Jonathon Tonietto overview

January 21, 2016
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jonathon Tonietto

Materials Science and Engineering with Society and Co-op, Level VI

From his ever-present “This is a good sign” sign to campaign strategy, Jonathon Tonietto has taken a different approach to the MSU Presidential race.

Tonietto’s campaign is focused on sustainability. Each of his five platform points highlights an area where McMaster could improve its sustainability efforts. Having talked to five of the six previous MSU presidents on their successes and failures, Tonietto was struck by how many discussed Frost Week. “It’s a big task to try to appease an entire university with something that will entice. I think that mine does because I would be bringing hockey to McMaster as well as the idea that the students build the Winter Fair,” he said.


Despite his research into the MSU’s history, Tonietto has no previous experience within the students union, something he cited as an advantage due to his extensive time spent as an objective third-party. He also has not critically evaluated the platforms of the other four candidates. “I’m running my campaign. I need to concentrate on what I want to do, what I can implement,” he explained.

Even if not elected, Tonietto hopes the MSU will improve its political continuity, something he vows to do if he wins the election. “I would go during these next three months and learn what they’ve done on each and every point so that I’m at their level and can take a fresh set of eyes and can not have animosity between anyone because I’ve not been a part of the MSU [government] ever,” he said. Tonietto cited his accomplishments at the numerous short-term co-op placements he has had. “In those four months, I’ve had to learn the entire business structure of the place […] I’ll be up to snuff with the MSU within my first month, maybe two because it’s a bigger organization and I have to be the CEO instead of just an intern.” If elected, he would shadow the current Board of Directors until the end of their term, and gave the example of accompanying VP (Finance) Daniel D’Angela on his space audits.

Despite his research into the MSU’s history, Tonietto has no previous experience within the students union, something he cited as an advantage due to his extensive time spent as an objective third-party.

Many of Tonietto’s platform points, while smaller, are seemingly feasible. He wants to launch a discount program throughout Hamilton and Dundas, and hopes to implement a “living wall” covered with plants. However, as the information on his website is sparse, it is difficult to critically assess the details of his campaign. An expanded version of his platform is due for release later in the week, but it remains to be seen whether or not his “slow burn” technique will work for a campaign period this short.


Despite the differences in his campaign strategy, Tonietto is as adamant about winning the election as any of the other four candidates. He is eager to implement his holistic approach to improving the MSU. When asked about which part of his platform he is most excited to put into action, he said: “I will let you know [...] when I see checkmarks beside every one of them.”



In his words…

Most ambitious platform point

“Frost Week expansion”

Candidate platform you are critical of

“Anyone who focuses on lack of space on campus.”

For or against VP Referendum


Opponent you would vote for

“Justin Monaco-Barnes”


Photo Credits: Jon White/Photo Editor, Michael Gallagher/Production Editor

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