Jovan Popovic wins MSU 2024 presidential race

Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

After a twelve-day campaign period, Jovan Popovic was elected president of the MSU for the 2024-2025 academic year

On Jan. 25, Jovan Popovic was announced the president of the McMaster Students Union for the 2024-2025 academic year.  

Popovic was elected with a total of 3620 votes. The minimum number of votes required to elect a president is 2149.

Approximately 16.4 per cent of the undergraduate student body voted in the election, or 4469 students out of a total 27, 690.

It should be noted that Popovic was ranked amongst two other candidates, Luca Bernardini and Muhammad Ammad Ahsan. Jialiang (Kevin) Hu was disqualified from the presidential race due to receiving 7 standard violations and 3 severe fines as per MSU Elections.

"Please note, due to severe election rules violations, Jialiang (Kevin) Hu was disqualified. The Elections Committee has determined that the candidate has received 7 standard violations and 3 severe fines, accumulating a fines amount that exceeds half of the spending limit, leading to an automatic disqualification (Rule 7.12)," written on the MSU Elections Department website.

Hu may appeal his fines and disqualification to be heard by the Elections Committee. He may further appeal to the Electoral Appeal Board which consists of the MSU Speaker, the Secretary of the University Senate and a McMaster community member who does not sit on the Student Representative Assembly.

Popovic's campaign prioritized alleviating food and housing insecurity, improve student events and transit, as well as advocate for changes to McMaster's policies on the use of generative artificial intelligence. More about Popovic's platform can be read here, as well as the Silhouette's critique on the president-elect.

This marks the first time since the 1980s that an MSU president has won re-election.

For more information, visit the MSU elections website.


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