Love don't (have to) cost a thing

February 12, 2015
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

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By: Kayla MacIntosh

It’s that time of year again; Cupid’s Day, Singles Awareness Day, Celebration of Consumerism and Candy Day, Valentines Day. Whatever you call Feb. 14, to me it is simply the annual reminder of how broke of a student I am. The one time of year people are expected to shower their significant other with chocolates, dinner, and romance, I am reminded of how expensive romance can be. Whether you are going on a first date or are in a long-term relationship, I have a few ideas that can help you cheat the system, because love don’t cost a thing.

Explore Hamilton

Many “picture perfect” nature scenes surround Hamilton. One of Hamilton’s biggest events coinciding with this year’s Valentines Day is Winterfest. Taking place in neighborhoods across the city, Hamilton is the perfect city to enjoy this Valentines season from Feb. 7 to 16. Free events include the festival of lights, curling lessons, horse and wagon rides, old fashion log sawing, tandem skiing, a winter soup tasting festival and many other outdoor winter activities. Last but not least for a low price of $25 per couple, you and your significant other can enjoy Hamilton Winterfest’s annual Valentine’s Day dance, including food and a long filled night of dancing.

Another great winter classic to take advantage of this Valentine’s Day is Hamilton Waterfront’s outdoor skating rink. For a mere $6.00 per skate rental, go to Pier 8 for a fun, yet cheap outdoor date.

If you’re looking for outdoor romance this year, you should try one of the walking trails alongside one of Hamilton’s many waterfalls this Valentines Day. Brave the snow and take a romantic moonlit walk, maybe even bring along some hot chocolate for a special touch. Websters, Tiffany and Albion Falls, just to name a few, are only a small number of Hamilton’s most beautiful waterfalls. If you are willing to bare the cold, hike on down to one of many waterfalls for a gorgeous view this upcoming Valentines Day.

Wining and dining

Reservations, expensive set menu prices and long lines; if none of these sounds like your ideal Valentines Day evening then dine in this year. Ladies and gents, for a cheaper and more thoughtful meal make your significant other a home cooked meal. Figure out your significant other’s favorite meal, print a recipe and the rest is easy. Set the dinner table, light some candles, and play soft music in the background. You are guaranteed a cheaper and more appreciated dinner date.

Don’t feel like cooking an entire meal? Just do dessert. You can make cookies and cut them into hearts and other fun shapes. If cookies are too easy for you, get into the romantic spirit and make homemade chocolate-covered strawberries.

If you’re still hungry after your delicious homemade meal, you can kick it old school with some movie theatre popcorn and a Hollywood classic rom-com. If you’re a go-getter you could even pop your own popcorn, binge at Bulk Barn, buy a litre of wine and spend a much-underrated and inexpensive night in with your love.

Get creative by bringing the table setting to the floor. Creating an indoor picnic is easy; all you need is as a picnic tablecloth, paper plates, napkins, finger foods and a glass of lemonade. Maybe play a game of cards or a good board game while you enjoy the coziness of your own living room instead of the long restaurant lines.

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