Students food security resources strained by increased insecurity

Noah Bradley
November 30, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Food banks and other food security services, including student-focused ones are struggling to support their users, as food insecurity reaches highest levels amongst both households and students 

Food insecurity, that is, lacking the financial means to purchase enough food for an adequate dietary intake, is a growing problem in Hamilton and across Canada.

According to a recent report from Food Banks Canada, more Canadians are accessing food banks in the last few decades than ever before. Hamilton Food Share’s 2022 Hunger Report shared that 46 percent of Hamiltonians who access food banks felt that they would be at risk of losing their homes without the help of food banks.

University students are not excluded among those facing food insecurity. A 2021 survey of university students from 13 institutions across Canada reported that 56.8 per cent of respondents faced food insecurity. 

Many organizations both on and off the McMaster University campus, such as food banks and community fridges, have aimed to target growing food insecurity rates and provide resources. At the McMaster Community Fridge, a fridge, freezer and pantry complex located behind Mills Library, students can both leave and take food items according to their needs and abilities.

“The community fridge is focused on the ideas of mutual aid and community care, that we can share both the burdens we face and the resources that we have,” said Dalen Koncz, the liaison for the community fridge.

The community fridge is focused on the ideas of mutual aid and community care, that we can share both the burdens we face and the resources that we have.”

Dalen Koncz, liaison, Community Fridge

Food banks and services such as the community fridge are facing increased stress to ensure that users have access to resources.

“We supplement our food donations with weekly purchases of fresh produce from our monetary donations and even then it’s all gone within a few hours,” said Koncz.

We supplement our food donations with weekly purchases of fresh produce from our monetary donations and even then it’s all gone within a few hours.

Dalen Koncz, liaison, Community Fridge

McMaster's Food Collective Centre, which serves as McMaster's on-campus food bank, is also experiencing strain from rising food insecurity. Zoe Yalung, the assistant director of McMaster FCC, commented on their recent struggle.

"We did an inventory run recently, we filled up all the shelves and the next day there was one of every item left," said Yalung.

Jack Chen, one of the community fridge’s health promoters, stated that there is no shortage of food in Hamilton, Canada, or the world and that a large portion of purchased food is thrown out. According to the UN, 17 percent of food produced globally each year ends up being wasted

Also recognizing how much food is wasted each year, Koncz encouraged students to leave untouched food items that they know will go bad before they are consumed in the community fridge for other students to take and use.  

Chen emphasized that food insecurity is not a problem of being able to grow and produce enough food, but rather with individuals and households not having the financial resources to purchase enough food.

"We're tackling an income issue. We're not tackling a lack of food issue," said Chen.

A major driver behind food insecurity is inflation. The rate at which the dollar decreases in value does not correspond to the rate of increase in wages, resulting in many members of the workforce struggling to keep up with the market. According to the recent report from Food Banks Canada, 17 percent of people accessing food banks are employed

The current housing crisis is a major contributor in particular. As housing prices continue to increase along with rent, many individuals struggle to allocate finances to putting food on the table.

Koncz also encouraged students to spread awareness to their peers about the high numbers of students facing food insecurity and the support networks available to them.

In the face of this rising problem, students facing food insecurity can access the FCC foodbank, located in the basement of Bridges Cafe in the Refectory Building. Anonymous orders can also be made with the FCC through their Lockers of Love program, by which students can fill out a form via their website and pick up requested food items from a locker on campus.


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