McMaster anti-discrimination tribunal continues to investigate complaints

Anqi Shen
March 14, 2013
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

A McMaster tribunal that hears complaints filed under the University’s anti-discrimination policy has issued an update on complaints filed prior to last year.

According to the statement, complaints were submitted by individuals affiliated with the DeGroote School of Business. The tribunal is still determining whether there has been any breach of University policy.

"No member is permitted to discuss any of the proceedings as it is a closed hearing and there is a confidentiality order in place," said Maureen MacDonald, chair of the tribunal, who asked that no further questions be directed to her or any other member of the committee.

The tribunal has received inquiries about the hearing from other members of the University. On Wednesday, the tribunal reiterated a confidentiality order dated June 30, 2011 that “pertains to all aspects of the complaints and apply to all parties including the University.”

The statement was handed out at Wednesday's University Senate meeting and subsequently posted on the McMaster Daily News.

McMaster spokesperson Gord Arbeau said he could not provide any further comment on the situation.

The tribunal has expressed that a summary of its decision will be made public when the proceedings are over.

[Updated Fri. Mar. 15 to include a quote from the tribunal chair]

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