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March 14, 2013
Israel: a misleading narrative

Edward Lovo / The Silhouette Racist discourse becomes so entrenched in everyday language that speakers will defend it as something different from racism. History is rife with examples: phrenology, eugenics and racial jokes. “It ain’t racist, it’s fact!” or “It’s funny!” It proves to be extremely difficult to show the racism latent in these discourses. An […]

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March 10, 2013
Watch the video stream from the March 10 SRA meeting

On the agenda, major items up for discussion were endorsing a Hamilton bike share program, anti-oppression training for MSU staff and SRA members, an MSU transit policy, changes to the student health plan and the final report from the democratic reform committee. Related: SRA to consider endorsing Hamilton bike share Editorial: Need for SRA reform […]

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March 7, 2013
SRA to consider endorsing Hamilton bike share

A new bike share program seeks to make cycling around Hamilton and McMaster a more accessible option for commuters. On Feb. 25, Peter Topalovic, with the City’s transportation demand management department, presented an implementation plan for a public bike share program to Hamilton City Council. The plan proposes that 350 bikes be stationed at 30 […]

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March 7, 2013
Editorial: Need for SRA reform persists

General elections for the Student Representative Assembly began this week. If you’re too burnt out on the MSU’s presidential elections to pay much attention to the SRA generals, you’re not alone. Last year, about one in eight eligible voters cast a ballot, compared to the one in three that voted for MSU president. That’s a […]

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March 6, 2013
SRA general election campaigns begin

Campaigns to be on next year's Student Representative Assembly of the McMaster Students Union began Wednesday morning. Out of nine academic divisions, six will have elections, with candidates for Business, Kinesiology and Nursing winning seats by acclamation. In the contested divisions, 49 candidates will compete for a total of 25 seats. Business and Kinesiology still have […]

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February 26, 2013
Live stream from Sunday's SRA meeting

The Silhouette live streamed the Feb. 24 meeting of the Student Representative Assembly. Watch the stream below. You can watch the next meeting live from the same feed on March 10.

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November 29, 2012
Israel has a right to defend itself

By Rachel Charney Last week’s issue of the Silhouette featured an article entitled “Call for Peace” that provided a one-sided account of the current conflict in the Middle East under the guise of ‘news’. This conflict is extraordinarily complicated, but this is no excuse for completely ignoring that there are two sides to every story. […]

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October 25, 2012
Editorial: SRA getting it right with women and trans centre

It was almost a year ago that the MSU’s Student Representative Assembly passed a motion to “stand in support” of Quebec students, who were fighting tuition increases proposed by the province’s then Liberal government. The block of SRA members who brought it forward shook their fists, got a majority of the 35 people in the […]

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October 18, 2012
SRA to explore potential women's centre

The Student Representative Assembly created an Ad-Hoc Committee to investigate the establishment of a Women and Trans Centre at their Oct. 14 meeting. While the motion to create the committee did not actually mandate the creation of a Women and Trans Centre, it is part of the ongoing discussions to better service women and trans […]

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February 9, 2012
Members walk out following SRA vote to turn down End the Ban

Sam Colbert Managing Editor   After sending it to a committee for further review at a meeting almost a month prior, the Student Representative Assembly (SRA)  ultimately decided on Feb. 5 that the McMaster Students Union (MSU) would not support the End the Ban campaign. The campaign, which would be adopted from the Canadian Federation […]

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