McMaster Innovation Park ditches mask mandate

Max Adams
March 21, 2022
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

Photo C/O McMaster Innovation Park

"Although we are owned by the university, we operate as a separate, for-profit business."

On March 21, 2022, McMaster Innovation Park is removing its mandatory masking and vaccine requirement in line with provincial guidance.

“MIP welcomes your decision to wear or not wear a mask when accessing our facilities. We are also encouraging everyone to be mindful and respectful of personal decisions on this matter when using our common areas,” stated an email release by MIP officials.

MIP’s new rules differ from McMaster University’s announcement that masking will continue.

According to an email statement from McMaster University’s Media Relations Manager Wade Hemsworth, “McMaster will maintain its longstanding mask requirement at all indoor sites until at least the end of the winter semester, including exams.”

Some might wonder how it’s possible for McMaster University to maintain its mandate, while MIP removes theirs.

“Although we are owned by the university, we operate as a separate, for-profit business,” reads a statement on MIP’s website.  

This means that MIP is not subject to the same rules imposed by the university.

Accordingly, any students planning to attend MIP may choose whether to wear a mask.

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