school is in need of assistance.

“They’ve lost their major sponsor,” said Tan. “This program is in a very precarious position right now, which makes the fundraiser all the more important.”

Locally, proceeds from the sale will support the Native Women’s Shelter in Hamilton.

“November is also Women’s Abuse Awareness and Prevention month, so we want to use this fundraiser not only to raise funds for these two great organizations but raise awareness about the issue of women abuse in Canada,” said Tan.

Donations will be collected until Nov. 11 at various locations across McMaster’s campus and downtown Hamilton. On Nov. 22, the items will be sold at Freeway Coffee House, with all proceeds donated to the two organizations.

“It’s been really positive so far,” said Tan. “We’ve got some momentum going and hopefully it just keeps on going through until November.”

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