SRA votes to freeze MSU fee

Tyler Welch
March 6, 2014
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

The fee that undergraduate students pay to the MSU each year will not be going up next year.

The Student Representative Assembly voted, almost unanimously, to freeze the fee at its current level of $122.61 per student after MSU Vice-President (Finance) Jeffrey Doucet presented the freeze to the Assembly.

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Doucet felt that the current amount of money the MSU collects from each student is enough. The SRA agreed.

“I felt it would be inappropriate to ask students for more money than we need,” he said.

He continued, “Essentially, I made the recommendation to the assembly and they voted to pass it.”

The MSU has a substantial cash reserve which, of course, calls into question the student fees charged to every undergraduate. Despite the excess, Doucet said the freeze was still a better option than a cut.

“The freeze allows is to maintain current levels of services. If we were to look into cutting the fee, we would have to determine which services we felt were no longer providing adequate value to McMaster undergrads,” he said.


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