Let’s talk about SHEC, baby

October 27, 2011
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Maryann Ashley

SHEC Media


How many of you knew that McMaster has its very own radio station?

How many of you knew that it’s located in the basement of the Student Centre?

How many of you knew that SHEC has an amazing radio show every single week?

Every Thursday at 5:30 on 93.3 CFMU, The SHEC Show explores all areas of health education with a special emphasis on sex and sexual topics.

The Student Health Education Centre is an MSU service found on the second floor of the Student Centre (Room 202) and we are probably most famous for giving out free condoms and hosting Sex 101.

But we also offer confidential peer support, resources on healthy eating and exercise, free pregnancy tests and so much more! So we wanted to make sure that Mac students were able to easily access health education, and what better way than through the radio?

Last year was the first time that SHEC decided to run a weekly show, and it was a huge success.

It covers a diverse array of topics, ranging from World War II love letters to donating blood to sex positions and fetishes.

The SHEC Show is back for its second season.

Every show starts off with a quick little blurb about SHEC and the current events going on (Sex 101 just happened and we just had another Blood Donation Clinic on the 25th).

There are always three people on the air at one time, and once the introductions are out of the way we get into talking about the really fun stuff.

This year the radio committee has been made smaller and everyone is very excited about the direction of the show. Think, bigger and better.

Showy and scandalous. Educational and entertaining.

You get the idea (and the alliteration).

Also, this year we have more male representation on the show, which adds a whole new dynamic to the group.

Everyone on the committee is very dedicated to making The SHEC Show become “the show” here at Mac.

We want you all running home after class to gather round the laptop with your housemates to listen to the show.

We want you to download the podcasts so you can listen to your favourite episode over and over again.

We want you talking on Friday about all the things you learned on Thursday night. We want you to love The SHEC Show.

The best way of making you fall in love with the show is by talking about the things that you want to hear.

So far this year we have covered stress management, going home for the first time since university and breaking up (a two-part series).

This week’s show (Thursday, Oct. 27 at 5:30 p.m.) we are going to be talking about “The Party”. We are getting you ready for Halloween and all things party by talking about the typical big-bash experience.

But once November comes around, you are not going to want to miss a single week of The SHEC Show.

We have an amazing lineup of shows including, “The Everything to do with Sex Show”, “Anal Sex,” “The Orgasm” and “The Dominatrix.”

That’s right! On Nov. 24 we are having a Dominatrix as a guest on the radio show.

She’s going to be here at McMaster talking about her life and her work and she has some of the most amazing and shocking stories to share.

Here’s how to check out The SHEC Show: If you have a radio, tune in to 93.3 CFMU every Thursday at 5:30.

If you have a computer, visit the CFMU website, and if you miss the show you can listen to it by clicking on “Programming”, then “The SHEC Show” and listen to the podcast. So check us out!

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