MPP Sarah Jama removed from NDP caucus

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Hamilton Centre MPP Sarah Jama was removed from caucus following public statements in support of Palestine and now serves her riding as an Independent

On Oct. 23, the Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles released a statement informing the public that Hamilton Centre MPP Sarah Jama had been removed from the caucus. Jama was first elected to caucus in Mar. 2023.  

This action was taken following controversial public statements made by Jama in support of Palestinian liberation two days after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.  

Jama received immediate backlash following her initial statements on X, formerly Twitter, from both the community and her fellow Canadian politicians.  

In response to Jama’s initial statements on X, Premier Doug Ford accused her of antisemitism and he called for her resignation from the caucus.  

Stiles’ Oct. 23 statement detailed that following Jama’s initial posts and the subsequent backlash, her and Jama were able to reach an agreement to keep her in the caucus. However, Stiles stated that due to multiple “unilateral actions” that have contributed to "an unsafe work environment", the decision to remove Jama from the caucus was finalized.  

Despite this decision to remove Jama, Stiles’ statement noted that the NDP would be voting against the Conservative motion to censure Jama. This motion prevents the Speaker of the House from recognizing Jama until a verbal apology is made and deletion of her original social media post.   

Several public figures have spoken out in Jama’s defense, including CUPE Local 3906 President Fred Hahn and Ward 2 city councillor Cameron Kroetsch.  

Kroetsch released a formal statement on Instagram, calling Jama’s removal “an extreme move, absolutely uncalled for and a terrible attempt by Premier Ford to distract from the shame and scandal his party has perpetuated while in government”.  

Many continue to speak out both in support of and against Jama’s removal from caucus.

This is an ongoing story.  


  • Bela Davidson

    Bela is in her fourth year of Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences. This is her second year on the news team and she is so excited to engage with the Hamilton community. When she's not writing, Bela can be found drinking coffee or watching YouTube video essays.

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