Terry Fox run returns to campus 

Abonti Nur Ahmed
September 14, 2023
Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

McMaster’s Terry Fox Club is hosting their first run since the start of the pandemic on Sept. 21 at McMaster Track Field 

McMaster University has been hosting a Terry Fox run since the tradition began in 1984. In 2020 and 2021, the event had to be conducted virtually  due to COVID-19, but this year, on Sep. 21 at 10:30 a.m., the Terry Fox Club is bringing the tradition back to campus. 

The Terry Fox Club at McMaster raises money for the Terry Fox Foundation, who donates the funds for cancer research. The club also hosts several fundraisers throughout the year, though their most notable is still the annual Terry Fox Run.  

Despite limitations during the peak of the pandemic, the Terry Fox Club continued to host events over the past two years year. The club hosted one event last year where they sold T-shirts and bracelets and raised $700. With their in person events this year, they hope they can surpass that record. 

The Terry Fox Run will take place on the McMaster Track Field and will begin with speeches, followed by the self-paced run.  Towards the end of the event, there will also be closing speeches. 

Kristine Braun, vice president of the Terry Fox Club, along with the rest of the team are very excited to be bringing the run back to McMaster for the first time since the start of the pandemic.  

“I'd say a lot of people are coming to campus right now for the first time. And I think one thing that they can bring from high school is Terry Fox, in a sense, because he's always around, like through our childhood, through high school. And this is one way that we can get out there and then also support a good cause like cancer research,” said Braun. 

"I think one thing that they can bring from high school is Terry Fox, in a sense, because he's always around, like through our childhood, through high school."

Kristine Braun, vice president, Terry Fox Club

The Terry Fox Club hopes that students participating in their event also have the opportunite to meet other students 

Braun explained the club will also be hosting a fundraising competition for students living on residence. Each residence is encouraged to raise between $500-$1000 and the residence that can raise the most will receive a prize. 

“That's a way that the residences can also connect during September since they're all meeting each other for the first time. It all adds a little bit of fun to the whole event,” said Braun. 

For more information visit the Terry Fox Club via their Instagram @TerryFoxMcMaster

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