Study stimulants

February 28, 2013
This article was published more than 2 years ago.
Est. Reading Time: 1 minute

Ronald Leung / Silhouette Staff


  Caffeine Adderall (and other psycho-stimulants) Energy Drinks Sleep
Availability Found in most tea bags, coffee products (not decaf, obviously), and your local coffee shop. Legally only distributed as a prescribed medication. Not meant to be used as a studying stimulant. Readily purchasable at supermarkets and convenience stores. No money required for purchase. Only investment needed is a time commitment.
Effectiveness Depends widely on each individual. Some live by caffeine, some feel it does nothing to boost energy. Caffeine tolerance can also build, requiring increasingly large portions.  Has varying effects, but most users describe having the ability to zero-in on a task with stringent focus for hours on end. Energy drinks are simply heavily-caffeinated drinks, so they would have the amplified effects of a cup of coffee. Requires multiple sessions of adequate sleep, but the effects pay off by allowing for more energy-filled and focused study sessions
Side-Effects Twitching/uncontrolled muscle movements, sleep problems, loss of appetite. Headaches, inability to fall asleep, dry mouth, restlessness. More serious side effects include difficulty breathing, migraines, seizures, depression. Dizziness, insomnia, irregular heart rate, agitation, breathing problems, tremors. (In healthy amounts) better memory, mood, and immune system. Balanced appetite, more logical thinking process.
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